Chapter 88: Perverted Resilience!!


A terrifying whistling sound erupted from Gu Xuan’s mouth.

His four-meter-five body faintly rose a little higher. In his hands.

The pitch-black mace ‘Eight Fasts’, the terrifying weight, made Gu Xuan’s body sink a little.

Of course, Gu Xuan would not sit still.

These three terrifying abyss demons with six or seven meters high gave him a very strong feeling, very strong.

This is stronger than the man with the crow’s blood-colored mask just now.

However, Gu Xuan was not afraid at all, and his heart soared.

His body in front of him was slightly shortened, and the cyan tail behind him had jerked out.

Pumped directly on the face of the Abyss Demon on the left.

The mace ‘Eight Fasts’ in his hand slammed into a block, blocking the hammer fist of the Abyss Demon in the middle.

Another backflip, the withdrawn tail rolled around the right demon arm, a pull, the huge force of the fear cloth directly pulled the right demon’s body to tilt, and used his body to drive the bombardment of the middle demon.

In the process of less than a breath.

This battle is simply dazzling.

The four people who were a hundred meters behind were stunned.

What they saw was not very real, because the speed of Gu Xuan and the three-headed demon at this time was too fast.

In almost a tenth of a second, countless collisions have occurred.

At least Gu Xuan had touched all three demons once.

And such a collision, from the outside, Gu Xuan is not out of disadvantage.

“Not good, retreat.”

Gu Feng was the first to react, drank lightly, and took the other three people behind him to retreat one after another.

Because at this time, the battlefield where Gu Xuan was located had begun to gradually expand, and it would not be fixed, but would continue to move in their direction.

At Gu Feng’s reminder, the others’ faces changed drastically, and they quickly retreated a few hundred meters in the direction to the right.

Then watch the three-headed demon constantly attack this Gu Xuan, and Gu Xuan under the attack of the three-headed demon, dodge, collide, dodge, and collide again.

“There is hope, Gu Xuan has hope to win, as long as he is stable, grasp the flaws of the devil, with the terrifying explosiveness and resilience he showed before, there is a possibility of winning.”

Mo Zhenshan exclaimed.

And Gu Feng’s face was still bitter, still worried.

The powerful ferocity of the Abyss Demon had penetrated deep into his heart.

Looking at Gu Xuan’s kind of battle, which was far beyond his level, he had to pray in his heart for a miracle to happen.


The Abyss Demon, who had just reached a height of six meters, was directly swung by Gu Xuan’s dragon power, pumped on his chest, and directly flew back a few meters and fell to the ground.

“Fight with me, dare to be distracted, it’s really looking for death.”

Gu Xuan grinned, and the mace in his hand and the six-meter-long dragon power behind him slammed down on the other two demons one after another.

And the demon that was pumped out shook his head and stood up, a scratch on his chest, and thick black blood flowed out.

This demon is the youngest of the three.

The reason why he was distracted just now was because he wanted to take advantage of the position they moved to Gu Feng’s side and take the opportunity to catch someone to eat, but he didn’t expect to be caught by Gu Xuan, who was experienced in battle, and directly pumped Feiwan and suffered a little injury.

He was the youngest of the three brothers, the first to invade the material world, and listening to his two brothers, how sweet and juicy human flesh and blood are, and their hearts want to eat people.

Didn’t go to eat chicken to reverse the rice, “Roar!!” ”

He roared furiously, joining the other two demons again.

The three-headed demon fought with Gu Xuan again.

They are getting faster and faster.

The aura of destruction in the hands of the three-headed demons became stronger and stronger, but what shocked them was that Gu Xuan was not afraid of this destructive power at all.


Four silhouettes raged a kilometer within this range, and everywhere they passed, vegetation was destroyed, land was sunken, houses collapsed, and a doomsday scene was a scene of doom.


Gu Xuan slammed and collided with the most powerful seven-meter-tall demon, and then his body turned, and the green dragon’s tail twitched, directly pumping the other two demons backwards.

Gu Xuan also took advantage of this pumping reaction force, steadily retreated more than ten meters, and landed on the ground.

The two sides re-faced each other.

Gu Xuan was full of heat, and the heat was steaming, plus he completely stimulated the domineering of the sight, the armed color domineering, and the overlord color domineering three-color domineering at this time.

In his eyes, there were mysterious points of light condensing, observing the three-headed demon dozens of meters away.

The eight fasts in his hand have turned completely black, and the surface of this mace seems to have something flowing on the surface.

Like, just like this spirit weapon, it began to evolve towards flesh and blood life.

And Gu Xuan’s body at this time was not unharmed.

His face, his chest, and his tail had just been hit with a lot of punches.

The tail is the key part of the attack, the scales are off, and it is bloody.

A breath of anger and murderous aura were mixed together, making the three demons on the opposite side slightly awe-inspiring.

“Big brother, this little devil is too strong, what should I do? Or let’s withdraw first, call a few high-level demon captains over, this little devil will definitely not be able to turn over the waves. ”

The six-meter-tall demon was the worst at this time, his chest was just pumped by Gu Xuan, and then he was mended by Gu Xuan, directly breaking the huge wound, if it were not for another demon to contain Gu Xuan, he would have been killed by Gu Xuan at this time.

That’s why he was afraid in his heart and wanted to retreat.

“Big brother, the third brother is right, or we will retreat strategically first and let the captain come and kill him.”

The seven-meter-tall terrifying demon smashed two fists on his two younger brothers’ faces, directly smashing the two younger brothers to the ground.

“Two idiots.”

“This little devil is so strong, even if a high-level demon comes, it will not necessarily win him, we have our father’s bloodline, three to fight one, we can’t beat it, and then a captain, what can it be, in case he escapes, the consequences are endless.”

“Forget it, you two idiots can’t count on it.”

“It’s still up to me.”

“This secret hand given to me by my father actually met you little devil as soon as it came out, and you are proud enough to let me use this secret hand of my father.”

“Little ghost, next, you can die.”

The seven-meter-tall demon nemesis Luopu had a feverish look, and his hand suddenly pressed to his heart.

In what Gu Xuan could not see, in the heart of the demon’s body, this drop of blood lurked strangely because the blood in this place was not black, but dark gold, like amber-like solidified crystals.

At the palm of the demon nemesis Luopu pressed on his chest, the dark golden blood at his heart trembled slightly, and then, as if sensing something, it was directly shattered from it, turning into a dark golden energy that melted into the demon’s body.

In an instant.

The eyes of the demon nemesis Luopu suddenly opened, and around his eyes, a small circle of almost imperceptible dark gold lines appeared.

A terrifying energy directly made him let out an earth-shattering roar.



‘Bang!! ‘

In his chest, there was a huge heartbeat sound.

Then, his body quickly inflated like a balloon.

Officially broke through seven meters.

Eight meters and nine meters, finally, it reached ten meters, and finally stopped.

The ten-meter body is already as tall as three floors.

And after breaking through to ten meters, his momentum seemed to break some kind of faint barrier, breaking the shackles of intermediate demons, and reaching the standard of high-level demons.


Nemesis Luopu roared up to the sky, and then the TV’s big eyes stared at Gu Xuan, and he had already crossed a distance of tens of meters with a few direct steps.

The ten-meter-tall body, every step of the leap, is about ten meters.

Just three short breaths of sight, a palm much larger than the door panel, directly patted Gu Xuan’s position.

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