The sound of a gunshot wound was heard.

(All characters in this chapter are adults)



"Stop her! Stop her! Quick!!!"

The Kingdom of Iluria, the capital, the originally prosperous streets are now in a mess, broken limbs, blood, panicked soldiers, the roar of guns, miserable cries... constantly wandering over the capital.

The Kingdom's Royal Guards, who have always been invincible, have completely lost their minds at this time. Before this, they never thought that there would be manpower to strongly compete with an army! And it was a one-sided crushing!

The army, which was originally meant to maintain the dignity of the royal family, now completely threw the dignity of the kingdom under its feet! They could only let the bloody rose dancing on the battlefield trample on them!

"Hahaha~ More! More! Keep dancing! Hahaha!!!"

A deep black mist kept wandering on the battlefield, and a corner of bright red hair appeared from time to time. A huge bloody sickle was like a rose blooming, lifting one red petal after another.

Accompanied by the girl's silver bell-like laughter, the soldiers on the battlefield fell down like mowing the grass. The road leading to the palace was already in a mess. The road paved with blood seemed to be offering a grand welcome ceremony for someone who was about to come!

At this time, Runti and Yamato, who followed Lilith to "capture the thief and the king", were already stagnant in place. Although they were here to solve the trouble of the royal family,... such a brutal scene was something they never expected!

The scene... seemed to be out of control? !

"Hey, Yamato, Lilith used to fight like this..."

Runti quietly tapped Yamato's shoulder and asked stiffly.

"Uh... Although she used to fight like crazy, this is the first time I've seen her like this..."

Yamato tilted his head and said uncertainly.

"Then should we also go up and participate to distract her? Or try to calm her down temporarily? I feel like something bad will happen if this continues..."

Runti pointed to a slowly moving blood-colored ball in the air and said worriedly.

At first, Runti didn't notice it, but in just a moment, the blood ball grew rapidly, almost visibly, and the blood on the entire battlefield was constantly flowing into it, and as time passed, the breath it exuded became more and more dangerous!

Her intuition told her that if it really grew to its peak, things would definitely get worse!

"Well... you make sense, and if we really use this bloody place to welcome Xiaobai, no one would be able to adapt..."

————Dividing line——————

At the same time, on a high tower not far from the palace.

"This is really... where did this crazy and cruel guy come from? I thought I was already amazing to be called the devil sheriff, but in front of this red-haired girl, I am really a small witch compared to a big witch~"

Lafayette retracted his wings and stood steadily on the top of the spire, with a slender sword across his chest to maintain balance. His face, which always wore a mask-like smile, was now filled with deep surprise.

"Fortunately, I escaped early. Otherwise, if I were really entangled by this crazy guy, it would take a lot of effort to get out. Maybe the ability that has been hidden all the time would be exposed...

Before the real opportunity comes, I don't want to attract the attention of the world in advance."

Lafayette breathed a sigh of relief. You know, since he got the devil fruit, his strength has grown by leaps and bounds, especially the hypnotic ability, which has made the hypnosis that he inherited from his father a qualitative leap!

This sea will eventually speak with strength, and such power makes Lafayette's ideals, or ambitions, hidden in his heart, get the capital to put into practice!

That is, to subvert this hypocritical sea with violence! Let everything return to chaos, and then the real king will reshape everything! Finally, build a new world!

Before finding the real king, it is better to lie dormant for a while. The Kingdom of Illuria is just a short stop. After staying for so long, it is time to leave. It can create a chaotic country.

There are so many in this sea!

"Hey~ Good luck~ Iluria's royal family, I hope that after this baptism, you can still leave some blood!"

Pretending to be kind, Lafayette prayed silently, then raised his white wings again and prepared to leave.

However, a sudden question made him stiffen on the ground.

"Look who I found? Devil Sheriff, Lafayette?

Hehe~ Can you please tell me what happened in the capital? I feel that the breath over there is a little familiar~"


The strange breath suddenly appeared behind him, which immediately made Lafayette's alarm bells ring. His face sank, and he quickly flapped his wings and flew into the air, trying to keep a safe distance from the other party.

However, to Lafayette's surprise, the other party did not choose to take the opportunity to attack, but still stood steadily in the center of a black fog with his hands tied. The white figure was particularly conspicuous against the deep darkness.

"You are...?"

Lafitte stared at the strange figure opposite him, and his vigilance reached its peak.

Nine tails? And strange black smoke? Who is this guy? He was able to approach him silently! ? If the other party hadn't made a sound just now, wouldn't he have been able to easily get rid of him? !

At this moment, even if Lafitte was confident in his own strength, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Hehe~ I just asked about the current situation, why are you so nervous~"

Yakumo Shiro smiled and landed on the place where Lafitte had just stood, his expression full of ease.

The Dark Dark Fruit is really useful. With the attraction of mutual repulsion, it can achieve a similar effect of suspension. The black mist just now is a direct manifestation.

After covering the whole body with dark water and covering up all the aura around the body, the stealth effect is even more amazing. Just now, even if he flew behind the other party, he was not discovered...

Maybe a dark dark space can be developed later? Similar to the effect of another space~


Hearing this, Lafayette frowned. No matter what the other party's purpose was, this guy already had the ability to threaten his life! This has crossed the red line!

It is not a wise choice to put such a risk in front of me!

"Pretend to fight him, and then look for an opportunity to retreat! Really... why do I meet so many troublesome guys today!"

Hesitation will lead to defeat, not to mention facing such a dangerous guy. Thinking of this, Lafayette flapped his wings violently, and the staff sword in his hand drew a sharp cold light and stabbed towards Yakumo Bai fiercely. At the same time, the hazy murmur raised the air waves and swept across Yakumo Bai's figure, as if this area became blurred.

"Ah, ah, it's just a question, why are you fighting? And... this annoying sound... doesn't work on me~"

Raising his eyebrows helplessly, Yakumo Bai's hands each emerged with a group of invisible silk threads and strange black mist.

Under Lafayette's doubtful gaze, he almost lost control of himself in an instant. At the same time, a hand wrapped in black mist had covered his body...

Under the effect of the Dark-Dark Fruit, the power of the devil fruit was no longer able to maintain, the wings disappeared without a trace, and the hazy whispers also disappeared. Lafayette could only watch himself being strangled by Yakumo Bai, and he had no strength to struggle.

"Why don't you answer my questions obediently? Do you have to force me to experiment with new abilities?"

Yakumo Bai said with some annoyance,

"Next, can you calm down a little? Devil Sheriff Lafayette? Now tell me what happened in the palace?"

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