I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 13 Have You Heard? Weird Event!

The rest of the people also showed contemplative expressions before speaking:

"I feel that this matter is not simple. For example, the Beast of Thousand Throats that appeared in this live broadcast made us lose a B-level team?!"

"Yes, we know too little about this place, and we don't even know how much power they have!"

"We can take a look first, what the other party represents!"

"This is true. We will make a decision after we investigate clearly, so as not to startle the snake!"

Their opinions are surprisingly unanimous!

Observe first, then decide!

The General Administration of Shen also nodded at the same time: "It's about the same as I expected, and I think so!"

"Continue with the deciphering! As for the content in the live broadcast, I will find someone to continue to verify!"


Yunhai City Ability Investigation Division,

In the divisional office,

The head of the district filled a cup of tea and sat on his computer desk with his legs crossed, feeling very comfortable.

bang bang bang!

at this time,

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

The voice fell, and Chen Yi pushed the door and walked in.

"Chen Yi, are you back?"

The district chief looked up at Chen Yi, then blew on the steaming teacup, took a sip of tea, and nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Chen Yi frowned: "The investigation is over, and the headquarters also understand the specific information!"

"Very good!" The district chief nodded.

And Chen Yi also continued to speak: "However, it seems that something was said in the live broadcast about the outbreak of supernatural powers in the new city of Yunhai City..."

"Should we send someone to observe carefully?"

"I've already sorted out the specific information!"

With that said, Chen Yi took out a document.

It contains analysis of the live broadcast and insights into monsters.

At the same time, he also talked about the new city in the live broadcast.

However, his task has been completed.

If a new task is reported, it needs to be reported level by level.

Chen Yi's voice made the district chief frown: "Live broadcast? Why don't you observe a live broadcast!"

"Since you are back, go back quickly!"

The mayor waved his hand impatiently.

"Hmm..." Chen's complexion changed for a while, and finally he sighed helplessly.

He didn't continue to persuade anything.

There are supernatural investigation bureaus in the Dragon Kingdom in every city, in fact, there are every city.

Generally, it is the person who has dealt with the supernatural event.

But this district chief is different. He has no ability and has never handled any incidents.

It's like being put here.

But even so, the other party is still his boss.

The boss's order is to obey!

Therefore, he could only retreat.

"This Chen Yi, really thought he was awesome just after talking to the General Administration of Shen? He even ordered me to do something!" The director's expression showed a trace of disdain, and then he threw the documents just now into the trash can.

There was a live broadcast of protesting against the female corpse before, which caused a lot of trouble, but in the end it was nothing more than a farce.

Who would believe a live broadcast?

left the mayor's office,

Chen Yifan looked at his phone, the live broadcast had been turned off.

It is obviously unrealistic to get information about the new urban area from the live broadcast.

He had a different opinion from the District Chief, and he had personally inspected the Foundation's room, so he could feel the extraordinaryness in it.

Whether it's the containment-939 at the beginning, or the rigor of the headquarters and the failure of its own equipment, it has been proved.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the incident this time did not happen in a remote mountainous area or forest...

But a real new city!

Even though this place has just been developed, the number of people is much less than that of the old town.

But that is tens of thousands of people!

Once a supernatural event breaks out, the damage will be countless!

It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not!

He can't throw these people's lives away!

"I'll go and see for myself!"

After making the decision, Chen Yi embarked on the road to the new city!


The dark sky does not show any color.

Among the deep mountains in the new urban area of ​​Yunhai City,

The sunlight in the sky was swallowed by the darkness, and the huge moon hung in the sky, which was a little more beautiful.

at the foot of the mountain,

A dozen people set up the tent, gathered in the center of the tent, took out the prepared ingredients, and started the barbecue.


They toasted at the same time, full of joy.

"Hahahaha, Brother Cheng, you're getting married tomorrow, so you should have a good drink today!"

"Yes, yes, tomorrow is a good day!"

"Brother Cheng, but our high-level executives, young and promising, getting married now is a loss for the little girls!"

"Hahahaha, who said that getting married will delay finding a girl?"

"Stop talking about this, let's drink!"

They toasted, yo ho ho.

And at the very center a man, in casual clothes, experiences their adulation.

After a while, Brother Cheng smiled: "Okay, okay, have fun today!"

They are enjoying the night time.


Among them, a curly-haired man with a cold smile: "By the way, have you heard about the weird incidents in our new city?"

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