Night, Yizhuang.

The Ninth Uncle’s master and apprentice slept very dead, and Wen Cai even had a good dream, and the corners of his mouth flowed out of his mouth.

Buckle buckle….

The rapid knock on the door instantly woke up the ninth uncle, who got up as soon as possible and ran outside to open the door.

“Who, come here so late, what’s the matter?”

Ninth Uncle opened the latch, with dissatisfaction in his tone, after all, he slept well, and he was definitely not happy when he was woken up by others.


A group of people pointed their guns at Ninth Uncle and pulled the bolt, ready to rob at any time.

“There is something to say.”

Ninth Uncle quickly calmed down, and the dissatisfaction on his face instantly disappeared.

After all, being pointed at by the cold muzzle, he felt hairy in his heart, and he had a creepy feeling.

“There is a zombie in our Grand Marshal’s Mansion, which sneaked out of you, quickly bring your equipment and go to solve the zombie.”

Zombies, sneaking out of here.

Ninth Uncle secretly said badly in his heart, and first thought of Old Lady Ren.

He did hear a loud noise tonight, and he didn’t get tangled at that time, and thought that Wen Cai was not honest when he slept.

Now he first thought of Old Lady Ren.

Should it really be that Old Lady Ren turned into a zombie and ran out from him, if he really ran out, he killed too much and created too many sins, but he wanted to reduce his merit.

He had been practicing merit for so many years, but he couldn’t let go of his previous achievements because of this matter.

“I’ll go get ready now.”

Ninth Uncle rushed to the morgue first, and was greeted by a broken coffin, and Old Lady Ren was long gone.

“Wencai, hurry up, bring your equipment, and let the old lady turn into a zombie.”

“Ah, zombies.”

When Wen Cai heard the zombie, his brain immediately sobered up and quickly put on his clothes.

After that, before I knew what happened, I was pulled away by Uncle Jiu.

Qiu Sheng slept in his own house because he still had his family.

In the courtyard, Old Lady Ren continued to jump off Huo Tianci, and the speed of the jump was very fast.

Ten steps away, two steps skipped.

Huo Tianci raised his hands and took the pose of Huo Jia Fist.

Old Lady Ren’s speed does not seem to be impossible to deal with, Huo Tianci wants to try his own strength, and the gap between him and the zombies.

Cold window hard reading… Bah, after practicing martial arts for more than two years, cold and summer, and the attribute panel, he should become very strong.


Huo Tianci suddenly rushed up, dodged Old Lady Ren’s fingers, and his body slammed down.

Old Lady Ren’s nails can’t be touched, after all, there is corpse poison, and it is said to be very sharp.

He wasn’t sure if his skin could block Old Lady Ren’s nails, even if it was already copper-skinned, King Kong body.


The two figures were put together fiercely, and the powerful impact made the ground tremble, leaving two deep footprints on the ground.

Huo Tianci was shocked, he had just suddenly used the eighth-level elbow in the Eight Pole Fist, with the power of a thousand catties, and the result was just a stalemate with Old Lady Ren.

Is this the strength of zombies?

I don’t know if Old Lady Ren has absorbed Ren Fa’s blood, if it is so strong after absorption, he can still accept it.

But if Old Lady Ren was so strong before absorbing it, he wouldn’t have a taste in his heart.

Old Lady Ren suddenly turned around and slammed down on Huo Tianci with a pair of arms.

The zombie’s body is very stiff, so the hands cannot be moved casually, and can only be turned with two arms.

Huo Tianci stepped on the ground with one foot and steadied his lower body, he wanted to try Old Lady Ren’s strength.

Whether it is a warrior or a zombie, it must be tested.


There was another crash, and Huo Tianci felt a huge force, as if he had been hit by a truck.

The huge impact made Huo Tianci couldn’t help but take two steps back, but quickly stabilized his body.


Huo Tianci took a deep breath and gently flicked his arm.

Ok, slightly numb, but no pain.

It seems that his current strength may not be able to defeat zombies, but whether it is speed or strength, Old Lady Ren only has a slight advantage.

As for the remaining copper skin, the hardness of the King Kong body, or don’t let Old Lady Ren try it, in case of being poisoned by the corpse, then you will regret it.

Old Lady Ren could feel the vigorous qi and blood on Huo Tianci’s body, and instinctively wanted to absorb the blood on Huo Tianci’s body.

Blood is of higher quality and works better against zombies.

If Huo Tianci can reach the realm of blood refining and successfully change the blood in the whole body, it is estimated that it will attract zombies even more.

“Huo Family Fist.”

Huo Tianci rushed towards Old Lady Ren and directly used his strongest Huo Family Fist.

One after another, the fist shadows hit Old Lady Ren.

Huo Family Fist, also known as Lost Fist, pays attention to rigidity and speed, with Huo Tianci’s explosive thousand pounds of power.

Boom rumble….

The power of a thousand shots burst out, hitting Old Lady Ren hard, and Old Lady Ren was unscathed, but his body was knocked out.

The ground was also under Huo Tianci’s outbreak, leaving the footprints of Old Lady Ren.

Huo Tianci silently closed his fists, and his face twitched secretly.

He really didn’t expect that Old Lady Ren would be so thick and thick, like a steel plate.

Although he also has a copper skin and a diamond body, he is still a little worse than the old lady Ren who is generally steel.

Anyway, when he punched down, he only felt that his arm felt paralyzed, but fortunately it didn’t hurt too much.

Maybe when he breaks through again, maybe his physical fitness can be hard to carry the old lady.

Old Lady Ren did not feel pain, and continued to jump towards Huo Tianci, constantly spitting out corpse gas in his mouth, and a foul smell came.

Huo Tianci looked disgusted, the smell was too smelly, and he always felt that Old Lady Ren seemed to come out of a dung pit.

Boom rumble….

A sudden thunder sounded, Huo Tianci’s speed was as fast as lightning, and all the power in his body burst out.

A palm slapped on Old Lady Ren, and the internal strength of the eight dan jin exploded.

Huo Tianci must have forgotten his eight dan jin, and he could generate internal strength, maybe he could hurt Old Lady Ren.

The internal strength burst out, impacting Old Lady Ren’s body.

Old Lady Ren’s body trembled violently, and Gu Bo’s eyes seemed to show a strange expression.

After that, I didn’t even think about it, turned around and ran, and jumped fast.

“Don’t run.”

Huo Tianci’s face was ecstatic.

It seems that the internal strength of Baduan Jin can cause damage to zombies.

Even if Old Lady Ren is a zombie and a copper skin, his body is still similar to ordinary people.

For example, the royal zombie in another movie, invulnerable to swords and guns, copper and iron-clad bones, but in the end it was destroyed by the four-eyed dojo from the inside.

From tomorrow, I will seriously cultivate the Eight Duan Jin and strive to raise the Eight Duan Jin to a certain realm.

After all, you may encounter zombies when you will encounter them in the future, and with Baduan Jin, you can also deal with zombies.

You can’t always encounter zombies, just attack with artillery, where there are so many artillery, artillery is not necessarily useful.

“Don’t run.”

Huo Tianci chased after Old Lady Ren, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, naturally he couldn’t let Old Lady Ren go.

Originally, he didn’t plan to interfere, who thought that Old Lady Ren actually came over to sneak attack, then don’t blame him for being ruthless.

(Continue to kneel for flower support.) )

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