The two of them were so young that they had to wait for the next person to come to the rescue.

"??? Are you sure? Uh..."

"Yakumo-shiro!" Yamato shouted in support.

"Yakumo-shiro. Even if you are the most powerful nine-tailed fox ever, I am a warrior who has been through countless battles! And you... look like just a child..."

Panda hesitated and was surprised by Yakumo-shiro's proposal. Did this guy really think he could beat him? At such a young age?

"Hehe~ How do you know if you don't try?"

Yakumo-shiro smiled mysteriously, reached out and took a small knife toy from the toys tied around his waist. With the flash of an inexplicable light, a long knife flashing with cold light appeared in front of everyone.


The long sword was unsheathed, and the flower-like carvings looked extremely gorgeous. The blade guard was in the shape of three petals, and the exquisite decorations covered the surface of the handle, giving people a sense of elegance and solemnity.

Tianyuyuzan, the name of this sword, is a famous sword that is known as "even the sky can be cut down".

The big sword that should have been left to Momonosuke fell into the hands of Yakumo Haku at this time. This was all thanks to the kind-hearted Toki Lady, who gave both of Kozuki Oden's swords to this little fox who played with people's hearts in order to repay her kindness.

Well, anyway, leaving it to Momonosuke is just a waste of natural resources. Such a famous sword will naturally play a greater value in the hands of someone who deserves it!

As for the demon sword Yanma, he can't control it with his current strength, so he can only seal it temporarily as a toy...

With a sigh of regret, Yakumo Haku casually made a sword flower, stood with the sword behind his back, and the blade pointed obliquely at the ground. He looked like a heroic and imposing young swordsman!

Well... this can be seen from the infatuated eyes of Yamato and the other two behind him, as well as the fur-loving girls watching around.

"Wow? Is he a swordsman? I just don't know how good he is?"

With some surprise in his heart and a bit of interest, Panda raised his fist solemnly and took a stance. No matter how strong the opponent is, he must go all out in the battle. This is respect for the opponent and responsibility for himself. This is Panda's principle.

"Xiaobai! Come on! Come on! Defeat this little panda!"

Yamato waved his arms excitedly and shouted loudly. The little girl's face was flushed, and her eyes were shining with excitement, as if she was in it, full of high enthusiasm.

"Tsk, this guy, I don't care if he is defeated and embarrassed~"

Runti hugged his shoulders and snorted coldly, but despite the sharp words, his slightly opened eyes were still quietly paying attention to the battlefield. Obviously, this guy was insincere as always.

"Uh... why are we suddenly going to fight..."

Garrot's rabbit ears slumped down, and he looked at Yakumo Bai for a while, and then at Panda. The current situation was obviously beyond the little rabbit's understanding.

"It doesn't matter, let them fight! Garrot, I just want to know how strong this guy is..."

Pedro and others who were attracted by the commotion here also looked at the two people in the middle curiously. After what Yakumo Bai said just now, the hostility of several people towards him has dissipated a lot. Although the fur tribe loves peace, strength is still the best way to win respect. If you want to win their recognition, Yakumo Bai must show the corresponding strength.

"Ala~ It seems that everyone is attracted~ How to say, Mr. Panda, if you lose, you have to be my little brother!"

Yakumo Bai smiled lightly, with a calm look between his eyebrows.

"I won't run away from a fight! Yakumo! And, I'm an iron-eating beast! Not a panda!"

As he spoke, Panda's fists gradually turned red and hot, and a burning breath suddenly rushed towards him, and the air around him was slightly distorted.

"I am a temperature bear who ate the temperature fruit. I can freely control the temperature of my body. In my current state, my fists are as high as a thousand degrees. Be careful!"

"Scorching mode·Wild collision!"

The strong fist wind mixed with burning gas and dazzling lightning came towards him. It can only be said that he is worthy of being the most powerful warrior of the fur tribe. With the superposition of high temperature, electric current, and strength, Panda's offensive is like a tsunami, with an unstoppable momentum.

"The temperature fruit... is indeed a fruit with great potential!"

I was more and more satisfied. It was indeed the national treasure in my memory. Even in the pirate world, its gold content remained the same!

With Panda's current strength, in twenty years, he would be a pirate with a bounty of hundreds of millions. If he had the two-color domineering power, he would be a Flying Six-Brother-level existence.

So why did Yakumo Bai have the confidence to propose this battle?

The white hair gradually extended to the waist, pure white like snow, like silver and frost, emitting a faint glow.

The red and blue eyes became deeper and deeper, and the original whites of the eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by an extremely rich black, which made people deeply trapped.

The nine snow-white and furry fox tails behind him swayed gently, each of which was full of vitality and agility.

A series of electric lights that were winding like dragons and snakes suddenly broke out, flashing dazzling light.

In broad daylight, Yakumo Bai actually directly opened the Moon Lion form!


Seeing this, the surrounding fur tribesmen immediately cried out in surprise. They had seen the Moon Lion form before, but that was a special skill that could only be used when the moon was full!

What's the situation now? The sun is still hanging brightly in the sky! And you just transformed directly? !


Panda, who was opposite Yakumo Bai, was also extremely surprised, but was immediately replaced by a strong fighting spirit. Being able to transform into the Moon Lion form anytime and anywhere, such an opponent was worth his full efforts!

"Heh~ Chidori·Zhuduan!"

Yakumo Bai, who had transformed into the Moon Lion form, became more and more indifferent. He swung his long sword fiercely, and the sharp electronic sound like a hundred birds singing suddenly burst out and collided with Panda's steaming fist.


The invisible air wave surged, Yakumo Bai took a few steps back, and Panda flew back dozens of meters away, plowing a deep gully on the ground!

"What!? Brother Panda is actually at a disadvantage?"

Wanda opened her mouth in surprise, obviously unbelievable for such a result.

"Hehe~ Xiaobai has enough strength to rival the giants, so this little panda certainly can't compare to him!"

Yamato said with a smug look on her face, as if she was the one who had the upper hand.

"Giant tribe?!" Pedro and the others looked at Yakumo Bai in shock, and they couldn't believe that this small body had such amazing strength.


Looking down at the traces of his retreat, Yakumo Bai sighed. After all, he was still young. Even though he had amazing strength, it was still difficult to control the output of every bit of strength.

Although the burst just now sent the opponent flying, the strength was somewhat dispersed. Panda looked embarrassed, but for the physique of the fur tribe, it was just some scratches.

"It's a good opportunity to practice my skills. The gap between me and my father is too big. I don't have the energy to focus on the control of strength. Before I can recover, the next mace comes. It's so frustrating..."

Yakumo Shiro calmed down, held up the Tianyu Yuzan in his hand, looked at Panda who reappeared in the smoke on the opposite side, and smiled,

"Go, next, let's start the second round!"

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