I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 39 Stop It, Even Just For A Moment!

Hearing this, Chen Yi nodded approvingly: "They are like robots, they are not under our jurisdiction at all!"

The General Administration of Shen also agreed: "It's just that they didn't show any malice towards human beings!"

"So, we have to investigate the matter about the special foundation first, and we need to wait until we have a clear understanding of this foundation before making a decision!"

"Okay, you still have to pay more attention to the live broadcast!"

"As long as there is something wrong, you can drive traffic!"

"I'm still investigating. Regarding the matter of Lu Chen, I'll hang up first!"

Having said that, the General Administration of Shen hung up the phone.

And Chen Yi returned to the office.

After all, completing the task is the most important thing!

After all, the so-called Containment-682 matter is not over yet!


Sennan City,

The air is a little thicker.

It's raining!

However, the color of this rainwater is as red as blood!

On the ground, corpses are strewn all over the field!

Those people had lost their breath and were lying on the ground like this.

On the side, people in special foundation costumes kept coming forward.

Knowing what he is facing, he will not back down.

And not far away, the middle-aged man received news again!

[The Foundation dispatched mole troops! 】

[The specific time is unknown! 】

The middle-aged man has no words.

Just look ahead.

There are monsters stopped with blood!

Even if only for a moment!

not far away……

Yan Cheng's expression has been distorted, and the muscles on his face are constantly squirming.

He felt the blood raindrops from the sky on his face.

Look at the fearless crowd.

The scene of flying flesh and blood made him very uncomfortable.


He couldn't bear it anymore, half kneeling on the ground, throwing up.

Only he knows how he feels now!

"You guys, stop quickly... What's the difference between this and death?!" Yan Cheng finally couldn't help it, and roared, his body, it was unknown whether it was because of anger, fear, or other reasons. Stop trembling.

He wanted to stop them, but in the end he didn't move.


Desire to survive!

Stopped his next move.

However, let his throat be hoarse, let those people keep coming forward, and fall in a pool of blood.


They do nothing.

Still the same as before, keep coming forward.

Yan Cheng could only watch like this, he didn't understand.

Why are they not afraid of life and death?

Don't they care about their own lives?

Why on earth are these people in this organization?

Doubt arises from his mind.

There is also a kind of unspeakable sadness.

At the same time, he has a kind of unspoken anger and helplessness towards the supernatural being.

He knew that even the highest-level Supernatural Investigation Bureau of Dragon Kingdom couldn't do anything about this kind of supernatural being!

And on a tall building not far away,

"Is this this special foundation? There doesn't seem to be anything special about it!" The young man with the Serpent's Hand embroidery on his chest spoke disdainfully.

Serpent's Hand!

It's a mysterious organization!

Also an organization responsible for containment!

With advanced equipment, and huge money!

Go capture the containment!

But, the only difference is!

The Serpent's Hand will use special devices to store the contents!

However, they will also release the contents to wreak havoc!

So as to get benefits!

Among them, this special foundation became their opponent.

Moreover, this special foundation is not ordinary!

Whether it is technology, ability or judgment, they are all above them.

"So many people have died, no, it still can't be solved!" He sneered, and continued to focus on the recorded camera.

However, in the camera, there are only those who sacrificed!

The monster just now was nowhere to be seen!

"Huh? Where's the containment?" The young man looked away from the camera with some doubts, and focused on the place that had just been wrecked.

However, no matter how he collected it, he still couldn't find it.



A huge breathing sound came from behind him!

For a moment, his eyes widened.

Fear permeates from the heart.

His whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

He turned his head tremblingly, in front of him, the face of the Immortal Lizard was close at hand!

The decay on its face, its breathing is so clear at this moment.

On the roof of the 20th floor, one person and one object, just staring at each other like this.

Quiet for about a second!

The young man jumped directly downstairs!

He knew that with protective measures on his body, jumping from the twentieth floor might still have a chance!

But if, facing this monster directly...

The members of those foundations are probably their own fate!


The Immortal Lizard is obviously much faster than his reaction!

The young man was torn apart by him in the air!

Blood sprayed out!


Country M,

In an office on the top floor of an office building,

There are three screens in front of him!

One of them is a beautiful woman, behind her are countless rooms and a smart computer screen!

It's Fatty!

And one of them is the scene of Sennan City!

There, a lizard-like monster kept destroying it, and personnel from the Special Foundation kept stepping forward to stop it.

And the third piece is a bit strange, it is a large cloud, and next to the cloud is a tornado.

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