I, The Original Male Protagonist Of Online Game Novels!

Chapter 175: Elimination Of All Evils (4K Subscription)

In the country of storms.

Dukes from various duchies are walking out of different portals under the escort of their personal attendants.

Those who have already arrived at the palace are placed in a large hall.

They each looked for their familiar friends, or allies, and then chatted casually.

"It's amazing. Sure enough, what I said is correct. Even His Majesty is moved by the power of the gods."

"Although benevolent, His Majesty still cannot escape the mundane after all. This is normal. The body of a god is immortal. Who would not be moved?"

"I heard that several grand dukes who believed in Bertha also came this time? Didn't they say that they have always believed in this [Mother of Tides] since their ancestors?"

"Don't be ridiculous, the belief of the ancestors? Compared with the authority of the gods, that thing is completely worthless."

"I'm curious about His Majesty's so-called distribution plan. According to his style of 'I'd rather lose myself than let my subjects suffer', what will it look like?"

"You can rest assured about this. When His Majesty called us here, he also made it very clear. The matter of [Mother of Tides] is actually very easy to talk about. The key is to guard against other forces. Don't forget. Now, only I stormed the country and welcomed back my own god, and there will be a second god returning soon, I heard that it is [Spray Girl...  

"It seems that it is beneficial to bring that traveler back and make him a prince. Not only [Mother of the Tides], but even [Spray Maiden]..."


The four princes "One Four Three" of Tessalin XII, who are now the princes of the kingdom, walked in together.

Seeing this, the dukes hurriedly saluted and greeted him.

Speaking of this joint proposal, these four princes are well-deserved leaders and responsibilities.

Without them, depending on the courage of the dukes, they might not have dared to speak directly to Tessaline XII about their plans for the gods.

"You don't need to be too polite, Grand Dukes. The king of [Kedora] Kingdom who is walking in the forefront, and the eldest prince Mosca of the Storm Royal Family, responded with a smile: "Speaking of which, it is really great to be able to receive invitations from all of you this time." Surprise us. "

"If it wasn't for your letters, I'm afraid I should still be dealing with the cult followers."

"It's the same with me, big brother." The third prince Benny Kerr said casually, "I just found some beautiful men recently."

"Stop, my brother, no one here wants to hear about your ridiculous things." The second prince Su Yi, who was standing on the left, coughed, "We are here to do business."

"Yeah, this time is related to us and even the future of the storm, so we can't treat it casually, so we should be correct.

The youngest prince Aos agreed.

"Father's meaning has already been explained very clearly. If there is anything more to say, just say something casually." Benny Kerr said displeasedly.

These words aroused the approval of the dukes present.

Tessalin XII's temper is notoriously good, and he secretly nodded for his plotting power, so there is really no need to be so vigilant.

Many of them held the idea of ​​[no one understands Tessaline XII better than me] in their hearts, so they behaved very easily.

It was as if, this time, it was not plotting against the gods, but a long-lost banquet.

"By the way, after Bertha returns, is it true that you won't notice my thoughts?"

A Grand Duke with antlers lowered his voice and asked this question.

"Your Excellency, Duke Shenlu, didn't you make it very clear when you sent the magic letter before, [Mother of the Tides] has just returned, her divine power has not recovered, and she doesn't have that kind of ability, otherwise, how dare we invite the prince or even Is the monarch plotting this together?" A grand duke said with a smile, and said with relief: "In the future, things like this will definitely happen again, you have to learn to get used to it."

"That's right." Benny Kerr, who was acting in an absurd manner, laughed and said, "Cancisit Ravel, I heard that the Grand Duke of the Giant Whale [Alante Sophie] died because of you. Is it in your hand? You obviously have the courage to murder another close friend, but you have accepted his territory openly. How can you retreat when you plot against the gods? n

"You are too useless, aren't you? Is this also worthy of being called the Duke of Shenlu?"

"Benny Kerr!" the eldest prince Mosca scolded, "Don't talk nonsense here! Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Grand Duke Shenlu!"

"Why do I apologize, everyone knows what happened to the Duke of the Giant Whale. I heard that Kansisite sent people to hunt down and kill Arlante's only daughter, but they haven't succeeded until now. I Are you right?" Benny smiled hesitantly, not taking it seriously.

The dukes present all showed strange expressions when they heard the words.

The Grand Duke of the Whale of the Val Islands [Alante Sufir] died suddenly a while ago, which indeed caused quite a disturbance in the Kingdom of Storms. What is the root cause of it?

The nobles are naturally well aware of this.

As for Tessalin XII, although he also intended to trouble the Duke of Shenlu, he had to put it aside because there was no evidence for the time being.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, don't talk nonsense, Grand Duke Whale, that is my dear friend, brother, how can I kill him? And my lovely niece, apart from her father Besides, I am the one who cares about her the most, so how could I chase her down?" Kansisite smiled with narrowed eyes, and then said: "Your Highness, there is no need to do this, and I don't mind it."

"Everyone, it's more important to talk about serious things now."

Saying so, he smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand.

The somewhat abnormal atmosphere in the field suddenly became peaceful again.


Many dukes suddenly sensed that something was wrong.

The main hall where they are located seems to be blocked by someone with a spell.

"How is this going?!"

Someone made a sound of surprise, and then, in the next moment, it exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and then it returned to its original form.

"There is an ambush!"

"Could it be that assassins from other forces broke into the palace?!"

"Want to wipe out all the great nobles of our storm? It's simply wishful thinking!"

"I'd like to see who dares to act so boldly and fall in love with a group of rank nine professionals!"

The sudden shock made some dukes, and even the four princes' faces freeze.

But not to the point of being frightened.

Because, all the nobles they present have rank nine.

And the equipment, skills, talents, and physique are all extremely excellent, and they can also be called the elite of the storm.

Even if other forces have ideas, it is impossible to come to the home court of the Storm Kingdom.

What's the difference between that and death?


It caused unexpected worries to the great nobles present.

In the main hall, Tessalin Twelfth's cold, emotionless voice sounded: "The rebels who are delusional and attempt to seize the power of the gods! Your ugliness and greed have disgraced the Storm Kingdom and made it extremely embarrassing. ...Here, in the name of Tessalin XII, in the name of the storm royal family, here I declare to the subjects of the storm that I will deprive you of your title! Judgment . . . "

The nobles fell asleep.

The eldest prince who took the lead widened his eyes even more, lost his previous demeanor, and said in horror: "Your Majesty... No, father!? Why?!"

Wishful thinking? Conspiring to seize the authority of the gods?

This has also become a crime? But you Tessalin XII, haven’t you been persuaded too!?

Now you actually want to kill your accomplice??

"Shut up! Rebellious son! As your father, as your lord, I have lost all face in front of [Mother of the Tides], and the glory of the storm thanks to the gods has also ended in your hands...  … Tessaline XII said, his voice was full of resolute anger and killing intent: "How despicable, how sad... Your existence is undoubtedly the shadow of the eternal night, the shame of the storm, and now returns The gods of the gods have learned of the greed of the sheltered, I am really ashamed...you...you have only one death...only one death!!"

The last words fell.

Accompanied by the majesty of the emperor, the magic formulas in the entire hall were activated, and all the rebels were judged.

The cold sea current, accompanied by Wang Quan who shattered the soul, arrived in an instant.

When Yu Xiu stepped into the stormy palace.

There are not as he expected here, there are various wounds left over from the battle...

On the contrary, even as before when he arrived, nothing changed at all.

This made Yu Xiu feel a little surprised. After all, this stormy monarch has a hand in killing those big nobles without leaving any traces.

"Prince Lichen." In the side hall of the imperial palace, the unknown Tessalin XII stood in the center, with a slightly exhausted expression: "You came just in time, I have wiped out all the evil, now, can we start... .?"

What he meant was the return of [Spray Girl] Darlene.

Now that the Dukes of the Storm are dead, and four princes who are also excellent in combat power have died, their power will inevitably decline. Under such circumstances, Tessaline XII, who thinks from the perspective of an emperor, naturally hopes to be able to fight again. There are new combat powers added.

As for Bertha? Although she is strong, she still hasn't recovered. She even had to use the power of the storm to keep an eye on it secretly. There is a limit to the deterrence of various forces.

Therefore, Tessalin XII did not count on the [Mother of the Tide], but placed his hope on the [Spray Maiden].

Because, according to Li Chen's cryptic disclosure, the "Spray Girl" who awakened and returned this time must have appeared in the world in full bloom.

"It's ready." Yu Xiu gave the answer that made Tessalin XII slightly relieved, "Next, it's Princess 'April'... Your Majesty has explained this to her what's up?"

"I've already mentioned some, but I haven't explained it very thoroughly." The latter said, "She knows that she may be the reincarnation of some powerful existence, but she will never think that it is a god...

This thing is indeed somewhat unexpected.

After all, who would have thought that the gods and spirits guarding the world of Eternal Night would be reincarnated into ordinary bodies on the ground?

"It's okay." Yu Xiu nodded slightly, just asking Tessalin XII to invite April over.

According to the author's setting, when the gods recover and return, they will have the divine zone.

The consciousness and body of the reincarnated person can be retained and become a separate individual.

Doesn't affect anything.

The gods will not switch between the gods and the mortal beings in the same state of multiple personalities...

"Prince Lichen, although it's presumptuous to ask this question, but...you mentioned to me before that the return of the wave girl will not have any impact on April... I...lost this daughter, right?" Tessalin XII did not rush to follow Yu Xiu's request, but asked a serious question.

The him just now was the king of the storm, but now he is just a father who worries about his daughter.

"The Spinning Girl is a true lawful deity, and it's too late for her to love and protect her reincarnated body, so she won't have any side effects on it." Yu Xiu said, "Your Majesty won't either.

Wu. "

"That's good."

As Tessalin XII spoke, he paused for a while, and the worry in his expression decreased a lot.

he has lost four

Heir, cannot lose another daughter.

Although he is also at the risk of losing his daughter at the moment... But before being a father, he was first and foremost the king and protector of the Stormlands, his subjects

Seeing the lonely look of the Storm King after signaling his valet to bring April, Yu Xiu remained silent and didn't say much.

It's not just the big nobles of the storm who are greedy for the power of the gods. Even if he handles it, his approach will not be much different from that of Teblin XII.

Not all gods are as lenient as Bertha. If they encounter someone with a bad temper, the evil gods will stop fighting and just wipe out the storm. This is basic practice.

In the original book, there are quite a few forces and professionals who were cleaned up by the gods.

"By the way, Your Majesty, there is something that I forgot to mention to you earlier...

Thinking of the princes among the great nobles who were exterminated, Yu Xiu thought of the Lois Sophie whom he had met before, and immediately took the giant shark badge she gave from

Take it out of the backpack.

"This is... the occupation system item of the Vaal Islands?" Tessalin XII's expression changed slightly, "Prince Lichen, where are you from..."

"Lois Sophie gave it to me." Yu Xiu said frankly, "that is, the only daughter of the Grand Duke of the Giant Whale, the spineless one with the epic stigmata."


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