I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 55 Three Troops Arrive! Three Percent Threat!

"Who are you!? We are in the overall situation of the country, and you are people who threaten the country." He Haorui directly took out his ID and yelled at those people.

Those people, without even looking at He Haorui, came straight to Fatty and bowed: "This is Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11, one tail of the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force!"

"Sorry, we're late!"

Looking at this person in front of me,

Fatty just remembered that some time ago, when the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force had just completed the containment of Containment-939, it came to this place!

"Didn't you hear, we are people in the overall situation of the country!" He Haorui looked at them.

The rest of the people in the whole country took their guns out of their pockets.

The black muzzle is pointing at them!

And at this moment, there was another sound of neat footsteps!

The second troop arrives!

They surrounded the whole country!

the same as,

A person stepped forward and bowed in front of Fatty: "This is Mobile Task Force Nu-7, Hammerfell!"

"Sorry, we're late!"

The arrival of the second troop.

Only then did He Haorui's face change, instead of the arrogance just now, he was full of vigilance.

His hands were always on his waist, as if he was ready to fight at any time!

He forcibly calmed down, just about to continue speaking!

The sound of neat footsteps came again!

There is no end!

He Haorui shouted in his heart!

The configuration of these two troops is not simple.

He never expected that an investigation would actually attract two heavily armed teams!

And at this moment,

The third team also showed up!

The black helmet is especially eye-catching at this moment!

When they saw the troops arriving this time, their eyes widened.

Because the person who came was none other than the clothes of the Mole Squad!

The moment I saw the Mole Squad,

The cold sweat on He Haorui's forehead dripped unconsciously on the ground.


In the whole country,

Everyone looked at the footage from the law enforcement recorder.

When they saw the Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force and the Hammerfell Troops, their expressions were serious!

Because, the equipment on them is very professional!

Moreover, their clothes are not ordinary.

"Is this the power that belongs to the Foundation?"

"Two troops with professional abilities and top-notch weapons!"

"This place is really not a simple place!"

"That's right!"

"I feel that this woman's status should be unusual!"

Several people were discussing secretly.

Even they rarely see this kind of battle.

A foundation actually has two top-notch troops!

And when Ying Guoxing was about to speak.

The third team is here!

Mole Squad!

The moment they saw the Mole Squad, the faces of those who were still looking at the law enforcement cameras changed.

Because in their understanding,

The mole army is a fearless army!

In the last video of their containment-682 Indestructible Evil Lizard, they used Quande in exchange for containing the Eternal Evil Lizard!

They are more or less afraid of this army!

Moreover, at this moment, they just recalled a key question!

"This is... Mole Squad?"

"It should be, looking at their helmets and accessories, they are exactly the same as those in the previous video!"

"But... isn't the mole army completely wiped out?"

Their discussions are getting louder and louder!

in the video,

The appearance of the mole army has been deeply engraved in their minds.

The kind of appearance when going to die!

When the weather is fine, the figure collapsed on the bench!

Even they are shocked and amazed.

So, they also understand.

This kind of team is terrifying!

"Isn't this group of people just a group of thugs, a group of terrorist organizations?" Ying Guoxing's expression was extremely indifferent.

He had seen this unit before!

And the moment I saw the troops, I was not emotional!

But fear!

For they are not afraid of death,

Once there is a conflict, it will be difficult to handle!

Therefore, when all the mole troops were killed, he was actually relieved.

But now, where did this army come from?

Could it be that this foundation is not one for the cultivation of mole troops?

For a while, Ying Guoxing didn't know what to do.

I can only look at the screen and think about the plan.


in the room,

With the mole army coming,

The expressions of the rest of the people finally changed.

The previous domineering attitude had changed, and they set their sights on He Haorui.

And He Haorui's gaze has also begun to change.

However, he did not retreat, but took out his ID from his pocket: "I am a member of the overall situation of the country. Do you know that in the Dragon Kingdom, no team of your own is allowed to appear!"

"I hope you will go back with me to cooperate with the investigation!"

His voice is full of energy!

It's just that the people from the three troops didn't even take a second look at them!

One of the Nine-Tailed Fox Troops pressed the button on his chest: "Nine-Tailed Fox Task Force, Hammer Fall Troop, and Mole Troop have arrived at the scene, waiting for follow-up arrangements!"

"Do you want to forcibly leave all the people here!"

After finishing speaking, he put Fatty behind him.

And Fatty also knew that now was not the time to speak up.

Just follow behind silently.

The atmosphere in the air suddenly cooled down.

He Haorui knew that it was useless for him to move the whole country out now!

The rest of the people also looked at each other, not daring to speak.

Only Yuan Feng smiled in the corner with some pleasure: "If you do too much unrighteousness, you will kill yourself!"

How arrogant they were before, how cool they are now after they arrive!

Of course, they are not noticed now.

No one dares to act rashly!


At this moment, the communication on a shoulder flashed!

[The message has been received! 】

[Judging by the opponent's level! 】

[Dangerous level: D! 】

[There is a ninety-seven percent chance of subduing in an instant! 】

[There is a three percent chance of hurting Madam! 】

[The team is asked to judge by themselves, it must be zero percent! 】


With this sentence, one brow was furrowed, and after glancing at Fatty who was still stunned, he said, "Three percent..."

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