The whale's mouth did not smell as bad as Lu Lin expected, but only a little fishy, ​​but not too strong and acceptable. Moreover, it was very stable to stand inside, and the soles of the feet felt a little sticky. Only the sound of the water could be heard, and there was no light. There was nothing to do for a while, so Lu Lin began to sort out the harvest this time. According to the old whale, this planet in the ninja world has some consciousness of its own, but this consciousness is probably generated to protect the planet itself, and there is not much emotion. Lu Lin guessed that the planetary consciousness should have been connected with the three major fairy lands on land, and wanted them to protect the natural energy on land and prevent the Otsutsuki clan from plundering. Although Otsutsuki finally planted the sacred tree, he did not plunder all the natural energy on the land, and those toads had exchanges with Kaguya's son, the Six Paths Sage, which laid the foundation for sealing Kaguya later.

What can I say about these three immortal places? They have made some contributions to this planet. After all, with their strength, if they want to stop Otsutsuki head-on, they can only be sent food.

But later they also gained some authority over the natural energy on land, which was a compensation for their contributions. After all, no toad, snake or slug can live so long.

However, the planetary consciousness seems to be still not very satisfied with the three immortal places, so if you want to cultivate natural energy there, it will be extremely dangerous and even deadly.

The giant whale clan perfectly preserved the natural energy in the ocean, which also allowed its clan to swim in the sea in the sea, and they would naturally be able to cultivate natural energy.

Suddenly remembered that he himself had absorbed a lot of natural energy, right? Now he can try first to see if the natural energy has brought changes to his body.

After his consciousness entered his body, Lu Lin soon discovered the gurgling natural energy flowing in his blood. If we talk about changes, these natural energies make his blood healthier, and there are many natural energies that are constantly nourishing his spirit.

As long as his mental power is constantly nourished by natural energy, his mental power will become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, the healthier the blood becomes, the stronger Lu Lin's body will become.

"It is worthy of the power of this planet. Even if it is downgraded, it still forms a powerful chakra."

Lu Lin's eyes were almost glowing in the darkness where he could not see his hand in front of his face. These natural energies can continuously strengthen a person from the inside out. Although it does not seem to be strengthened much, it is better to last. His strengthening is non-stop.

"Should I try to mobilize the natural energy again..."

Rubbing his chin and thinking for a while, Lu Lin decided to give up first. After all, he was in the mouth of a whale. If something happened, it would be troublesome to hurt this big fish.

"Lord Lu Lin, we are about to reach the surface of the sea."

A dull voice sounded in the whale's mouth, as if the voice came from all directions, and it immediately woke up Lu Lin who was thinking.

"We are here."

A beam of light shot in from the mouth of the whale. Feeling the sea breeze hitting his face, Lu Lin closed his eyes and adapted for a long time before slowly opening his eyes.

Lu Lin was a little excited to see the light of day again. He was not used to staying in the deep sea all the time. That feeling was really a bit depressing.

Lu Lin stretched comfortably, jumped out of the whale's mouth, jumped onto its back, looked up, and soon noticed a black circular platform above his head.

The magnetic escape was instantly performed, and the platform slowly descended.

"What's going on? I can't control it?!"

A voice sounded on the platform, and Lu Lin knew as soon as he heard it that Xiaonan had been controlling the platform from falling.

"It's me."

Lu Lin said.

"Brother Lu Lin is coming up?"

Several heads popped out from the platform and found a person standing on the back of the huge whale. Upon closer inspection, it was Lu Lin.

Xiao Nan happily gave up control and let the platform fall freely. Soon it reached the right position. Lu Lin tapped the ground with his feet and came to the platform.

"Brother Lu Lin, you are not injured, right?"

This is Xiao Nan.

"Brother, how is it down there?"

Yahiko couldn't wait to ask, and Nagato and Mizukawa looked at him with worry and curiosity.

"Good luck."

Lu Lin nodded and said, the others were visibly excited, and then under their urging, Lu Lin told them some of his experiences on the seabed.

Yahiko widened his eyes and was a little excited:

"Does that mean that I can practice natural energy and have the Sage Mode?"

"You are stupid, Brother Lu Lin said it's okay, but it requires some tests, and you can practice natural energy after passing them."

Xiaonan said coquettishly.

"Oh, oh, that's right, haha."

Yahiko scratched his head embarrassedly.

"By the way, if you want to go down, you have to rely on yourself. After all, practicing natural energy also requires a threshold. Only those who can withstand the pressure of the seabed and reach the sea in the sea are qualified to practice."

If your own strength is not enough, even if you are sent to the sea in the sea by a whale, you will not be recognized by the natural energy of the sea in the sea. This was said by the old whale before he came up.

This condition is still quite harsh, because with Lu Lin's strength, he can feel the pressure on the seabed, let alone others.

Lu Lin suspected that only Kage-level warriors could reach Haiti. If elite jonin wanted to go there, they had to be skilled in physical skills and strong physically.

"It's okay, big brother."

Yahiko patted his chest confidently. Although he had not reached Kage level for a long time, he was familiar with the control of energy in his body:

"Let me go down and take a look."

"Wait for now."

Lu Lin stopped Yahiko who was about to jump down, and then took out a blue scroll:

"This is the summoning scroll of the giant whale clan. Drop your blood on it, and you can perform summoning and summon the giant whale. When we return to the Tea Kingdom first, you can summon the giant whale and let it take you directly here."

After being out for so long, if something happened in the Tea Kingdom, it would be difficult for him to rush over quickly.


Yahiko smacked his lips with some regret, but he also knew the importance of things, so he naturally had no objection.

Then he took out a kunai, cut a small hole on his finger, squeezed a drop of blood, and dripped it on the summoning scroll.

The scroll flashed and then absorbed the drop of blood, which meant that the giant whale clan agreed to sign a contract with Yahiko.

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