Chapter 82 Demon King, Yan Tu and Moke!!

“Let’s fight the tooth sacrifice first.”

Yan Tu, the demon king who was more than thirty meters tall, twisted his neck, and the two pitch-black snorts turned into a rich aura of destruction.

In his cracked mouth, his fangs were upside down, bloodthirsty and brutal.

The other demon king behind him, Moke, also licked his lips, and there was already a trace of impatience in his eyes.

“Oh, that’s not right.”

“This is the breath of the ancestral demon.”

“Moke, these guys can’t eat yet, they are still useful, and when the ancestor demon comes, when the time comes, they will be useless, so they will kill and eat meat.”

Yan Tu’s face straightened, he smelled something, his eyes alerted to Moke, and said warningly.

Although this guy is respectful to the ancestor demon, he is yang and yin to himself.

If you don’t explain the relationship, if you break the opportunity of the ancestral demon, you will definitely suffer with it, so you can only keep an eye on it at all times.

“Bah, that’s a shame.”

Moke looked disappointed, rolled his eyes, and his heart moved.

“Yan Tu, isn’t there three, eat two and keep one soon, just one of us.”

“You haven’t eaten such high-grade flesh and blood for a long time, just taste it, just taste it.”

“Two less, one left, even if there is something, we can help, one is enough.”

Moke swallowed his saliva and said with a gluttonous mouth.

Although what he said was to Yan Yan Tu, his eyes kept staring at the three figures that were getting closer and closer.

It seems that the next moment it will pounce, tear two people apart, stuff them into their mouths, and taste the taste of flesh and blood.

This is not a low-grade, there is no taste of energy.

This is flesh and blood of the same rank as them, and the body contains rich vitality energy.

“No, absolutely not.”

“The human world is different from us, you eat their companions and want them to cooperate with you, which is too low.”

“Moke, I warn you again, this time the ancestral demon let me lead the team, you have to listen to me, otherwise I will definitely tell the ancestral demon, if you break the ancestral demon’s affairs, the ancestral demon is furious, be careful to lock you up in the fallen demon cave, the taste of the devil’s cave, compared to you won’t want to try.”

Hearing the ‘Fallen Demon Cave’, even the Demon King Moke couldn’t help but shrink his pupils and feel cold on his neck.

“Got it, got it.”

“Damn little ants, don’t give me food, then forget it, I’ll go have some fun myself, you guys play slowly.”

Moko snorted softly, turned and flew in the other direction.

In this direction, there is a very mysterious rich aura that attracts him.

In fact, Yan Tu also smelled it, but he needed to sit in the abyss crack passage and could not walk around at will.

Watching Moke leave, Yan Tu had a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

“Stupid fellow, really restless, this time, if you can borrow the hand of a human and kill you, it can be regarded as a gain.”

He turned his head slightly, and three figures had already flown in front of him.

“But the Demon King Yan Tu is in front of him…”

Among the three people opposite, the young man in a blue shirt chuckled and asked first.

Yan Tu grinned slightly, revealing a face that seemed to be smiling and looking extremely cruel, and greeted him.

“It is me, you are the envoys of the ancestral demon in this world.”

Yan Tu’s eyes flashed with an inexplicable look.

“The demon envoy of this world, the future demon king, the ancestral demon is coming, we need more sacrifices, more flesh and blood.”

“The flesh and blood here are far from enough.”

“The energy of the Blood Sacrifice Ghost Array is too small, such a passage, it is impossible for the ancestral demon to pass through.”

“You guys, you have to hurry up and find a way, in case you delay the arrival of the ancestral demon, I believe the ancestral demon will be very unhappy.” The three people standing in the air froze for an instant. The blue-shirted youth nodded slightly. ”

“That’s true.”

“King Yan Tu is extremely right, I have already prepared, there will be a steady stream of capable people being captured, and the blood sacrifice will expand the abyss crack.”

“In addition, there are also seventh-order Venerable Levels such as me in this world who are comparable to the Demon King, and if there are other Venerable Levels who come to attack, I hope that Yan Tu King will help to kill them.”

The leader of the Blood Demon Sect, the blue-shirted young man said thoughtfully.

When Yan Tu heard this, his face was delighted.

There is such a good thing.

Although he couldn’t eat these three humans with the mark of ancestral demon, if other seventh-order abilities came, he couldn’t wait to try it.

“Of course, there is no need for you to say more, if a seventh-order Venerable wants to prevent the Ancestral Demon from coming, I will definitely kill it.”

“What’s more, I have long wanted to try the taste of flesh and blood of the Seventh Order Venerable.”

The three sect leaders of the Blood Demon Sect who stood in the sky looked at each other, and their hearts were slightly cold, what they were afraid of was: Demon King Yan Tu was so murderous and cruel, if it affected them, it would be troublesome.

I only hope that after the arrival of the ancestral demons, they will be transformed into demon forms as soon as possible and enjoy the blessings of eternal life.

And on the other side.

The outskirts of Qishan Town, which was about ten miles away from Yan Tu and the others.

Gu Xuan held the Eight Fasts in his hand and smashed directly on the face of the Yin Vulture Youth.

This young vulture was the one who wore the crow’s blood-colored mask just now.

It’s just that his blood-colored mask, under Gu Xuan’s stick just now, shattered into slag, revealing a gloomy vulture’s face.

And Gu Xuan was not worried at all.

After recovering his strength slightly, he directly smashed the man’s head with a stick.

Only dead enemies are qualified good enemies.

If you engage in that kind prisoner policy, if you are killed by this guy when you wake up, it will be a shame.

The villain dies of talking too much, and the villain dies of ink.

Gu Xuan didn’t want to die too much of a joke.

Moreover, being on the battlefield, he himself cannot always guard the prisoners.

Coupled with the fact that the Abyss Demon has officially stepped out of the Abyss Rift, the next battle must be even more intense.

Many of the current situations are extremely complicated, and not killing him is financing the enemy and leaving himself with trouble.


Simply kill it.

Gu Feng, who was hundreds of meters away, had not yet woken up from the shock, and saw Gu Xuan dragging out the terrifying sixth-order ability person who had fallen into the ground.

Then without hesitation, he directly smashed down with a stick, and the people on the ground, their heads instantly blossomed, red and white, painted all over the ground.

Gu Xuan’s face remained unchanged.

This little bit is already commonplace for him.

Liu Li, who was next to Gu Feng, took a cold breath.

“Hey, good guy, so ferocious, don’t blink your eyes.”

“It’s really a pervert, it’s a monster, there’s nothing wrong with this call.”

“You can’t mess with this guy when you go in the future, and you can’t blink an eye when you kill.”

“Fortunately, fortunately, it is the same faction as us.”

Ma Suxue also showed a similar expression.

They are also considered to have experienced a lot of battles.

But seeing that Gu Xuan’s eyes were indifferent and there was no change at all, he smashed the unlucky sixth-order ability person to death, and his eyelids couldn’t help but jump.

After Gu Xuan smashed the Yin Vulture youth to death, he returned to his normal posture and slowly walked in front of Gu Feng and the others.

The expressions of Gu Feng and the others were extremely complicated.

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect that this guy of yours is really so strong.”

“Gu Xuan, I want to apologize to you, before I was at the gate of the association, it was my fault that I said that you were weak.”

“Not only are you not weak, but you are also outrageously powerful.”

“Even such a powerful sixth-order ability was killed by you, it is too strong.”

Ma Suxue and Liu Li behind Gu Feng nodded in approval.

Mo Zhenshan felt deeper, he watched Gu Xuan come step by step.


It can’t be said that watching Gu Xuan come step by step.

Gu Xuan’s advanced speed did not need to be described by walking at all.

It can only be described as jumping.

Gu Xuan didn’t wait for a few of them to sigh again, and said in a deep voice.

“Team Gu, now that the Abyss Demon has officially invaded, what are your plans?”

Gu Feng raised his head slightly, looking at the vortex of tens of meters in the sky, and standing in the whirlpool, there were faintly several figures the size of rice grains, and his face was resolute.

“What else can I plan.”

“It can only be to kill, kill them all.”

“Humans and demons are a race that does not share the heavens, one needs material survival, and the other advocates destruction.”

“Once the Abyss Demons are allowed to gain a foothold, the price to pay to expel them will be higher.”

Gu Feng’s face glowed brightly.

Of the people here, only he has participated in the battle of the demon invasion.

He also knew that such a war was so cruel and bloody.

All human beings are beating on the line of death, and one carelessly, the body dies.

However, he did not regret it.

Because he knows.

If you do not work hard, in the rear, your own family, your relatives and friends, you will suffer disasters because of your timidity.

Listening to Gu Feng’s words.

Gu Xuan’s face straightened, and he nodded.

“Okay, in that case.”

“Then kill.”

“Kill all these human smashers and traitors, kill all the abyss demons.”

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