At this time, a leader of the country looked at Lu Chen and the others curiously, and asked, "Since Long Country also has this case, does that mean that Dragon Country has already cooperated with this organization?"

"If this is the case, then we are a little careful. They can contain these magical things, or they can release them for destruction."

Hearing this sentence, Anping Yunsan thought of the curse on the phone.

Just think about it, if there is no route to make a move, it is very likely that the entire Sakura Country will suffer disaster.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like.

Moreover, these monsters are 360 ​​strange, and ordinary weapons have no effect on them.

"If you ask me, if Long Guo really cooperates with them, the children in front of them will not die.

Chuantong, who had been silent for a long time, unexpectedly spoke a human word, which surprised the others.

Because country M is at odds with country Long, if country M belittles country Long, everyone will get used to it.

In fact, this time Chuantong was also doing it for himself. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, he continued to speak.

"Think about it, the Dragon Kingdom has always cared about the safety of the people, and they will always be the first to rush to a certain disaster."

"If they had joined forces at the very beginning, they would not have allowed them to die regardless of the lives of these two children, so it must be the secret operation of these organizations, and they also gave the police's memory to the police. Cleared, this is more proof that my statement is not wrong.

The other countries didn't listen, and suddenly their hearts became active.

If it is possible to use this organization for its own use, it will be very meaningful for each of their countries.

Although each country has its own security department organization, compared with the shelter foundation, it is far inferior in terms of professionalism and behavioral ability.

Also, the security departments (cbbf) don't have much knowledge about these miraculous species, and don't know how to deal with them.

At the same time, the office of the director of the Longguo State Bureau was rang.

Ying Guoxing called in.

An investigator came over with a stack of documents and said at the same time: "Director! According to our investigation, there was indeed a case of child drowning in Xia Wayao Village in 1999. Two girls drowned, and two of their parents went to rescue them, and both drowned.

"But because there are no other problems, this matter is classified as suicide by drowning, and it is left alone."

Ying Guoxing fell silent when he heard this.

Through the video, he has already learned that Lu Chen and the people from the Shelter Foundation used those amnestic functions, so the police investigation at that time did not know the real situation behind these drownings.

The video ends here.

Basically, Lu Chen introduced a few cases, but let them all know a truth through this incident.

Some seemingly ordinary cases may have an unknown history behind them, but there are some special powers that make everyone forget about it and think it is a different case.

"Is the video over?" An Ping Yunsan asked.

"It's over, but there's a document behind it."

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