I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 48 Chaos, This Is Probably The Biggest Typhoon Ever!

dragon country,

Qingyun City,

It's starting to rain!

The hazy sky is covered with raindrops!

The air was covered with mist due to the influence of the rain.

Many people returned home and turned on the TV.

And on this day, all the programs on TV were replaced with one program!

in the program,

A young woman in uniform sat upright.

Opposite her was an old man with gray hair.

After the host said a few opening remarks, he set his eyes on the old man and asked with a professional smile, "Expert Xie Hongwen, hello!"

"Hello! Audience in front of the TV!" Xie Hongwen waved his hand as a greeting.

The host also continued to speak: "Expert Xie Hongwen, this time, we invited you over to ask about Typhoon Yunduo!"

"Let's look at the route report given by the weather department. Typhoon Yunduo is likely to land on Lu Qingyun City!"

Xie Hongwen nodded: "This incident is not fake. Typhoon Yunduo started to expand from Taiming Ocean in the northwest, and it will land in Longguo as soon as the day after tomorrow!"

"The day after tomorrow?" The host's voice was a little higher: "Can you give a general explanation of the damage caused by the typhoon?"

Xie Hongwen shook his head: "I'm afraid we can't talk about this..."

"But this time the typhoon is not simple, whether it is destructive capabilities or other capabilities, it can illustrate this point!"

"If it is true, it may be the biggest typhoon Longguo has ever experienced!"

"Besides, no one knows whether this typhoon will go deep into the Dragon Kingdom!"

"It can only be said that once it goes deep, it will deal a considerable blow to the Dragon Kingdom!"

The host's expression was a little more shocked: "Expert Xie Hongwen, is that an exaggeration?"

"It can only be said to be a guess..." Xie Hongwen said without conviction.

After all, this is a TV show.

As an expert, he naturally knew that some things could not be fully explained.

The host also expressed his thanks.

As for the rest of the program, it is about typhoons.

And the content of this program was spread to the Internet!

"Dragon Kingdom will face a typhoon once in a thousand years! "

"Under the typhoon, how should people live?" ! "

There are more and more similar titles.

Instantly sparked heated discussions!

[The biggest typhoon... Before, I saw that the record for this typhoon was not very small? 】

[Brother, are you not online? The typhoon level has already started to increase before! 】

【I look at the route, it seems to be landing from Qingyun City...】

[I haven't seen a typhoon in my life, so I can see it this time? 】

【Grass, above, do you know how much damage a typhoon can cause? 】

There are more and more discussions about typhoons on the Internet.

Some people even get excited about the typhoon.

And some people are worried because of the typhoon.


Qingyun City,

Downstairs in the weather department,

Chen Yi pushed the door and walked in.

And a staff member stepped forward to stop Chen Yi.

"Hi, I'm Chen Yi, from the Long Kingdom Ability Investigation Bureau!"

"The General Administration of Shen should have said hello!"

Chen Yi took out the certificate and handed it to the other party.

After checking the documents, the staff nodded apologetically: "Sorry, the General Administration of Shen has already said hello! Just go to the innermost room on the third floor!"

"Yeah!" Chen nodded.

Go outside the innermost room on the third floor,

bang bang bang!

Chen Yi knocked on the door.

Inside the door, came a voice full of air: "Please come in!"

hear this voice,

Chen Yi pushed the door and walked in.

In the room, there was only one middle-aged man with a cropped cut and frowning, sitting in front of the computer screen.

Seeing Chen Yi enter the door, Cai Jiang got up from his seat and stretched out a hand: "Hello, you are Comrade Chen Yi, right?"


Chen Yi stretched out his hand and shook it: "Are you Song Jiancheng?"

"it's me!"

Song Jiancheng withdrew his hand, returned to his seat, and looked at the screen.

And Chen Yi followed behind, looking at the screen.

On the screen, there is a picture similar to a tornado.

Chen Yi looked at the screen, frowned, and finally asked, "Is this Typhoon Yunduo?"


Song Jiancheng sighed, sorted out the information and complained: "The typhoon incident this time has made people panic...many people want to escape from Qingyun City!"

"This also makes it more difficult for the relevant departments!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi didn't speak, but just sighed.

In fact, this is also a normal reaction.

After all, most people respond to natural disasters like this!

Facing aliens,

What you are facing is the unknown, and you don't know what you will face in the next second.

In the face of disaster,

It is helpless!

This is the same as the previous closure of Sennan City, and many people want to escape.

"Okay, this is the information about the typhoon!"

After speaking, Song Jiancheng handed the scattered materials to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took the photo, took out an envelope-like item from his body, and put all the materials in it.

He looked at Song Jiancheng and asked, "Have you never thought about leaving?"


"Why didn't I think about it..."

"But isn't that what we do?"

"We can't leave!"

After speaking, Song Jiancheng took out a cigarette from his pocket, pulled out one skillfully, put it in his mouth, lit it, and exhaled the smoke: "But, this is our job! Well, I need to continue working!"

Chen Yi patted the other party's shoulder and retreated from the room.

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