I, The Original Male Protagonist Of Online Game Novels!

Chapter 114: Two Epics And One Legend (4K Subscription Required!)

In the world of Evernight, many forces have not stopped the slave trade.

During the reign of Vitessalin XII, it was expressly prohibited.

However, even this stormy king has his strengths.

Some of the great nobles in the Kingdom of Storms are still obedient and obedient.

Those who take care of the face of Tessalin XII will put the captured creatures in the auction house, so that it is not considered a slave trade.

In order to put an end to such things, Tessalin XII did a lot of hard work.

But in the end it was always in vain.

Of course, this does not mean that he has no majesty and rights as a king.

In fact, if Tessalin XII came forward, these great nobles would still have to buy it.

After all, in the Storm Kingdom, the king with the highest and best reputation so far is still the king.

"Ah, I'm very sorry, everyone, something happened at the auction house just now, so the three items originally scheduled for auction cannot appear in this auction... To express our apologies, we also We will make corresponding compensation for all guests..."

In the auction house, a goblin with a shrewd appearance rubbed his hands to tell the [Mermaid Diva] beside him, with an embarrassed expression on his face, and cold sweat continuously falling to the ground.

"What?? What are you guys doing? My master has been looking forward to it for a long time! But now he says he can't show up? Do you think we can't afford that price?!"

"I think you don't want to continue to open this auction house at all? Don't think I don't know who your boss behind the scene is, and what about the royal background? It's just an aristocrat with no real job and territory. My young master is a real border uncle. You Do you dare to defy the border uncle who has been expected by several great nobles?"

"You said there was an auction of rare goods, but after a long time, you said such things, isn't it making fun of us? Compensation or something, who wants it? You need to be clear! You can enter this auction house to compete for the three finale goods How can I ask you to get some compensation! I am now ordering you to bring out the three finale items immediately, otherwise I will make you look good!"

"Don't make compensation! We only want those three auction items. If you can't get them out, we don't mind smashing the auction house now [I see how your behind-the-scenes bosses can bear the anger of so many of us!"

"If you can't get auction items of the same type, there is no need for your entire auction house to exist now!"

All kinds of annoying voices came from all directions in the auditorium of the auction house, as well as from the box.

The goblin was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Bai Ying, who had already known the inside story in detail, did not plan to leave, but planned to explore around according to Yu Xiu's previous instructions. The current auction house is a good occasion, so she was not in a hurry to leave.

Moreover, in order to prevent herself from being seen as a flaw, she also showed a trace of anger and irritability of being teased after waiting for nothing.

"Everyone, everyone..." The goblin didn't even dare to wipe off his sweat, and when he was trying to argue something, he suddenly seemed to have received some message, lifted his spirits, and hurriedly said: "Everyone! Although the three finale items are due to It's a pity that the special reason is gone, but! Our treasure hunting team found a few other good things!"

"Absolutely, definitely can ease everyone's dissatisfaction!"

"What a good thing? If it's Hydra or something, I can think about it. After all, I have never tried Hydra.

In the front box, there was a playful voice.

"D-Of course not, honored guest, but this item is related to the gods who used to rule the sea with the god king of the sea...the godhead of the wave girl..."

While the goblin was talking, the auction house fell into an eerie silence.

All the angry denunciations disappeared in an instant when they heard something related to the godhead.

Instead, there is an almost crazy eagerness.

But no one made a sound, they just stared at the goblin, looking forward to what happened next.

As for Bai Ying, she immediately made a decision

"Godhead...you must contact the Lord immediately!"

"It's been a long time, please don't be offended, Your Excellency Lichen."

"Finally, I have lived up to your majesty's and your expectations, and my trip went very smoothly."

"Let's see if it's the three of them.

In the side hall of the stormy palace, the 105-level merman bodyguard, with three girls-like creatures, stopped in front of Yu Xiu and motioned him to look back.

Yu Xiu raised his eyes and had a panoramic view of all the information.

【Luo Ning】(Fairy Beast·White Snake)(Epic)(Level 12)

【Kiki】(Blood Elf)(Legendary)(Level 8)

【Sachiko Kitagawa】(Fox Demon)(Epic)(Level 2)

Two epics and one legend?!

"This potential is really unexpected..."

Yu Xiu couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

[Blood Elf] has a setting comparable to that of the ancient race, but the tyranny of the ancient race is actually only based on the various stories of the bards. There is no reference.

But now, the moment I saw it with my own eyes, how should I put it, was beyond Yu Xiu's expectations.


This is already considered as the quality ceiling that all kinds of creatures and objects (except materials) can appear in the two world lines.

Just think about the record of the original male lead Yu Xiu in the first world line, hacking away a bunch of evil gods with a legendary [Red Moon], it is enough to prove a lot of things.

Of course, there is no need to mention that shameful Lin Yan on the second world line.

In the two tracks of the original book, including the legendary quality creatures mentioned in the original author's essay, there are no more than five.

And it's the kind that is sent away.

Yu Xiu didn't expect to see another one now.

"In the two world lines, how much future combat power will be killed by the native creatures of Yongye?"

The seemingly high-quality creatures, according to the author's setting, are 100% arranged by the Evernight World personally. The purpose is to fight against the evil gods of the dark plane. The result...

Thinking about it, Yu Xiu shook his head slightly, thanked the head of the Merman bodyguard, and then stepped forward to meet the three girls.

The blood elf Kiki was expressionless, her blood-colored pupils just looked at Yu Xiu calmly.

As for the white snake Luo Ning and Beichuan Xingzi, they felt a little uneasy.

"Your luck is actually pretty bad, but fortunately, it's not too bad. After all, you met me." Yu Xiu sighed, first looked at Luo Ning who knew the details, and said: Immortal beast [White Snake]? Afterwards, I have something to go to Longchao, and I will take you back to Heming Mountain together. "

Luo Ning, who was wearing a snow-white dress and a bun with double rings, widened her eyes when she heard this, and asked in surprise, "Do you... know my mother?"

"[Lotus Turns to Misfortune Snake] Immortal Lord, I have heard of it for a long time."

Yu Xiu smiled slightly.

What is it to accept an epic fairy beast with growth potential, the White Snake?

Now that he has the gift in hand, it is easy to break the upper limit of potential.

Wouldn't it be better to take that fairy who is also of epic quality [Lotus Turns to Snake] together?

"As for the two of you..." Turning his head, Yu Xiu looked at the fox girl Sachiko Kitagawa and the blood elf Kiki, and said, "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lichen, a traveler from beyond Yongye , is currently recruiting potential guild members, and it just so happened that the subordinates learned that you were in the auction house, so they used some means to rescue you...

"Let me tell you about my background first, I will find an opportunity to send you back and contact your relatives.

For the current Yu Xiu, creatures with potential are not very attractive.

But you can't just miss it.

Although it is too difficult to gain favorability and loyalty at the moment, it is not impossible.

Take an easy-going approach, push the boat along the way, find out his original address, contact relatives, and clarify his identity.

With Yu Xiu's current title and title of [Evil God Sacrifice Hunter], coupled with the advantage of being familiar with the plot, it is easy to solve some troubles for ordinary players.

Anyway, with his personality as the iron savior, many high-quality Eternal Night creatures want to fight against the evil gods, and finally they have to gather under his banner.

Of course, the most important thing is that these high-quality creatures cannot be damaged before they grow up.

"Li Chen..." Kitagawa Sachiko blinked, realizing that the name sounded familiar to her, and immediately recalled, you, are you the Li Chen Yin that Master Yue Ye is looking for?!"

"Yueye?" Yu Xiu raised his eyebrows, "You mean the current secretary of the Scarlet Ying Taisha, Yueye Shamijia?"

"Yes! It's Master Yue Ye!" Beichuan Xingzi was a little excited, and even the uneasiness just disappeared, and her pair of fox ears couldn't help dangling: "She has been sending witches to find you! Originally, it was said that it was in Yuhuang Over there, the negotiations have been passed, but I didn't expect you to come to the country of storms..."

...0 for flowers

"Really?" Yu Xiu nodded, "I'll talk to her later."

Moonlight Shamijia is one of the few characters in the two world lines who can escape the world of Eternal Night by relying on his own ability.

In the first world line, because the original hero guards Yongye, she can easily leave Yongye and go to other worlds to find solutions to solve the evil god once and for all.

In the second world line, Yong Ye collapsed, and she left because she wanted to find a chance to take revenge on the three male villains.

There is no other reason, this Yueye big lawsuit, but in the two world lines, one of the characters who has a very good relationship with the original male lead.

"Hmm!" Kitagawa Sachiko was a little happy, probably because she didn't expect that after being abducted inexplicably, she would turn around and be rescued by the person she was looking for in the Yeda lawsuit.

"Okay, the rest is up to you."

The situation of the fairy beast and the fox-eared witch is clear.

Yu Xiu looked at the blood elf Kiki.

The latter didn't move at all, just when Yu Xiu wanted to speak out again, she suddenly said: "Are you really... a traveler?"

"I've seen 'travelers', for some money or equipment, to please those elves who look down on us, willing to do any dirty work, and even put on a smile when they are ridiculed by elves, their status is very low...but You are respected here."

Ingratiating? Putting a smile on your face when you are ridiculed?

Yu Xiu's face was a bit strange, he knew the players' style well, but he could not understand the psychology of this group of people.

Players are a group of incompetent creatures.

Do whatever you want to do.

Once the current standards are not met, fine, he can do any cumbersome things.

Encountered an opponent that you can't handle and can't solve?

I can't beat it now, just make fun of you, and I will also smile on my face. When I can beat it, I will immediately turn into a big daddy and let you know what the weight of the fourth natural disaster is...

"You are still young, so you may not understand what it means to hide a knife in a smile." Yu Xiu coughed, "Traveler, it's not that simple..."

Among other things, just those elves who looked down on players that Qiqi just mentioned.

He dares to guarantee that those people will know the casual attitude of the fourth natural disaster in a short time, and let them know what hardcore is [hope]

"Really?" With blood-red ponytail hair swaying to her shoulders, Qiqi nodded: "Although the way you spoke just now

Very frank and direct, but I don't know why, it's hard to doubt you, because...you, who are treated as a distinguished guest by the royal family, have no reason to deceive us at all. "

"Perhaps I have some evil intentions?" Yu Xiu laughed, "First trick you into believing me..."

"The hatred of the evil god in you is not fake." Qiqi spoke out, and said with certainty: "My mother told me that anyone who can kill the evil god's priest is definitely an upright hero

Yu Xiu was stunned for a moment, then patted her little head: "Heroes may not be absolutely upright sometimes.

In the original trajectory, many of the priests and believers lost by the evil gods were killed by some notorious villains...

Well, the original hero can be counted as one of them.

"I trust my mother, she won't lie." Qiqi was very calm.

"Okay, then I believe it too." Yu Xiu nodded and asked, "Where is your mother now, I'll take you back to find her sometime.

"I don't know." Qiqi lowered her head, her tone was finally a little lost and... dazed: "When those Hai people came to kill me, my mother led them away to protect me...

...but I got caught in the end, except, without seeing my mother.

"Sea people..." Yu Xiu clicked his tongue, turned his head, and looked at the head of the Merman bodyguard who hadn't left yet: "Excuse me...

"I understand what you mean, please wait a moment, I will deal with it now."

The latter, who had listened to the whole process, saluted straightly, turned around and strode outside, obviously looking for trouble with the auction house.

"Wait here patiently, news of your mother should come soon." Yu Xiu said with a sigh of relief, "If there is no news, it proves that she is safe.

"At least he didn't get caught."


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