After a long time, the water was still clear.

After an unknown amount of time, a huge bright light appeared in Lu Lin's eyes. On the bottom of the sea in the sea, a large piece of coral that had lived for an unknown period of time stood on the bottom of the sea. Each piece of coral was huge and emitted a gentle glimmer.

Looking at the huge coral that several people could hug together, Lu Lin couldn't help but feel envious. These things, even a little bit, can be sold at a high price.


Lu Lin, who was immersed in the beautiful scenery, was suddenly awakened by a long cry. He turned around and saw a whale that he couldn't see the end of, appeared in front of him.

As we all know, whales' eyes are not very big, but this whale's eyes are bigger than the three Lu Lins combined. However, even with such huge eyes, it does not look out of place on its body.

"Hello, human."

The voice exploded in Lu Lin's ears again. He knew that the owner of this voice should be this whale.

Unfortunately, Lu Lin didn't know how to speak, even though he could breathe in these gases.

"You can speak in the natural sea."

Hearing this, Lu Lin tried to open his mouth:


Some gas entered Lu Lin's mouth, but it was not uncomfortable. Moreover, there was a very strange energy that penetrated into his body.

Lu Lin's face changed slightly. Just when he was about to activate the chakra to dispel the energy, the whale spoke again:

"Don't panic, this is just the natural sea, slowly transforming your body so that your body can adapt to it."

"But I'm fine here, right?"

Lu Lin was a little confused. He had been swimming in it for so long.

"Before, it was the natural sea that was sensing your breath. Once it is truly certain that you belong to this planet, it will transform your body and allow you to adapt to the environment here."

"So, this natural sea is conscious?"

If such a large sea within a sea is conscious, it would be too terrifying.

"You can think of it as a program. This is a program set by this planet for this natural sea."

"Is that so..."

Lu Lin nodded, and then looked at the whale in front of him:

"I don't know yet, what should I call you, sir? Is there something you want me to do?"

"My name... It's been too long, I almost forgot it."

Who would have thought that Lu Lin actually saw a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"You can call me Whale Elder. I was originally the leader of an ordinary whale tribe. One day, when I was leading my tribe to hunt, I accidentally discovered this place."

"Because I was young at that time, I broke in directly. After discovering that the natural sea did not cause much harm to us, but made us stronger and longer-lived, we settled here."

"I don't know how long it has been. One day when I was resting, a voice suddenly appeared in my mind. He asked me to protect this ocean and resist the invasion of alien creatures."

"Although I don't know what happened, I still led my tribe and began to wander around the sea. When I got close to the land, I didn't expect that on the land, I don't know when, the natural energy would become extremely thin."

"That voice also appeared in my mind at this time. He told me that there are alien creatures. creatures are plundering the natural energy of our planet, and this natural sea is the natural energy gathered from the entire ocean. "


Lu Lin interrupted the whale's description anxiously. It was not that he didn't want to listen, but he was really a bit of a muggle now:

"You said that these energies are all natural energies? As far as I know, if there is no suitable method to absorb natural energy, it will bring bad changes to your body, right?"

"No, here, as long as you give the natural sea recognition, its energy will not cause you any harm, but you can absorb its energy at will."

"Moreover, anyone who is not recognized by the natural sea will never be absorbed. This is also the reason why the natural energy on land became thinner and the natural energy in the ocean did not change much."

"No wonder..."

Lu Lin said thoughtfully.

"As for why I asked you to come here, I wanted to see you, who came from land. You are the first human to come here, and I also want to

I want to ask, have those alien creatures been driven away? "

"Alien creatures..."

Lu Lin sorted out his words in his mind, and then slowly talked about what happened on land.

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