I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 1 Ss Class Top Secret! Containment Foundation!

"Code-named Containment-999 Itchy Monster contacted the crowd, containment preparations are in progress, and crowd isolation is being arranged!"

"The Foundation has completed containment!"

In a deep mountain base in Longguo, a voice was broadcast mixed with noise, and then there was no sound.




An unknown number,

an unknown name,

A strange foundation.

Let everyone present fall into contemplation.

In recent years, supernatural creatures have risen globally.

This kind of supernatural creature has powerful energy, and even weapons cannot destroy it.

It has caused headaches for many countries.

And this voice was obtained at the destruction site of a supernatural creature five years ago!

In the past five years, technology has improved, and a small part of it has finally been deciphered!

However, there is still no substantial progress in what has been cracked.

At this time, a middle-aged man dragged his chin and thought for a while, then said in a deep voice, "You guys continue to decipher this voice!"

"As for the special number of containment, and the Foundation, I will find someone to investigate!"

"This mission is special and will be classified as an SS-level secret!"

After speaking, many people nodded.

SS level secret, this is already the top secret mission of the Dragon Kingdom!


dragon country,

In Yijiao's villa in Yunhai City,

"The country is still looking for the cause of the natural gas explosion, please don't panic!"


Fatty turned off the TV with the remote control, and murmured, "It's this kind of excuse every time, who would believe it!"

"What's wrong?"

At this moment, a tall and handsome young man came down from upstairs, heard Fatty's complaint, and asked.

"No...it's okay..." Seeing Lu Chen come down, Fatty smiled foolishly.

Lu Chen didn't care either: "Okay, there's a message from work, I want to go out!"

"Going out again..." Fat Di nuzzled his nose.

"Something happened at work...I'm sorry..." Lu Chen felt apologetic.

But Fatty quickly squeezed out a smile from the disappointment: "We are both husband and wife, what are you talking about... Be careful!"

Lu Chen nodded, went to the entrance to put on his shoes, and smiled: "When I come back this time, we will have a big fat boy!"

"You're a big-headed ghost..." Fat Di rolled his eyes at Lu Chen: "Be careful on the road!"

Lu Chen nodded, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the back of Lu Chen leaving, Fat Di pouted: "I don't know how to comfort him!"

She has been married to Lu Chen for several years.

Just a few years ago, Lu Chen occasionally went out for a while because of work.

The time is not certain, sometimes a few days, sometimes a few months.

However, Lu Chen has always been very kind to himself and has a happy life.


Thinking of this, Fatty regained his smile and started the live broadcast as usual.

Many fans rushed in instantly.

[Wuhu, why is Fatty so early this time, the live broadcast started in the morning! 】

[Something's wrong, something's wrong, is Fatty's husband back! 】

[Grass, upstairs, are you finding fault, and you still want to remind me to eat dog food at this time? 】

The bullet screens are one after another.

The current Fatty is different from Blue Star, he is not a big star, but just a newly married little Internet celebrity.

Fatty didn't care either, and waved his hand to say hello: "Hi everyone, haven't you always been curious about the room in my house?"

"I'll take everyone to see it today!"

With that said, Fatty got up and introduced room by room: "This is the study room, I often read in it!"

"This is the balcony, I sometimes put my clothes here!"

"This is the second bedroom..."

"here is……"

Fatty kept wandering around, introducing each room.

The barrage also interacted at the beginning, and soon they realized that something was wrong.


There are more than a dozen rooms in this Nima, at least it is a villa!

They never thought that the anchor they watched every day was still a little rich woman!

This is Fatty's life too,

She has always been like this, either to chat, or to go out and start a live broadcast to share her life.

Soon, she stopped in front of a gate, stopped in her tracks, and frowned slightly.

The gate is dark and thick, with a symbol of three arrows in the center, above which is the English word for 'SCP'.

This is a basement of the villa, where Lu Chen often works.

【What is this place? 】

[I don't know, a logo, S...C...P...I haven't heard of it! 】

[I searched, it seems to be some kind of mathematical algebra or something...]

【Not quite like...】

[Could it be that the anchor is working? 】

The bullet screens came one after another, full of doubts.

After all, when Fatty used to work, he often worked hard.

The last time I went to the haunted house to lie to the barrage that there was a ghost, it was discovered.

So, this time, they also wondered if Fatty was playing tricks on the audience again.

Fat Di gave them a white look: "Do I seem to be someone who often pranks the audience?"

As a result, as soon as I said it, the bullet screen was full of images.

Fatty looked at the barrage speechlessly, but the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously: "Are you still my fans... I won't make trouble for you, this is where my husband works!"

【work? What is the job of the host's husband? 】

[Yeah, why have we never heard the anchor say it! 】

[Is it that kind, the anchor is hiding a little boy! 】

[Could it be a Taoist priest? I read in the novel that some Taoist robes were exposed by my wife! 】

[You really read too many novels, anchor, hurry up and see if your husband is hiding someone in it! 】

The audience looked at Fatty's expression, that was sour!

What's the meaning?

Do you have to eat dog food to watch a live broadcast?



Thinking of this, some viewers began to fight desperately.

"My husband will never hide!"

Fatty spoke swearingly.

Lu Chen's kindness to her is real, and she believes in her husband's character 100%.

Otherwise, I wouldn't marry Lu Chen!


She has been to every room in the house.

Only here she never went in.

In the past, Lu Chen invited her, but she didn't want to disturb Lu Chen's work.

Moreover, what's so good about work.

But, now, the barrage of barrage, coupled with my own curiosity.

Get her a little interested.

"Then let's see!"

After Fatty finished speaking, he looked around with a guilty conscience.

Although, Lu Chen invited himself.

But this time, after all, he went in by himself.


This place is very special, there is no sign of a lock, except for a black painted iron door, there is nothing.

"Is it the same routine as in the movie?" Fatty scratched his head in doubt, and put his hand on the iron door to feel.

In the movie, she often sees the routine of pressing down to open a secret door!

However, the moment the hand was placed on the door,

[DNA testing in progress...]

[The DNA comparison is correct! 】

[In progress information...]

[Information verification is correct! 】

[Foundation genetic code comparison...]

[Gene comparison complete! 】

[Identity information has been confirmed! 】

[Database verification successful! 】

[System activation complete! 】

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