“Brother Tai, I’m really sorry, this treasure knife is worth a lot.”

Huo Tianci reminded Xiang Invincible again.

It is impossible to prostitute in vain, he is always the only one who prostitutes others in vain.

Unless Xiang Invincible is willing to give him something, and if it is something that he is satisfied with, why give Xiang Invincible.

Xiang Invincible was reluctant to look at the treasure knife in his hand, what a good treasure knife, sharp and sharp.

It was a pity that it was not his treasure knife, but his treasure knife, which was cut off by Huo Tianci.

Without the sword, is he still a swordsman?

“Give it back to you.”

Xiang Invincible threw out the treasure knife, if it was not his, then it was not his, even if he wanted to rob it, it was useless, and he would offend Huo Tianci.

If you fight with Huo Tianci, you really may not be able to fight Huo Tianci, let alone there is a Taoist priest next to him.

“Brother Tai, I am also a forger, you can also buy my treasure knife if you want, internal martial arts heart method, martial arts cheats are all good.” Huo Tianci smiled.

If you can get the inner strength heart method, you can save time and avoid searching everywhere.

Inner Strength Heart Method.

Xiang Invincible was moved.

He likes Huo Tianci’s treasure knife, and for a swordsman, there is a peerless treasure knife that can increase the strength of a swordsman.

As for the inner strength heart method, he did have it, and he accidentally obtained it, the blood knife heart method, plus the blood knife method.

It is precisely because of his heart and sword skills that he can come to this day step by step and become the Southern Sword King.

It is also known as the Blood Dao Ancestor.

However, the inner strength heart method and the sword technique are really nothing, and he has no portal opinion.

Moreover, Huo Tianci is so young and has such strong internal strength, it is estimated that he can’t look at the Blood Dao Heart Method.

It’s better to use the Blood Dao Heart Method to trade with Huo Tianci and exchange it for a sharp treasure knife to improve his strength.

“I am willing to exchange, this is my Blood Dao Heart Method and Blood Dao Technique.”

Xiang Invincible took out two books from his backpack 450 and took the initiative to hand them to Huo Tianci.

Then what is there to hesitate about, directly exchange with Xiang Invincible.

This quality sword, as long as he has time, can create a better one.

“We will trade now.”

Huo Tianci threw out the treasure knife, and Xiang Invincible also threw out two books, and the two traded at the same time, and no one regretted it.

After the transaction was completed, Huo Tianci quickly opened the blood knife technique, looked at ten lines, and quickly became proficient.

The blood knife technique did not seem to be so complicated, anyway, Huo Tianci felt that he had learned it.

Perhaps it was a high talent, so Huo Tianci learned everything quickly, even if it was a blood knife technique.

Huo Tianci jumped in the air, constantly waving the big knife in his hand, and the blood-red knife qi was so dazzling in the dark night.

Xiang Invincible: “…”

He found that he seemed to have done something wrong, and he should not sell the Blood Dao Dao Technique to Huo Tianci.

Who would have thought that Huo Tianci’s talent was so excellent, and he had just learned the Blood Dao Dao Technique.

Although his comprehension of the blood knife method is not as good as him, according to Huo Tianci’s talent, one day, he will be able to master the blood knife technique.

“Genius, this is definitely genius.”

The four-eyed Daoist sighed in his heart, he could actually meet such a genius.

Perhaps one day in the future, Huo Tianci will be able to become a martial arts grandmaster.

“The deal is over, and we part.”

Huo Tianci jumped on the zombie, sat down cross-legged, and then handed it over to the Four Eyes Dao Commander to hurry, and he could continue to cultivate.

“Xiangxi drives the corpse, and the living people avoid.”

The chief of the four-eyed road rings the bell, and the zombies jump and continue on the road (becf).

Xiang Invincible looked at Huo Tianci’s back deeply, clenched the knife in his hand, and made up his mind that he must work hard to become stronger.

He didn’t want to be overtaken by young people.

The meaning of the knife must be understood.

Huo Tianci sat on the shoulders of the zombie, closed his eyes and raised his mind, continued to practice health preservation exercises, and improved his internal strength.


In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Shimoku Chang does not live far away, but he only travels in the evening every day, and rests in Yizhuang during the day.

So even if the road is not far, it takes a long time.

Fortunately, with zombies as mounts, Huo Tianci can cultivate during the day, and his strength has been improving, and the speed of improvement is still very fast.

Coupled with the assistance of drugs, internal strength will improve by leaps and bounds every day.

On the evening again, Huo Tianci sat on the zombie, continued to close his eyes and cultivate, improving his internal strength.

The four-eyed road chief chased away the corpse bitterly.

Although she feels tired, at least she has less luggage.

Unlike the long four-eyed road, a large pile of luggage, carrying a frame as tall as a person behind it, and having to walk the mountain road.

“This kid, it’s too serious.”

The four-eyed Daoist inadvertently turned his head and saw that Huo Tianci was still cultivating, and couldn’t help but shake his head, full of emotion.

He kind of understood why Huo Tianci was so powerful, not only because Huo Tianci was a genius, but also cultivated hard.

Not to mention his apprentice, even compared with Huo Tianci, the gap is very large, and he is completely compared.

When it came to apprentices, the four-eyed Daoist made up his mind that he must let Jiale practice seriously and not sleep at home every day.


A white figure suddenly passed through the woods and landed on a large tree.

Huo Tianci opened his eyes, his spiritual power had already felt that something was following, but he did not say it.

After watching the movie, Huo Tianci probably knew what it was, it should be that beautiful female fox spirit.

It’s just a fox spirit, the strength is not strong, even the four-eyed Daoist can kill, let alone him.

It is estimated that this fox spirit, the greatest ability, should be the ability to seduce, other than that, there is no ability.

Temptation, don’t joke, his mental power is so strong, how can he be tempted.

If the vixen doesn’t do things, it’s okay, but if he wants to do something, he will immediately hack the vixen to death.

Shimoku continued to hurry ahead, but did not notice the fox spirit approaching.

The fox spirit lay silently on the tree, staring at the guest of the four-eyed prefect.

After waiting for a moment, the vixen felt that the time was right and floated down from the sky, and the streamer in his hand flew out, entangled with a zombie.

“I’ll go, dare to steal my zombies, I’ll beat you into an idiot right now.”

The four-eyed chief jumped like thunder, stealing his zombies is equivalent to stealing his money, after all, these zombies are guests. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If the zombie is not safely delivered to the guest, the guest will be angry and he will lose a lot of money.

Huo Tianci withdrew his internal strength, grabbed the streamer, and pulled hard, and the zombie and the fox spirit were pulled over.

The zombie’s corpse fell to the ground, and the vixen almost fell, but quickly got up and flew to the tree.

The fox spirit was really startled, she didn’t expect Huo Tianci’s strength to be so great, so she turned around and ran in fear.

“Leave it to me.”

Huo Tianci quickly ran under the big tree, grabbed the treasure knife in his hand, and cut down at the big tree.

The big tree hugged by several people was cut off by Huo Tianci’s treasure knife, and the tree fell down with a bang.

“What a sharp knife.”

Shimoku stared at the tree, pushing his glasses.

The big tree held by several people can be split with a knife, which shows how sharp Huo Tianci’s knife is.

“Of course, the treasure knife created by our young master himself is very sharp, even if it is an iron-armored zombie, it can be cut with one sword.”

Ying Wei held her head high proudly.

It was as if it was not Huo Tianci who praised her, she was naturally very happy.

“What? Can ironclad zombies be chopped to death? Is this knife so good? Shimoku exclaimed.

Cutting down a big tree is nothing, at most, the knife is sharper.

But if you can split the iron-armored zombie in two, it proves that the sharpness of this treasure knife is better than his magic weapon.

The day is ghost, and the treasure knife forged by a martial artist is actually better than a magic weapon.

Can he buy a treasure knife and use it later against zombies?

The tree fell, and the fox spirit’s figure also fell, but at the moment of falling, the fox spirit flew out.

Huo Tianci grabbed the ribbon on the fox spirit’s clothes and pulled it hard, and the fox spirit was pulled over.

“Don’t, let me go.”

The fox spirit saw Huo Tianci’s treasure knife revealing a cold light, and the tip of the knife was still facing her, trembling with fear.

Suddenly showing a pitiful expression, an invisible spiritual power enveloped Huo Tianci.

Huo Tianci: “…”

It is indeed a beautiful big beauty, especially the long legs, which are very attractive.

And that ditch is very deep, it is estimated that you can drown yourself if you fall, so you must not play in the river.

But if it’s just by the river, or try to see the depth of the flow, it’s not impossible.

“Come on.”

The fox spirit raised his long legs and took the initiative to hook up with Huo Tianci, which was very sultry.

“This bastard.”

Yingyi gritted her teeth and actually hooked up with her boyfriend in front of her.

Isn’t it that the legs are longer, the figure is better, no, Ying Wei carefully compares, and suddenly finds that his body is better.

Huo Tianci slowly approached the fox spirit, taking advantage of the fox spirit’s lack of attention, the treasure knife in his hand slashed down.

He’s not one of those perverts, ghosts, snakes, or caterpillars.

Let him play with a vixen, he really can’t accept it.

As soon as the knife went down, the fox spirit did not react, and the head was cut to the ground with a knife, and the beautiful head rolled around.

Ying Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that his man did not like fox spirits.

“Such a beautiful head, they are willing to cut it off, how can they no longer play with it.”

Shimoku looked regretful.

Just as soon as he finished speaking, the fox spirit changed back to its original form, and a huge fox corpse appeared on the ground.

“Otherwise, you can take advantage of the heat, anyway, the body is not cold yet.”

Huo Tianci withdrew the treasure knife and stared at the Four Eyes Dao Leader, just to see if the Four Eyes Dao Elder was willing or not.

When the four-eyed prefect saw the fox corpse on the ground, he snorted.

If it is the beautiful fox spirit before, it is not impossible to be a warrior.

“No need, I don’t like this corpse, let alone still a vixen.”

Người mua: Diệp phong sa88, 14/03/2023 00:55

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