Huo Mansion, Huo Tianci didn’t know that Huang Million wanted to find someone to do something to him.

At the moment, he was practicing the Tang Gate Forging Technique. It took a while, and finally changed the second-order forging technique to the second-order Tang Gate forging technique.

As long as you work harder, you can reach the 3rd order Tang Gate Forging Technique, and then you can forge sharper treasure swords.

He recently happened to learn the eighth-level sword technique, and he needed a sharp treasure knife.

The second-order eighth-level knife technique, plus the sharp treasure knife, one knife down, no matter who you cut, it is as simple as chopping a watermelon, and the premise is not a zombie.

Tang Gate Forging, 2nd Order 99%.

Huo Tianci took back the properties panel.

Only one step away, you can reach the 3rd order.

But today the iron is tired, he wants to practice boxing, brush all the boxing techniques he just learned to the second level.

With so many fist techniques, you may be able to go further with your skin refining characteristics, and then have bone refining characteristics.

Huo Tianci suddenly found that although his talent was high, there were too many martial arts that needed to be cultivated, and it took a lot of time.

Fortunately, he has improved quickly, and all this is within the scope of acceptance.

In the courtyard, Huo Tianci rushed into the iron man pile, put on a fight, and punched a complete set of back punches.

With each punch, the bones in the back clicked, and when a set of back punches came down, the bones rang three times.

To truly reach the high and profound realm through the back fist, the bones need to ring at least nine times, and it is said that there is a deeper realm.

However, the current Huo Tianci has just started to pass the back fist, and his voice has three rings, which is already proficient.

Around ten o’clock, Huo Tianci collected his fists and went back to his room to sleep.

After practicing boxing for one night, he did not improve much, and he took the two sets of boxing techniques a step further and reached the 2nd level.

Huo Tianci was very dissatisfied, and if it continued like this, the remaining fist techniques and leg techniques would take several days.

If all the martial artists in the world knew that Huo Tianci’s set of boxing techniques went further, it would only take a few hours, and it would probably be envious.

They don’t have the talent of Huo Tianci, and unlike Huo Tianci, they have a lot of soup medicine, which can make up for the deficit of the body.

Third-order medical skills, as well as a lot of medicinal materials in the carry-on space, although the medicinal materials are not old enough, but the flesh realm is more than enough.

In the next few days, Huo Tianci focused on practicing and just got several sets of boxing techniques, leg techniques, and Golang Bagua sticks.

Soon, most of the martial arts cheats were upgraded to the second level, and the talent points increased a lot, and the strength became stronger.

Now Huo Tianci is very good at leg techniques.

The most powerful is Foshan Shadowless Foot.

This leg method was bought by a member of the Chamber of Commerce from Foshan Huang Feihong from his apprentice.

It seems to be the descendant of Pork Rong, because of the poverty of life, fifty pieces of ocean sold the family tradition.

“Foshan has no shadow feet.”

Huo Tianci rushed into the iron man pile, his body floated in midair, and he kicked more than ten feet in a row, each kicking on the iron man.

The iron man who originally stood on the ground was directly kicked down by Huo Tianci.

However, the iron man was made into a tumbler form underneath, and even if he kicked down, the iron man quickly stood up and crashed into Huo Tianci.

Bang bang bang….

Huo Tianci landed on the ground, jumped up again, and Foshan Wuying’s feet kept kicking on the iron man.

The Iron Man was kicked and spun around, and then crashed into other Iron Men again.

Many iron men were knocked off and spun around the yard.

Boom rumble….

Huo Tianci kicked more than ten feet in a row, and the last kick directly kicked the iron man out.

This foot for decades of skill, the iron man tumbler could not bear, flew more than ten meters away, and then floated again.

There are many iron men around who have been knocked into the air.

“Finally progressed.”

Huo Tianci took a deep breath, although he didn’t look at the attribute panel, he could guess that Foshan Shadowless Foot should reach the 2nd order.

The kick just now should have the power of two percent of Red Feihong.

Wucheng’s skill he didn’t dare to think, after all, even Ma San in the first generation of grandmasters had already reached the realm of refining meat, let alone Huang Feihong.

It is estimated that Huang Feihong, Huo Yuanjia, Yang Luchan, Sun Lutang, Dong Haichuan, etc., are all real masters.

It is very likely that he has reached the peak of the flesh realm, and may even break through to the flesh realm.

Huo Tianci thought that he had iron skin characteristics and iron bone characteristics, but compared to these flesh realm peaks, it was estimated that it was still a little worse.

His internal organs, muscles, and blood have not yet been properly strengthened.

But if it has been strengthened by orthodoxy and has characteristics, it is estimated that even if it has just been in the realm of refining blood, it will be able to fight against the realm of refining dirt, the peak of the true flesh.

I just don’t know if those big guys have broken through to the realm of internal strength.

Martial Dao is not as good as cultivating immortals, because many people cannot break through to the realm of internal strength, and even if they break through, they can’t deal with zombies and ghosts.

Therefore, in this world, martial arts training is not comparable to cultivating immortals, but fortunately, Huo Tianci is not an ordinary person, and he can open a very fierce hanging.

Huo Tianci rubbed his hands, and he suddenly felt that his hands were itchy, and he couldn’t describe the itchy pain.

After gently rubbing it, he rubbed off a few skins, and Huo Tianci seemed to understand something, and quickly opened the property page.

Name: Huo Tianci

Martial arts: Foshan Shadowless Foot 2nd Order 8%….

Characteristics: copper skin, iron bone

Sure enough, the characteristics of the refining skin have changed, from the previous iron sheet to the current copper sheet.

Although Huo Tianci didn’t know whether it was a strong iron sheet or a strong copper sheet, there was no need to entangle so much, this was just a martial arts feature.

Next, he needs to continue to cultivate, the iron bone characteristics also need to be advanced, and the next realm should be the copper bone.

Then there is the realm of refining meat, I don’t know if the realm of refining meat has any characteristics.

Iron meat, or copper meat.

Huo Tianci came back to his senses, picked up the knife next to him, held the blade tightly with his left hand, and swiped hard with his right hand.

With a slash of the knife edge, only a white mark was left on the skin of the palm of the hand, which was not cut.

Switching to the previous iron sheet, Huo Tianci used all his strength, plus a sharp blade, and was able to break the skin.

Now it is to leave a white mark, and the defense of copper is stronger than that of iron.

It will definitely not be able to block the bullet, unless the flesh refining realm also has multiple characteristics, and let the characteristics advance.

In this way, even if you are hit by a bullet in the future, you will be stuck in the flesh at most.

You still need to learn more martial arts cheats.

Huo Tianci scanned all the exercises on the attribute panel, and quickly decided to use other exercises to refine meat first.

Strive for one more feature.

“Young Master, dinner is ready, eat early.”

The sound of the blossoms came from a distance, and the smell of meat was everywhere in the room.

Huo Tianci touched his stomach, training for so long, physical exertion was serious, now his stomach is very hungry, he should eat more to replenish physical strength.

The matter of martial arts training is still discussed later, and if it is delayed for half an hour, it will not waste much time.

“Here it is.”

(7,000 flowers plus more, kneeling for flower support.) )

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