The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

Tian Yueshi felt that she had a terrible nightmare. In the dream, her husband died without dignity in the curses of the people. Her husband's subordinates betrayed her and killed each other, and blood was dripping.

The sticky blood gathered into a lake, which was about to drown her and drown her. When she was conscious, she seemed to vaguely see that even Momonosuke died under the sword. The blood flowed out continuously, raising huge waves in the entire blood lake, just like the flood more than 800 years ago, swallowing everything in the world! !


Like a drowning person finally getting oxygen, Tian Yueshi suddenly opened his eyes and breathed desperately. His chest rose and fell violently, and his heart was in pain.

Consciousness slowly returned like a tide, and Tianyue's eyes gradually regained clarity. She reached out to touch her cheek in a daze, but felt a wet and cool feeling.

Is that tears? She stared at her hands soaked in tears, and an indescribable sadness and despair surged in her heart.

It turned out that everything she had just experienced was not a dream, but a real reality! There is no room for redemption!

"No... How could this happen... No... Momonosuke..."

Tianyue's body trembled, and she curled up her legs uncontrollably, as if this could bring her a sense of security.

She hugged herself tightly and buried her head deep between her legs, as if she wanted to hide all the pain and sadness. However, the uncontrollable tears flowed out of her eyes like a flood that broke through the dam and slid down her cheeks.

However, after crossing eight hundred years alone, Tianyueshi was still somewhat strong and calm. Although he was in great grief, Tianyueshi suddenly recalled that when he fainted, Hiyori seemed to be safe and sound?

Thinking of this, Tianyueshi immediately stood up anxiously and looked around to confirm the condition of his daughter.


To Tianyueshi's surprise, Hiyori was lying quietly beside him at this time, with her little hand holding a corner of the quilt obediently, and she looked like she was sleeping soundly.

Seeing this, Tianyueshi seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and lay down beside Hiyori with an excited expression, murmuring, "Fortunately... Fortunately, you are still here... It's so good..."

People who have experienced despair will hold on tightly once they regain hope. For Tianyueshi now, Hiyori's existence gives her the courage and motivation to continue living, and is also the pillar that supports her life.

With hope, people will think about the future, and once the brain starts thinking, it can recover from the dead silence and calm down again.

Feeling the real warmth of his daughter, Guangyue Shi noticed that he had been in a room that looked very light and elegant. The air was filled with a fresh and pleasant breath, and the quilt wrapped around his body had a faint milk fragrance, but for some reason, it seemed to be stained with some white hair?

While Tianyue Shi was wondering, the door was suddenly pushed open gently, and his sight shifted. The first thing that came into his eyes was nine slightly shaking furry white tails. Looking closely, he saw a handsome and even beautiful face, with one red and one blue heterochromatic eyes hiding mystery.

Tianyue Shi looked at the handsome man who was slowly approaching with a tray in surprise, and was stunned for a moment.

"What a beautiful man! He shouldn't be a woman in a man's clothing, right? How can there be such a beautiful man?

Are the nine tails behind him real? Fur tribe? But why is there only the characteristic of the fur tribe behind him?

Is this his residence? What's going on now? Was I saved by him?"

Kozuki's heart was full of various doubts, but he had just calmed down and didn't want to ask questions. He just asked the most important question softly,

"Where is this? Did you save us?"

"Yes, this... Madam, my name is Yakumo Shiro, this is my mansion in the Flower Capital. Last night, I saw a fire suddenly broke out in the house of the Kozuki family. I was confused and went to investigate.

As a result, I found a red-haired man who was about to kill the lady. Fortunately, I thought I had some force, so I killed him and the other two, and brought the lady and daughter back...

Oh, because you were covered in blood, I took the initiative to let the woman

I changed your clothes, please don't blame me."

Yakumo Shiro had a gentle smile on his face, and narrated the incident in a gentle tone.

"No, no, no, of course not. Rather, I should be the one who is extremely grateful to you! If it weren't for your rescue, I'm afraid my mother and I would have been buried in the sea of ​​fire..."

After a life-and-death situation, Tianyue Shi naturally wouldn't care about such a trivial matter as changing clothes. At this time, he looked sincere and solemnly thanked Yakumo Shiro, and then asked with a complicated expression,

"Is there no one else alive? "

"Sorry, Madam, I checked carefully afterwards, and the others have... Please accept my condolences..."

Yakumo Shira frowned slightly and said with regret.

Hearing this, Tianyue Shi showed a look of "as expected", and his eyes suddenly became a little depressed. However, now that Tianyue Shi has woken up, he has realized that Orochi will definitely search the ruins of the Kozuki family. If he finds no bodies of the mother and daughter, he will definitely search frantically, and the man who saved him may also be implicated...

Even though he has nothing now, Tianyue Shi still doesn't want to leave nothing behind. The innocent were involved, so he said,

"The dead are gone, I know this...

But... since you rescued me from the Kozuki family, you should know my identity... and understand what happened in the Kozuki family yesterday...

If Orochi doesn't find the bodies of us mother and daughter, I'm afraid he will keep searching. In order to avoid implicating you, we will leave as soon as possible..."

Toki said nervously, and then seemed to notice Yakumo Shira's frown, and hurriedly added,

"But please rest assured! I will definitely repay your kindness!

Now that the Kozuki family has become a thing of the past, the two big swords that Oden left with me are no longer useful. If they are slightly concealed, they can just serve as your swords!

Not only that, I... I am also the ability user of the Time Fruit. If you encounter any unavoidable danger in the future, I can take you to the future!

In addition, if there is anything I can help with, please let me know, I will do my best..."

Tenzuki Toki was eager to show her value, but Yakumo Haku blocked her rosy mouth with his fingers.

Yakumo Haku frowned and said,

"Madam, you have to understand that I saved you not to let you go out and die!

I have also heard about Kozuki Oden's deeds. Excuse me, I cannot agree with his approach, but it doesn't matter. I am not interested in the conflict between Orochi and Kozuki Oden.

I just know that no matter whether Kozuki Oden lost his life because of his stupidity or Orochi's treacherous scheme, women and children are innocent!

That's why I saved you, do you know? "

The strong tone of Yakumo Haku at this time formed a strong contrast with the gentle demeanor before, so that Tianyue Shi was stunned for a moment, and could only watch him help him lie down again, and put the tray of hot food in front of him, and said in a tone that was almost commanding,

"Before I allow you, you stay here well, the big snake is not able to find me yet!

Also, remember to eat, that's it!"

After saying it in one breath, without waiting for Tianyue Shi's response, Yakumo Haku got up directly, and left without even closing the door, leaving Tianyue Shi lying obediently on the bed with a confused face, lost in thought.

"Is he angry? Because he is worried about my safety? Because I misunderstood his intentions... "

Tian Yueshi stared blankly at the steaming food beside the bed, speechless for a moment. For some reason, even though she had just experienced a disaster, her heart was moved and warm.

With her experience, she could naturally see that this man seemed to be born with a gentle character at first. His tough attitude just now was just a pretense, just to keep her here and protect her safety.

With a helpless sigh, Tian Yueshi turned his eyes to the quietly sleeping Hiyori, and said softly with some complexity,

"Should it be said that luck has come... Hiyori, have we finally met a noble person...

Now we can only do what he said, and hope that it is really as he said, and the snake will not find out about him...

If something happens in the future, even if I give up this life, I will not implicate him... And you, Hiyori, I will definitely let you live!


Hey, Hiyori, did you know that our benefactor is a cute nine-tailed fox? Don’t you like furry little animals the most?

But, he is a little stupid when he pretends to be domineering...”


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