I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 100 Containment-145, The Disaster That Almost Wiped Out The Country

His voice trembled a little more.

Even a little flustered.

Memory, even began to be confused.

They were able to analyze it through clues, part of the time.

You can also judge its authenticity!

For example, the school featured in the video!

what they learn!

can be deduced!

But they really don't have this memory.

"Perhaps..... If Lu Chen hadn't appeared, our Cherry Blossom Country would have ceased to exist..." Anping Weizhu said softly.

His voice is somewhat complicated.

If it wasn't for the appearance of Lu Chen.

This curse is likely to permeate the whole country, and finally die!

The other high-level officials in the Sakura Kingdom also stopped talking.

They could only keep their eyes on the screen.

night strikes,


It started to rain heavily!

The sound of rain filled the air, and the originally blood-colored sky began to slow down. ,

And this night, their memories began to disappear!

As for the people who have died, the foundation has given compensation and accidents.

at home,

Lu Chen looked at Yuelu who had fallen asleep, shook his head and left the room: "How many secondary bodies did this mobile phone create?!"

He scratched his head impatiently.

this night,

Cherry Blossom Country, everyone had a dream!

In the dream is a scary supernatural story!

Some people wrote this story into a horror novel and developed it on the Internet.

at the same time,

Moon Dew, wake up from sleep.

There is some confusion in the eyes.

"I seem to have had a very long dream..." Her voice was still a bit frightened.

But still pushed out the door.

Outside the door was a woman, dazed on the sofa.

"Yuelu, you're awake!" the woman smiled when she saw Yuelu come out.

However, the smile is very strange!

She seemed to have seen it, and her eyes showed that she killed her father and minister.

However, the phone call this morning also dispelled her doubts.

He was only on a business trip, and did not die.


For some reason, she suddenly started crying!

"Ah...why? Why am I crying?" She kept wiping her tears, and finally knelt on the ground and said sorry desperately.

"The matter has come to an end!" Lu Chen observed everything from outside the door!

He has not left, and has been waiting at the door after storing the contents!

Because of this incident!

Yuelu is the only one who was not killed by the contained objects!

And in his hand, there are ten more boxes!

These ten boxes are the contents of this time!

"However, this time is troublesome enough, although the containment level is not high, the difficulty is not high!

"But the spread is too wide!"

After speaking, Lu Chen put ten boxes in his pocket and left towards the outside.

And with Lu Chen leaving.

On the TV, start displaying information!

【Dragon Kingdom Record Registration!】

【This time, Lu Chen will leave Dragon Kingdom for three days!】

[Time: Confidential!]

【Containment number: 145!】

【Name: People-eating mobile phone!】

【Level: Euclid!】

[Containment Procedures: Containment-145, when not conducting experiments, needs to be locked in a 50cmX50cmX50cm plexiglass container and kept in a secret storage room. Anyone without approval is prohibited from communicating with Containment-145!】

【Once someone accidentally communicates, they must be quarantined forcibly! And given amnesia! Otherwise, they will be swallowed by fear in the end! (Strike out!)】

【Once someone communicates, they need to be quarantined forcibly and given counseling by a psychologist!】

[Ability: Can drag people into an unknown environment, spread inner hints through the phone, and survive in the form of a curse! Cursed people will fall into illusions, thus losing themselves, being led to kill, and finally committing suicide! 】

[The scope of the curse is very wide, and those who are cursed will hear voices related to abuse, threats, calls for help, secret calls, etc. on the phone!】

【The containment measures are special containment for Lu Chen**! The distribution of the phone curse has reached ten!】

After the message stopped, it looked like a phone call.

"I didn't expect that Sakura Country would experience such a horrible thing......

"That's right, luckily Lu Chen made the move in time, otherwise the entire Cherry Blossom Kingdom would inherit the Cabbage Kingdom!"

"What kind of ability does this Lu Chen have!"

In front of the screen are the emotions of countless people.

This video is about Lu Chen!

But, it's more about containment!

They set it up and started a second video!

And the high-level executives of Sakura Country have extremely ugly expressions.

Only, Anping Yunsan had a complex expression: "Alright, let's continue to watch the next video!"

"Ah? Should we just leave it alone?"

"This video is about Sakura Country?!"

"Yeah, why don't we go and confirm it, this record cannot be without any clues!"

Those high-level officials in Sakura Country spoke in Japanese.

Anping Yunsan looked at them, "So what if we find out?!"

"Even if you know, so what happened?!"

"Can we change?"

Anping Yunsan's voice silenced them.

"this matter….…………"

"Lu Chen asked Long Guo to do it!"

"The purpose should be to deter other countries so that they can work together!"

"And, I have already understood a truth!"

Speaking of 230 here, Anping Yunsan paused.

a reason?

They set their eyes on Anping Yunsan.

But Anping Yunsan didn't continue talking, but set his eyes on the screen.


screen, continue playing.

And this time,

It is darkness!

Dark without any light.

"Hey, Xingning, are you there?!"

Suddenly a voice came from the video.

Events in Country M!

Just one sentence, because some people can tell which country this belongs to!

"I am here!"

Someone responded: "Wait a minute, I'm looking for a switch!"

The man spoke softly.


With a crisp sound, the light is on!

It's a somewhat claustrophobic space.

Apart from a bed, a chair, and a table, the space is only occupied by two boys.

One of the boys was a little fat, with a round face, and looked a little cute.

However, the other person is the complete opposite of him, a very thin child.

His face was pale and bloodless, the hair on his head had fallen out, and even his body was wearing a hospital gown.

"Xing Ning, do you think we can leave this place!" The little fat man came to Xing Ning, sat down, and asked with some longing.

Xing Ning smiled: "It should be...".

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