The first time, the second time, the second time.

"Oh! Is this Fishman Island?!"

The Coral Hill broke through the blockade and obstruction outside the island and finally arrived at the waters outside Fishman Island. Yamato and others looked at the gorgeous scene in front of them with shining eyes, and their tone was full of excitement and admiration.

This is an extremely prosperous town, with various houses and shops built based on various corals, lined up in front of them.

Even if you are in the deep sea 10,000 meters below the sea, there is still bright sunshine projected through the huge foam covering the island.

Against the backdrop of the clear, gurgling seawater and transparent foam, a colorful hazy glow shines on the corals of different colors, making it look like a beautiful painting.

And various fishmen and mermaids of different shapes are leisurely strolling among the dazzling shops, picking out new and unique items they have never seen before, talking about their own stories or gossip about the next block.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it's really hard to believe that there is such a dreamlike pure land in the dark and gloomy 10,000-meter deep sea.

Almost just seeing Mermaid Island in person... no, it was the first sight of Fishman Island, Yakumo Shiro had already predicted that this island really had an unbreakable fate with him.

However, today's fate seems to have some small twists and turns? ?

The Holy Land slave riot led by Tiger undoubtedly affects the attitude of the World Government towards Fishman Island. If things go wrong, it will further stimulate the conflict between the two sides, and even return to the history of two hundred years ago when the fishmen had no status.

Therefore, within one day after learning about the outbreak of the Holy Land incident, the Ryugu Kingdom had already closed itself off to the outside world. This was something that King Neptune and Princess Otohime specifically announced at the Gironcord Square, not only for self-protection, but also to avoid possible intensified conflicts.

At this time, a group of humans, um... perhaps mixed with a few aliens, appeared on the closed Fishman Island, which inevitably caused riots on the island. Although the news of Yakumo Shira and others' arrival on the island has not yet spread, it was an unexpected encounter for the fishmen and mermaids on the coast!

"It's humans!!"

"How could it be? Aren't there guards from the royal army outside? How did they get in?!"

"Brother Tiger just rescued his compatriots from Marijoa, and these bastards are actually going to force their way into Fishman Island! Damn it!"

The arrival of Yakumo Shira and others undoubtedly gave the fishmen and mermaids who had never "seen the world" a great shock, and they all stared at everyone with surprised and vigilant eyes.

The difference is that the graceful and weak mermaid girls have already swam far away, while the strong fishmen and mermaids with fighting power are holding various "weapons" and guarding with solemn expressions. At the same time, the palace guards who received the alarm also rushed over with full equipment.

Almost in a moment, the originally bustling streets were crowded with various fishmen (mermaid) soldiers. They have never hesitated to speculate about humans with the greatest malice. At this tense moment, they forced their way into Fishman Island, and it was hard for the fishmen not to suspect their purpose.

"Hey! Human! What is your purpose for breaking into Fishman Island!"

A seahorse soldier who seemed to be the leader standing in the front asked in a deep voice.

"Don't be excited, this seahorse uncle. We just want to borrow a way to the new world~ and have fun in Fishman Island by the way?"

Yamato stepped forward and tried his best to explain.


Hearing this, the seahorse soldier in front of him first looked down at himself, and after confirming that he was indeed still young, he said impatiently,

"Fishman Island has been closed to the outside world before! You broke in despite the obstruction of the Kingdom of Ryugu, which is already a serious crime! You still want to play in Fishman Island now? It's just a dream!

Please go back to where you came from! Fishman Island... doesn't welcome humans now!"

"Huh?? Why is this? Who knows which big sharks and big octopuses outside are your subordinates..."

Yamato muttered a little dissatisfied.

"Well, what's wrong with just staying for a while? I have also heard about the things involved in Fishman Island during this period~"

Seeing this, Yakumo Shiro smiled and stood up and said,

"First of all, for the fishmen who escaped from Marijoa, I am

Of course, I am happy to see it happen, after all, the Celestial Dragons are really a bunch of trash!

Secondly, although the relationship between Fishman Island and humans is a little tense now, as you can see, strictly speaking, we are not completely what you think of as humans~"

Speaking, Yakumo Shiro gestured to the fishmen in front of him with his tail behind him.

"Actually, I am from the Fur Tribe~ I also hate those bastards of the World Government! The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Mr. Soldier, how about you take us to see King Neptune?

I believe that the king of Fishman Island will give us the treatment we deserve~”

After hearing what Yakumo Bai said, the fishmen and mermaids in front of them noticed the special features of Yakumo Bai and others belatedly. After taking a closer look, they found that they were indeed not human as they said!

After all, how can a human have a tail? And nine furry tails?!

In addition, the two prominent girls among them were obviously different from the appearance of humans promoted by Lady Otohime.

One of the girls in black and white and the other girl in a blood-red dress looked more like humans... But from their positions, it was obvious that the nine-tailed boy in front of them seemed to be the leader~

Hiss~ Who are they? What race are they? How can they drive humans with their inhuman bodies??

While the seahorse soldiers in front of them were in doubt, a wanton shout suddenly came from the fishmen outside the encirclement-

"Don't listen to his evil words! I have been to the ground with Big Brother Tiger. The inhuman characteristics displayed by these guys are probably the abilities of devil fruits! "

Hearing this, the people on the field couldn't help but look in the direction of the voice, and saw the blue-skinned sawtooth shark man Aaron staring at Yakumo Bai and others with hostility, and behind him were the octopus fishman Xiaoba, the kissing fishman Chu and other younger brothers.

At this time, Aaron was very excited about Tiger's "awakening" (although he thought so), dreaming of building an absolutely powerful military force for the fishman tribe, and when he saw the appearance of Yakumo Bai and others, he immediately wanted to vent his violent desire and superiority.

"Hmm? Are you sure?"

Hearing this, the seahorse soldiers looked at Yakumo Bai with a little more vigilance.

"Huh! Even if they are really some inhuman race, how can they meet our king casually? At this juncture, any unstable factors must be controlled!

Not to mention, those two humans! They must not enter the Fishman Island! If you ask me, let these humans also have a taste of being a slave! "

Aaron stared at Lilith opposite him and the little maid Robin beside Yakumo Bai with burning eyes, and his deep malice was not concealed.

And the other party's declaration also caused a lot of discussion among many radical fishmen. Is this a way to treat others in their own way? Is there a better way to retaliate than to treat humans as slaves of the fishmen? ! !

The answer is naturally... No!

Historically, only revenge with tooth for tooth and blood for blood is the most refreshing!

"Hehe~ Let us become slaves? "

Noticing the changes in the expressions of many of the fishmen (mermaids), although they were a minority, it was rare for Yakumo Shiro to feel a little angry.

In this vast ocean, the fishmen have fallen to the point where they are today. In addition to the oppression of humans, there are also factors of their own.

Except for a few individuals, these guys generally have poor brains, and their vision is also tightly limited by the deep sea of ​​10,000 meters.

In this world where seawater occupies most of the area, the advantages of the fishmen can be maximized. Even if they rely on force, they can take down an island as their own territory.

As long as the prestige of the Fishman Island is destroyed by force, If they come out, apart from other things, the slave trade involving the fishmen can be reduced a lot.

Not to mention the sharp contradictions between humans and the fishmen now, smart people will oppress the weak, and will never risk provoking the strong. Instead, they will fight for hegemony or cooperate to occupy more...

Extreme racial elements like Aaron are just fools who deceive themselves. Anyone with a discerning eye can see the gap in strength between the fishmen and humans, and this guy has been clamoring for the supremacy of the fishmen, which means that he is not strong, otherwise he would have been cleared by the world government long ago.

"Since you have the courage to say such words, you must have made the corresponding awareness, right?"

Yakumo Bai said indifferently, and at the same time, the black fog that rolled up like a wolf smoke also appeared in his hand.

"Awareness to be my enemy!"

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