I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 43 Containment Video, Does This Kind Of Army Really Exist?

"This is Containment-682?" Director General Shen murmured, looking at the monster in the video.

This is the first time he has seen the Immortal Lizard!

It was also the first time I felt the fear of the contained objects!

He has dealt with too many incidents about supernatural objects before!

Even heard deciphered audio about Containment-682 before.

However, seeing it for the first time, he still felt shock and fear!

This feeling comes from the heart.

Not only them, but even the crackers are staring at the screen at this moment:

"Is this, Containment-682?"

"Where is this place? Why do I feel familiar?"

"It seems to be... Sennan City?"

"That's right, I'm from Quannan City. I remember this supermarket very clearly!"

They couldn't help talking,

After all, they are mainly here for deciphering work, and they don't have too much contact with the outside world.

But now, they saw the style and appearance of Sennan City.

Seeing the appearance of the monster, I still couldn't help talking.

But soon they fell silent.

Here's what it looked like before the Mole Squad came!

Those people in uniform kept coming forward!

Keep blocking it!

Even if just for a moment!

This shock made their eyes widen.

"Even if it's someone from the Ability Investigation Bureau, I'm afraid it won't be like this!"

"To be able to train these people... this foundation is too scary!"

Someone in the crowd spoke.

Hearing this sentence, the General Administration of Shen nodded in approval.

People are afraid of death!

Even they are no exception!

The Supernatural Investigation Bureau has been dealing with supernatural events.

But that doesn't mean they aren't afraid of death!

They will be afraid too!

And these people, although untrained, are not afraid of terrifying supernatural beings at all!

Do they really have no feelings?

The thoughts in General Manager Shen's mind kept turning, but he didn't speak, but continued to observe.

In the video, there are countless casualties!

There are casualties almost every second!


In the video, a car is coming from not far away!

It's the Mole Squad!

And after that, the Mole Army took in the Immortal Lizard!

high speed!

The containment of the Immortal Lizard was almost completed within a few minutes. Obviously, he has his own familiarity with this monster!

Until the Immortal Lizard was locked in a metal box,

They just looked at each other:

"Is this the special force of the Containment Foundation?"

"I have to say, it's really powerful. Whether it's ability or the weapons on my body, I feel that it far surpasses us!"

"And their mobility is really scary. I really don't know who can cultivate such a team!"

They chatted chatteringly, their words were full of admiration.

Such a team is indeed extraordinary! !

Could it be that the General Administration of Shen asked them to watch this video to let them understand the horror of this shelter foundation?

In their minds, they unconsciously had this idea.

The General Bureau of Shen set its sights on Yan Cheng who was not far away.

Thinking that the other party was sad because of the casualties, he was about to go over and pat Yan Cheng on the shoulder to comfort him.


"What's the situation?" Someone exclaimed!

All eyes are focused on the past,

next moment,

The metal box shattered!

The figure of the Immortal Lizard appeared again, and it looked even more vicious than last time!

And the people of the mole army rushed up again!

One by one died under the claws of the immortal lizard!

Everyone held their breath!

Until, they saw that the mole army finally controlled the Immortal Lizard!

Behold, the last man in the mole army, the moment the button is pressed!

"This... what kind of army is this..."

"Even at the last moment, they have to complete their mission!"

"This Containment Foundation... is really scary!"

They murmured, staring blankly at the face of the man in the Mole Squad that was frozen in the video.

At this moment, General Manager Shen also stared wide-eyed, looking at the screen, his lips were slightly white, trembling non-stop.

"Is there really such a brave army?"

He questioned himself!

Even people from the Ability Investigation Bureau would not face their fear in the face of such a monster.

But, they don't care about these at all.

Especially when he saw that person died, his heart was also touched!

This time, he set his eyes on Yan Cheng.

But seeing him seemed even more sad!

"Is this the foundation he saw?" Shen Shen's voice was very low.

He seemed to understand why the other party was in a bad state after returning from Sennan City.


Even if I see this scene myself, I am afraid I will doubt myself, and I am afraid I will question it!

He sighed, stepped forward and patted Yan Cheng on the shoulder.

It is comfort, but also recognition.

Yan Cheng lowered his head, his body was trembling constantly, as if he was sobbing.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, the phone of the General Administration of Shen rang.

He glanced at the calling method and answered it: "Hello, Chen Yi? What's the matter?"

"General Administration of Shen... Hurry up and watch Fatty's live broadcast..." His anxious voice came from Chen Yi's side!

General Manager Shen was a little surprised, hung up the phone, and turned on Fatty's live broadcast!

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