“Hey, ha…”

The security group, a large group of people shirtless, practiced boxing in the courtyard, and the practice was Huo Family Boxing.

Huo Tianci personally taught these people.

He can’t do marksmanship, but when it comes to punching, he’s one of the best.

The reason why Huo Jiaquan was taught was to hone the combat effectiveness of the whole group and improve their physique.

This is very strong in the Dao, but in terms of martial arts, it is also accomplished.

For example, Huo Tianci’s cousin Huo Yuanjia, a master of national arts, it is not a problem to fight several times, and the physique honed is very strong.

Therefore, Huo Tianci took out the current infantry copy to cultivate the military quality of the security regiment, and the Huo family boxing method cultivated the physical quality of the security regiment.

In the past year, all members of the security regiment have become martial arts masters.

Although he did not have a genius like Huo Tianci, he was able to defeat ordinary soldiers with his bare hands without weapons.

The security regiment trained by Huo Tianci can be said to be a very strong security regiment, with very strong combat effectiveness, and it is not a problem to march tens of kilometers in a hurry.

If you can’t beat the enemy, you can also make sure to run too low.

Wait, why do you want to outrun the enemy, Huo Tianci seriously reflects on himself, his mistakes, should set a small goal and defeat all enemies.

“Report to the regiment commander, at present, all regiments are undergoing special training, and the daily boxing training has not stopped.”

The chief of staff of the security regiment heard that Huo Tianci was coming, and hurriedly ran over.

He had long been accustomed to it, and basically Huo Tianci would come to inspect every day, unless it was a heavy rainstorm or a heavy snowstorm.

“Very good, the training must continue, and, in half a month, it will be the New Year, this year’s New Year, each person will be given half a pig, three pieces, ten pounds of rice, two quilts.”

Huo Tianci is quite generous, put it now… Not to mention this era, even in modern times, it is a good New Year gift.

When did those hateful capitalists ever give such a good gift, just two quilts are worth a lot of money.

It is estimated that at most, firewood, rice, oil and salt, three oceans, equivalent to a month’s salary in this era, and a little more.

“Thank you, Commander.”

“Thank you, Commander.”

The surrounding security team members cheered happily when they heard the gifts sent by Huo Tianci, and they were very moved in their hearts.

They used to be ordinary long-term workers, sharecroppers, not to mention gifts, it would be nice to be full.

Half a pig, enough to eat for a long time, not to mention three oceans, two quilts, at least in winter will not freeze to death.

This year, there are many people who are frozen to death in winter, and with two quilts, they will never freeze to death.

Ten pounds of rice can be eaten for at least ten days and a half month.

“Don’t thank me, you follow me, I won’t treat you badly.”

Huo Tianci is very generous, not just a little money, it is nothing at all, but he has a whole warehouse, and he can replenish it at any time when he uses it.

The Security Corps is the foundation on which he stands.

He is not like those great families in the last years of the dynasty, the country is dying, they will be wiped out, but they will oppress the peasants.

If you want the horse to do a good job, you must at least eat enough, not enough to eat, and how to help him work.

In the office, Huo Tianci sat at the desk, Ying Yu was next to help Huo Tianci massage, and the chief of staff stood in front to report.

“Regiment commander, at present, our security regiment has a total of more than 2,000 people, in addition, the surrounding mountains have arranged more than a dozen bandits, each bandit cottage a battalion, a total of about 15,000 people.”

Huo Tianci nodded in satisfaction.

Fifteen thousand people, equivalent to a division, the key is also a large number of artillery, light and heavy machine guns, and even cavalry.

It can be said that the marshal of the provincial capital, in terms of firepower, is definitely not Huo Tianci’s opponent, the soldier’s combat effectiveness, loyalty, and is not Huo Tianci’s teammate.

Even within the whole country, all the soldiers under the warlord were not as loyal as Huo Tianci’s soldiers.

“At present, there are enough soldiers in our area, and some more people will be arranged to disperse to other towns and counties, pretending to be bandits, but they must not do anything out of character.”

Huo Tianci was calculating in his heart and decided to continue to expand his military strength.

Since they have all come to this era, they must make some achievements, and when they control a province, he will form a naval fleet.

Anyway, there are warships in the warehouse, work hard, directly create a fleet, get a most powerful fleet in Asia.

Then beat Sakura violently, and by the way, solve all those ghost guys, and create a beautiful era.

Huo Tianci snickered.

As for working for others, don’t joke, in case someone else comes to a big purge, he will bear the brunt of it.

Don’t think that the people in this world are very good, even if it is me, I don’t like to purge my teammates.

“Understand, I’ll arrange it.”

The Chief of Staff is full of unlimited expectations for the future.

He personally watched Huo Tianci’s military team gradually become stronger, so he admired Huo Tianci.

Coupled with Huo Tianci saving their family, he was loyal to Huo Tianci from the bottom of his heart.

Not to mention that his family, including him, received a loyal education during the decadent Qing dynasty, such as loyalty and patriotism.

Therefore, Huo Tianci trusted the chief of staff very much.

So secretly also secretly spy on the chief of staff, but this is not against the chief of staff alone, his intelligence organization is spread throughout the province.

“You go to rest first, I’ll sit here for a while, and have a meal with everyone at noon.”

Huo Tianci sent the chief of staff away, and he did not leave the security group in a hurry.

He eats the same food as the security group every day at noon, in order to work with the security group.

Although in fact, the security group eats very well, there is meat every day, and eggs and milk in the morning, it is still meaningful.

“Young Master, Shu is uncomfortable?”

Ying Wei helped squeeze her shoulders in the back, her little head rested on Huo Tianci’s shoulder, and a strand of hair leaned on Huo Tianci’s shoulder.

“Comfortable, Yingyi, it’s really good to have you as a maid, I like a maid like you.”

Huo Tianci leaned back on the chair, raised his head, and looked at the little face above him.

The little face is powdery, very cute.

In the past, the nutrition of the blossom was not good, but this year, Huo Tian gave the yangyi a good supplement, and the supplement was particularly good.

Good figure, good face.

As soon as Huo Tianci wanted to say something, a blue panel suddenly appeared in front of him, which immediately frightened Huo Tianci.

A blue panel suddenly appears, which looks a lot like a protagonist panel in a novel, such as the properties panel.

It also has Huo Tianci’s name on it.

This is…… Goldfinger?

Huo Tianci’s heart suddenly became excited, originally thought that there was a portable warehouse, it was already very remarkable, and now there was a second golden finger.

One helps him with his career, the other helps him with personal strength.

(On the first day of the new book, 1,000 flowers plus one more.) )

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