After wearing it, Ma Xiaohong tried it with a wooden stick. The depth of the water was not deep, so she walked towards the river.

The best friend on the shore was used as a cover, and she shouted at Ma Xiaohong.

"After a while, you will swing the net towards the river, and then hang it on the bank, so that these fireflies will not be killed."

But Ma Xiaohong didn't respond at all, her body was very straight, and she walked slowly towards the river step by step.

At the beginning, Xiaoying didn't feel anything strange, but then she gradually became anxious.

"Ma Xiaohong, what are you doing? It's over! Your distance is too far."

At this time, Ma Xiaohong had passed the position of the fireflies, and was still walking towards the river.

"I suddenly had a bad feeling."

Anping Yunsan also nodded, "Me too, this little girl may be in trouble~."

Chuantong remained silent.

After the case just now, country M just wants to minimize its presence.

"The problem is it's being manipulated by something—? That's weird."

"Is it a firefly?"

Several national leaders are a little unbelievable, but now they can only continue to watch patiently.

In the video, no matter what Xiaoying said or shouted, Ma Xiaohong still didn't stop, as if she was being manipulated by someone, she kept walking towards the middle of the river.

From the beginning of the body, the depth of the water submerged her ankles, and then submerged her knees in the back, and now it has submerged her chest

This terrified the girlfriends.

Seeing that shouting had no effect, she directly picked up a big rock from the shore, and then threw it towards Ma Xiaohong's back.

"Ma Xiaohong! Come back quickly, if you go further down, you will be drowned!"

She knew very well that her best friend couldn't swim, so she was very anxious in her heart, for fear that something might happen to Ma Xiaohong.

The stone smashed into the water and splashed with a plop.

Ma Xiaohong still didn't have any reaction. Seeing this scene, her best friend couldn't wait any longer, so she went into the water directly.

But she wouldn't have it either, she was running very slowly, while she ran forward with all her strength, while shouting Ma Xiaohong's name loudly.

Ma Xiaohong never looked back at him from the beginning to the end, the whole person was like a walking dead.

...asking for flowers......

She watched helplessly as Ma Xiaohong's neck was submerged in water bit by bit and disappeared before her eyes.

Afterwards, the whole riverside returned to calm, and the firefly left without knowing when, and fell into darkness. She was really desperate and began to cry bitterly.

"She is also a person who is very afraid of water, and now she can overcome difficulties for her best friend, which is really touching enough. 11

Anping Yunsan couldn't help but said distressedly.

"But we still don't know the reason why Ma Xiaohong walked in uncontrollably."

"I think it's the glass slipper."

"I think it was Firefly, who brought Ma Xiaohong here.

Leaders of various countries expressed their opinions.

Ever since watching these containment videos, they've learned that anything is possible.

And there is no specific directional thing, just like Shangshang, the phone is inexplicably able to disturb people's psychology and make them commit suicide.

In order to get the answer, everyone can only continue to watch the video.

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