The family was in chaos, and the family was in chaos.

Looking at the increasingly damaged land, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked very bad. He never thought that Uchiha would choose to leave Konoha.

Obviously, what Uchiha Madara failed to do at that time was now done by Uchiha Lulin. Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly regretted it very much. He regretted not listening to Danzo and destroying this family earlier.

As for Danzo, he was even more angry than Sarutobi Hiruzen. He had been eyeing the Sharingan for so long, but now everyone has run away.

Although he can harvest Sharingan as he pleases when he meets outside the village in the future, it is not as convenient as in the village after all.

Moreover, there are more and more strong Uchiha people. It is not known whether his roots will be their opponents in the future. His gloomy eyes turned in his eye sockets, and he suddenly said to Sarutobi Hiruzen:

"Huruzen, announce to the ninja world that Uchiha Lulin and the entire Uchiha have betrayed the village!"

Even if the Uchiha are strong, Danzo will make some trouble for them. There are more than one people in the ninja world who want Sharingan.

Faced with Danzo's proposal, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not speak, but commanded the ninjas of the Anbu to return to the Hokage Building. The commotion today was big enough. The whole village knew that the Uchiha had left Konoha. His first thing now was to calm the emotions in the village.

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen who did not take care of himself but left, Danzo became more dissatisfied. He felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen had become more and more hesitant and timid. He had to hurry up. If he let Sarutobi Hiruzen serve as Hokage, it would bring huge losses to Konoha.

"Let's go too."

Thinking of this, he also took his roots away. Seeing that everyone had left, the spies from other families also slowly left. Today's events were too big, and they had to tell their clan leaders word by word.

Orochimaru stayed where he was, looking at the place where Lu Lin and others left, with a gleam in his eyes.

He could see at a glance that the door was not a product of technology at all, but the eyes of Uchiha, the mysterious power of the Mangekyo.

Originally, he thought that the Mangekyo was just able to bring more powerful abilities to the user. Now that he thought about it, his knowledge was still too shallow.

The Mangekyo clearly has too many unexpected abilities, so... Is it possible that it also has the ability to make people live forever?

His mouth opened, a long tongue stretched out, licked his dry lips, chuckled, and disappeared on the spot.

. . . . . . .

The capital of the Tea Kingdom.

The originally empty daimyo's mansion was now full of Uchiha people, and many of them were flashing red eyes, which was a bit creepy at first glance.

Fortunately, the previous daimyo of the Tea Kingdom built the entire mansion to be extremely huge in order to show his power, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate so many people.

"Okay, now let's go to the place prepared in advance."

Looking at some Uchiha who were eager to try, Lu Lin said that he had already prepared a place for the Uchiha clan, in the capital of the Tea Kingdom.

It's just not in the center of the capital, but in a slightly more remote location, but the advantage is that the place there is large enough.

And don't look at the remoteness of the place, this is the capital of a country, even in a remote place, there are many people who want to live here.

This can also be regarded as a little benefit that Lu Lin has sought for the Uchiha. After all, he is also a member of the Uchiha clan.

Everyone had no objection to being sent to the place arranged in advance. Although the location was a little off, this was the capital, and they naturally understood how expensive the land here was.

Moreover, even though the location was off, the streets were still very lively, which was something the Uchiha people had not expected.

Before coming, they all thought that the Tea Country, a small and unknown country, would not be too prosperous even if it was the capital, so they all thought that life would probably be a little poor after they went there.

Now it seems that this capital is much more prosperous than the Fire Country capital, and the towering buildings are more exquisite than those of the Fire Country. Along the way, the pedestrians on the road all had smiles on their faces and were dressed neatly.

All these show the happiness of living here.

Moreover, when pedestrians saw Lu Lin, they would bend down and stop, with no concealment of the reverence in their eyes.

Fugaku looked at his elder brother with admiration. He couldn't even manage a family well, but his elder brother could actually manage a family well.

A country is managed well.

Moreover, the Tea Country was originally just an unknown small country in the Ninja World. Now, all the major countries have recognized the Tea Country as a country that is almost comparable to one of the five major countries.

After settling all the Uchiha, Lu Lin did not stay for long and left first. The rest was left to Fugaku and the elders to coordinate and arrange. Lu Lin still needed to arrange work for them afterwards.

Although they did not have any positions in Konoha, only Fugaku was the Minister of the Guard Department, but there is no doubt that their management ability is what the Tea Country lacks the most now.

Although the academy is doing its best to cultivate such talents, it is still a little slow after all. The middle-level management system of the Tea Country is extremely short of people. The arrival of the Uchiha clan can be regarded as relieving some pressure.

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