Chinese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the year is also the most important day for the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

After tonight, the Dragon Kingdom will enter a brand new year and live a new life.

This year, Huo Tianci’s ruling area lived and worked in relative peace and contentment, and even the crime rate was greatly reduced.

The entire ruling region was grateful to Huo Tianci.

This is all the result of Huo Tianci’s spending money.


In Renjia Town, there was the sound of firecrackers everywhere.

Opposite Huo Mansion, Huo Tianci packed a shop and opened a medical hall to treat and save people here.

Huo Tianci spent a lot of materials and distributed them to all the elderly, winning the love of many people.

When the material life was satisfied, Huo Tianci Huo Tianci also opened a medical hall to help ordinary people treat and save people, and provided medicinal materials for free.

Don’t get me wrong, the reason why he helps people treat diseases for free and provides medicinal herbs is to brush up on his medical skills.

To improve the proficiency of boxing, you need to practice boxing continuously, and if you want to improve your medical skills, you can only cure diseases and save people.

Anyway, Huo Tianci found through the familiarization panel that when he treated and saved people, his proficiency was relatively high, so he was here to treat and save people.

First raise the level of medical skills, and then boil soup medicine, refine some body strengthening soup, and help people cultivate.

“Uncle, you are usually too tired from work and need to rest well, I’ll get you some soup medicine.”

Huo Tianci picked up the brush, prescribed the prescription, and handed it to the old man.

He treated many old men, all of them were overworked, and people were really too bitter in this year.

Even if he gave grain and meat to the elderly, most of them were reluctant to eat and left for his grandsons to eat.

The old man is still as bitter as before.

Every time, Huo Tianci secretly decided in his heart that he must rule this country, establish a large territory, and let countless people live a happy life.

By the way, improve your strength, make your strength stronger, and reach an unprecedented realm.

Then he did the first thing, that is, to hang Ninth Uncle, and his two apprentices, by the way, bloodily abused Dragon Tiger Mountain, well, it seems to be Maoshan.

When he cultivated seven or eight internal force exercises, he would be able to step into the realm of internal force and have the strongest internal force.

“Thank you, Young Master Huo.”

The old man was very happy, so excited that he burst into tears, and he didn’t know what to say.

He was so touched that he not only sent them food and food, clothes and quilts, so that they could live a full year.

He also treated them for free, and he had never seen such a good Young Master Huo.

“Yes, Young Master Huo is really a good person, and it is the greatest honor of our lives to know Young Master Huo.”

“In the future, Young Master Huo will be my food and clothing parents, and whoever offends Young Master Huo, I will fight hard with whom.”

The poor people around them were indignant.

Huo Tianci was very moved, he understood the history of the country in the next few decades, and he was well aware of the power of the people.

The three major battles, which directly overthrew the rule of the corrupt dynasty, show the importance of popular support.

He now has the hearts and minds of millions of people in the surrounding towns, and his future is limitless.

It is…… Whether he can leave as soon as possible, he is also ready to brush medical skills, upgrade the level of medical skills, and then go to boil soup medicine.

“Everyone, hurry up and see a doctor, today is already Chinese New Year’s Eve, take care of the disease early, and have a good New Year.”

Huo Tianci coughed and reminded everyone not to thank him today, just thank him secretly.

Or go back and send him a few more ladies.

“That’s right, don’t waste time, there are so many free medical visits here.”

The people in the back shouted, and the old man took the prescription and left.

Huo Tian gave the next person a pulse, and by the way, look at the person behind, a long dragon.

Too poor, many people are sick in recent years, do not dare to go to the doctor, only dare to use their bodies to endure.

As a result, most people survived, but their bodies suffered so much that the life expectancy of people in this year was short.

Now he is here for free to watch, so a large group of people come over and want white, after all, the happiness of white is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

It took Huo Tianci an hour to help everyone see the doctor.

Fortunately, they are all minor diseases, if they are incurable diseases, Huo Tianci’s current level of medical skills, it really can’t be cured.

At half past four in the afternoon, the sun set, the sky gradually became gloomy, and it was Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner immediately.

“Everyone, it’s Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner soon, everyone go back early, after the fifth day of junior high school, I will treat everyone again.”

Huo Tianci packed up his things, it was not early, he also had to go back to rest, and he also had to eat Chinese New Year’s Eve meal.

“It’s okay, Young Master Huo, you go back early to rest, I wish you a smooth new year.”

The villagers knew that the time was not early, naturally they would not pester Huo Tianci, and they also needed to go back to rest.

The medical hall closed, and Huo Tianci crossed the road and came to the opposite Huo Mansion.

“Young Master, dinner is ready, let’s have a Chinese New Year’s Eve meal.”

Yingyi had been waiting at the gate for a long time, and it could even be said that she was looking forward to it.

“Let’s eat.”

Huo Tianci pulled Yingyi and sat in the living room.

He was alone, and he was able to get to this point, but it took a lot of effort.

Ying Ye sat opposite Huo Tianci, and the two ate Chinese New Year’s Eve meal in silence.

After eating Chinese New Year’s Eve meal, Huo Tianci returned to his room, took out the medical book, and found the prescription inside.

There are many prescriptions in this, as well as prescriptions for strengthening the body, which are most suitable for martial arts cultivation.

Huo Tianci first opened the properties panel.

Name: Huo Tianci

Realm: flesh stage, skin refining stage

Lifespan: 89

Talent: 7+8 ordinary people 5

Exercises: Huojiaquan 2nd order 17% (proficient), Lijiaquan 1st order 1%, Taijiquan 1st order 1%… Bajiquan 0th order 78%, medical skill 2nd order 37

Features: Iron

After practicing medical skills for a few days, Huo Tianci’s medical skills have successfully brushed to the second level, which is already a very high level.

At least I can see all kinds of minor diseases, and it is a full range of minor diseases, and those major diseases are not so easy.

Second-order medical skills, can also boil soup medicine.

Huo Tianci took out a large amount of medicinal herbs, and according to the medical technique, began to brew the body strengthening soup.

Body strengthening soup requires a large number of precious medicinal herbs, which are boiled into decoctions and have great tonic effects on the body.

This medicine book was sold to him by a down-and-out martial arts family, and the soup medicine in it was all the soup medicine needed to boil the body.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci had a carry-on space, which contained a large number of materials and a lot of medicinal herbs.

Although the quality of these medicinal herbs is not high, it is more than enough for him now.

Huo Tianci also contacted pharmacies in various places to help him collect various rare medicinal materials, such as a hundred years of ginseng and a hundred years of He Shou Wu.

It’s all for future cultivation.

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