The old man was very happy.

"Hehehe! This is really interesting! I didn't expect that Charlotte Linlin, who is known as the iron balloon, was taken advantage of by a rookie~

In her own home court, at her own tea party, she had an ecstasy attack and made a big fuss!

Hehehe! I can already imagine what kind of explosive news tomorrow will be!

Big-Mom Pirates? From today on, they will be nothing more than a laughing stock in the New World!"

After witnessing the whole incident, Lucas couldn't help but laugh out loud with gloating.

"More than that? If we can take this opportunity to start a war between Kaido and Big Mom~ Hee ha ha ha!

Then the new world will be able to stir up a new storm! And the forces of this sea will be reshuffled!

Then our chance will come!"

Beside him, the iron beak-shaped mask opened and closed, Robert lowered his eyes, and a chill ran through his eyes.

"Thanks to this kid! If we rely on ourselves, we may not be able to easily shake the situation in the new world, but now, maybe we don't have to do anything, the situation has already changed!"

Lucas said with some emotion, he really didn't expect that things would go so smoothly?

This young man from the Beasts Pirates ruthlessly slapped the Charlotte family in the face. The leader of his own power was tricked by the opponent. If this can't start a war, then he doesn't deserve to be called a pirate! It's better to be one of those navy soldiers who are tied up!

"Ala, are you sure he has no backup plan? I don't believe that the guy who has been hidden by Kaido for a long time is so brave but reckless~

You know, even Kaido took over the entire Wano Country quietly? Before that, who would have thought of occupying that closed country as his base?

I guess you also know something about it? Whether it is the rich resources of Wano Country or the superior geographical location, it is remarkable in the whole sea~

How can a guy who can serve as the general of Wano Country be such a simple person?"

Lorelai held her cheeks, and a piece of green flowing material appeared in her palm, changing into various shapes as the other party's mind flowed. In the end, she even pinched a Q version of a little man with nine tails. It seemed to be a soft candy creation based on Yakumo Bai.

"Tsk! I don't believe that guy has the ability to calm the anger of the Charlotte family! Of course, if he really has that ability, we are not just sitting there doing nothing!"

Lucas curled his lips, then showed a sinister smile and said,

"We can just pretend to be allies of the Beasts Pirates and help that Yakumo Bai escape from here! After all, only when their strength is balanced will it be most beneficial to us, and such a confrontation will last long enough!

And if we "accidentally" kill a few of Charlotte's family members during the escape...

Hehe~ That would be a big bill!"

Hearing this, Lorelai's eyes flashed, as if he was thinking about the feasibility of it, but Robert couldn't help smacking his lips and said,

"How insidious! Lucas! Obviously your fruit ability is so 's violence is very simple and easy to understand for everyone, but why is it so tortuous to do things? I think it's better for you to sit at the same table with Morgans and his men. People are divided into groups, and that group is more suitable for you! "

"Hmph! Don't mention those nonsense! Robert! How can pirates have so many rules? The process is not important, as long as the result is what I want!

What? You don't agree with this plan? "

Lucas narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party deeply. It seemed that he was really considering the possibility of the other party's refusal. After all, Robert, this guy, although he is keen on killing and regards everything as prey, this is precisely his most direct side. Even if it is hunting, it is a frontal raid, not stealth assassination, poison traps and other messy methods. For him, his own is the best weapon.

"Don't agree? Oh, no! Of course not! How can I not be involved in such an interesting thing? Leave the killing to me! With my fruit ability, I can leave directly after solving the problem, and I will never leave any handle!" Unexpectedly, Robert agreed to this "sinister" plan without any hesitation. Seeing the other party's eagerness

state, seems to be more excited than Lucas himself.


Silently retracting his gaze, Lucas felt that he seemed to have neglected one thing, that is, the bottom line, principles, etc., which seemed to have nothing to do with pirates. There was no breakthrough before, just that the temptation was not big enough... and once these things were broken, it would be more completely crazy!

Thinking of this, Lucas looked at Lorelai again, and after seeing that the other party had pinched the soft candy figurine on his own, he understood something--

Humph! This woman is still the same as before, a standard fence-sitter. Although she has made great progress in the New World with her special superhuman system and outstanding two-color domineering, there are very few people who have really seen Lorelai take action. The reason is that she is really a bit "cowardly"!

As a pirate, it may not be appropriate to say this, but the fact is that Lorelai never chooses to stand in the first place. Usually, she will take action after she is sure of success, and once she takes action, it will inevitably decide life and death!

Although this approach did not gain much in the process of dividing benefits, Lolelai relied entirely on continuous and subtle victories to gain his current strength and status!

It's not that there are people who can bet and stand on the side successfully, but it's rare to be able to do it to the extent of the other party~

Seemingly aware of Lucas's scrutiny, Lorelai was not embarrassed at all, just pretending to casually retract her ability, stretched her waist to show her devilishly attractive proportions, and then said with a bit of teasing,

"Don't just look at me? I know I'm beautiful and attractive~ But if you really want to do what you said, further intensify the conflict between big-mom and Kaido, you still need a strong fighting force, right?

In terms of danger, our lovely sister Kira is more suitable, isn't she? (The user of the mushroom fruit mentioned above)"

Hearing this, both Lucas and Robert looked at the girl in a white dress lying on the dining table beside them, as if she was in a sweet dream. Deep fear was transmitted from their eyes. Even if these two guys boasted of their strong strength, they were helpless against this seemingly harmless girl.

As the user of the Fungus Fruit, even if it is recorded in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia, the girl in front of him is definitely an unprecedented existence.

Have you seen deadly spores that can cover an entire island? Have you seen a devil forest bred by organic spores? Have you seen humans like zombies?

Have you experienced the most painful way to die in this sea?

It can be said that if a list of "people you least want to provoke" is made in the entire sea, this girl named Kira will definitely be the first!

Three billion Baileys! This is the bounty given by the World Government, and it is for everyone, including pirates!

However, even with such a generous bounty, the danger behind it makes almost all the bounty hunters and pirates who are ready to move back. In history, the tragedy caused by angering this girl is vivid, and the title of "Witch of Plague" has also become a taboo of disaster!

At some point, a legend has spread in the taverns of the New World that if you meet a girl holding a black teddy bear and wearing a white dress, then no matter what you are doing, whether it is trading, playing, or messy things with relatives! In short, the only thing you have to do is to escape from the island as quickly as possible!

Because, even if the possibility is very small, it is not ruled out that the island will become a breeding ground for spores and a castle for witches to rest temporarily——

Thinking about the information about this girl in his mind, Lucas couldn't help but be afraid of the other party's sudden interruption before. He really saw the island that was completely covered by spores from a distance, and he was very clear about the other party's weird and dangerous ability, which was a terrifying fertility and vitality that could not be suppressed even with his own dust bombs!

However, one thing is fortunate that despite such dangerous and deadly means, this terrifying girl is unexpectedly "lazy"!

She would never sit if she could lie down, and would never stand if she could sit. She would stay in her "territory" all the time. Even the usual material purchases were handled by humans controlled by spores.

Even when she went out, most people saw a sleepy girl holding a black teddy bear. Only when those stupid people disturbed her sleep would she wake up for a moment. By then, they and even the entire island would have to face not only a man suspected of having

A grumpy girl~

Putting his thoughts back, Lucas glared at Lorelai who was deliberately making trouble, then pretended not to see Jira and said to the remaining two people,

"Then, whether we can occupy a place in the new world, become the new overlord, and realize our respective ambitions depends on this battle, you two!

For your respective ambitions, give everything!"

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