Two days later, Zouwu.

The capital of the former Furry Principality.


A mechanical rotation sounded, and in an empty square, a large toy that looked like a saber-toothed tiger gradually stretched out its body, and a mechanical roar came out of its mouth.

"Toy settings: beast form, orc form, gun form, sword form,

Set the second user: Iron Blood Division leader Adolf,

Setting completed, transform into gun form."

After the voice fell, another sound of gears twisting was heard, and the originally majestic saber-toothed tiger suddenly shrank and deformed. A moment later, a heavy rifle with a cool shape and a saber-toothed tiger pattern fell to the ground with a "click", and the black muzzle exuded a dangerous atmosphere.


"Yes! Master Yakumo!"

A young man of moderate build but with a wolf-like look stepped out of the line immediately after hearing the voice, with a straight back and a firm expression. A hideous scar across his cheek added a bit of iron blood and murderousness, and the cold gray military uniform set off the opponent's harsh aura.

Looking at the standard soldier in front of him, Yakumo Bai nodded with satisfaction. This man was originally the commander of the army of a non-member country in the New World. Since the beginning of the Great Pirate Era, this sea area has become more and more chaotic and crazy. Countless ambitious pirates have swarmed in, and there are not a few who burn, kill and plunder. The Kingdom of Nicholas where he is is a victim of this bad era.

Adolf was originally just an art student in his country. He was about to face the art exam of the Royal Capital Academy. As long as he passed the exam, he could become a court painter and save his impoverished family. However, facing the invasion of pirates, he resolutely signed up for the army with a patriotic heart. With his military talent beyond everyone's expectations, he became the highest commander of the country in ten years, and repeatedly led the army to repel the invasion of pirates.

It's just a pity that a budding pirate came to the Kingdom of Nicholas to promote his reputation. With the ability of the Snow Snow Fruit that he had developed for many years, he directly ruined the entire country.

When the Beasts Pirates happened to pass by the small country buried in the snow, they only found this man lying in the snow and his daughter Lilith who was desperately saved in his arms.

Perhaps out of curiosity, or perhaps out of sympathy, Yakumo Bai saved the father and daughter.

In order to repay the life-saving grace, Adolf, an upright and down-and-out soldier, naturally swore to work under Yakumo Bai. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the Iron Blood Division was established by Yakumo Bai on a whim after he learned the other party's name and experience.

"What a pity, if you add a little mustache, it will be more like it..."

After saying this silently in his heart, Yakumo Bai reached out and picked up the "Tiger" rifle on the ground and handed it to the other party,

"I'll give this gun to you! As the leader of the Iron Blood Division, you must be the sharpest sword among them. You will definitely encounter more powerful enemies in the future. Before that, you can't fall down!"

"Thank you for your trust! Master Yakumo! Iron Blood will definitely bring you victory after victory!"

Adolf responded solemnly with a serious look.

"Haha, there is no need to be so, Uncle Adolf, I naturally believe in your ability, otherwise I would not give it to you.

Besides, with this gun, Lilith will be much more relieved, right?"

Yakumo Bai waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Hearing the other party mention his daughter, this steel-like man couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile, and perhaps mixed with a little helplessness?

"About Lilith... I'm really sorry, Master Yakumo, this child is really a bit noisy... I heard that she secretly ran to another ship to participate in the conflict with the Big-Mom Pirates?"

Adolf said apologetically.

Hearing this, thinking of the girl with a completely different personality from his father, Yakumo Bai was also a little emotional.

Born in the glorious years when Adolf was in the heyday of the army, Lilith had a painting talent far beyond her father. When she was in the Kingdom of Nicholas, she was a well-known genius girl. Her paintings could often be sold at a high price of millions of Baileys.

Originally, with her powerful father and her own outstanding painting talent, Lilith should be a gentle, polite, elegant and noble lady, but the facts are often very different from expectations.

Unlike Adolf who was forced to be involved in the war and the army, Lilith

Lilith unexpectedly has an amazing passion for fighting. After joining the Beasts Pirates, she is ambitious to fight her way up to the position of the Three Disasters from the bottom...

Well, with the power of her mythical beast devil fruit, it is not impossible.

"It's okay, it's just a small conflict. Lilith's ability should be enough to deal with it.

Also, although Lilith has a little excess energy, isn't she cute? She and Yamato get along very well!"

Yakumo Shiro said with a smile, then knocked on the rifle in the other's hand and said,

"What? Don't you want to try it first? The power of this gun?"

Hearing this, Adolf finally took a closer look at the rifle in his hand, and a bit of enthusiasm emerged in his eyes.

Since becoming a soldier, in addition to painting, guns and cannons have gradually become Adolf's love, caliber! Range! These two words touched his nerves, and after seeing the powerful heavy rifle in his hand, Adolf immediately fell in love with it!

Such weight, such caliber, reassuring!


"Bang bang bang——"

A series of roars sounded, Adolf held the rifle tightly in his hand, and bullets roared out of the barrel, blasting several huge holes in the hills beside him. The pungent smell of gunpowder came out. After two minutes, Adolf put down the rifle in his hand that was still emitting wisps of heat, and looked at the hills opposite. Where was there any trace?

"Well... the power is really good, but the amount of ammunition seems to be limited. It should be related to the quality of the toy itself. After all, the original saber-toothed tiger must not be able to fire bullets..."

After observing Adolf testing the beast form and sword form, Yakumo Bai nodded secretly.

Giving toys multiple forms of change is a new idea of ​​Yakumo Bai after coming to Zou. The inspiration comes from the two forms of animal-type ability users. After the test just now, Yakumo Bai roughly came to some results-

In the beastman form, the toy still retains its original strength, speed, and defense. It is even not afraid of pain and injury due to the special nature of the toy. However, due to the lack of consciousness, the original combat experience is lost. Similarly, the domineering aura derived from the will of the creature cannot be used.

In the sword and gun forms, the toy has the corresponding attributes of the two, but it cannot be wrapped by domineering aura, because in essence, the toy is still a living thing. Its own will is only suppressed, not equivalent to completely disappearing. In addition to acting on itself and dead objects, domineering aura cannot be transmitted to other living things.

"But if the fruit awakens, its independent will should be turned into my toy, and then it will completely become the user's item...

Well... since these ancient races can produce such changes, then animal-type ability users should be able to do so. It's hard to say about the mythical beasts, but the ancient and ordinary species should be able to do it...

I just don't know what kind of changes the superhuman and natural ability users can have..."

Yakumo Shiro secretly thought that this experiment was actually a preliminary preparation for his "Monster Girl Plan". According to his own ideas, the monster girls who "revive" from reality will not only have the above-mentioned changes in form, but also have human-like emotions and can also practice domineering because they are lives born from toys. That will be a truly completely own army with terrible growth potential!

"Well... let's take it slow and prepare all the conditions for the plan first...

Let me think, first of all, there are enough animal-type devil fruits, which my father has already started collecting, so there is no need to worry. Secondly, there is the technology to make toys eat devil fruits, which Quinn can solve. If it doesn't work, tie up Caesar and Judge...

As for the materials of the toys... I wonder if the fruit of the Drum Kingdom has appeared now..."

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