I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 68 The Typhoon Turned, Sakura Country Goes Crazy!

It is certainly not just one country watching the content on the screen!

Many of these countries all watched this scene!

Some countries are upset!

After all, when Longguo was about to experience a typhoon, not only did they not help, but they ridiculed them.

Donate some very offensive items!

And now, it's backlash!

Of course, some people are suffering, and some people are happy!

Those countries that really help the Dragon Kingdom are a little more excited!

The stronger the dragon country is, the stronger it is!

The more help you can give then!

It's just that the current senior leaders of the Dragon Kingdom are not what they think!

Dragon Kingdom High Level!

A dozen people watched this scene,

After all, this is the surrounding area of ​​Qingyun City, the satellite of Long Kingdom, compared with other countries, the pictures are clearer!

They can be quite sure!

Lu Chen said something!

And because of this sentence, the typhoon stopped its current actions!


In the case of heavy wind and rain!

They can't hear anything at all!

"Quick! Go and arrange a lip-talking master!"

Ying Guoxing quickly issued an order!

And the others reacted too!

Order them down quickly!

At this moment, the entire Dragon Kingdom executives are busy!

There is even more curiosity in their minds!

They want to know what exactly Lu Chen said!

Why, after Lu Chen's words, the typhoon stopped!

bang bang bang!

Soon there was a knock on the door of the high-rise office

An elderly man walked in with a cane.

Ying Guoxing gave up his position, arranged for others, and moved forward the progress!

In the picture, there is still the scene of Lu Chen!

And the old man watched without blinking.

Watch Lu Chen's words carefully!

After repeating it a few times, he nodded.

Everyone looked over nervously.

Ying Guoxing hurriedly asked: "How, what did he say?"

The old man also said at this moment: "Take a step back, die!"


Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Followed by gasps!

not just them,

Even Ying Guoxing's eyes widened.

Just five words!

How arrogant is this!

How overbearing!

He knew that this time, the incident was not small!

The old man can't talk nonsense 543!

But, just don't say it!

They just feel even more outrageous!

"Is this Lu Chen threatening a typhoon?" Ying Guoxing's voice was distorted, and his eyes fell on the screen!

And on the screen, it was still the recording!

Apart from showing a little impatience, Lu Chen is more calm!

It seems that that sentence is always insignificant!

At this moment, they are messy!

"Thank you!" Ying Guoxing sent the old man out of the conference room!

After all, the news about the typhoon and Lu Chen is only known to the top management like them!

After returning, Ying Guoxing looked at everyone present and wanted to speak.

Suddenly I heard an exclamation: "Huh? Where did Lu Chen go?"

Hearing these words, everyone quickly turned their gazes to the screen!


Only ships just now!

And Lu Chen has disappeared!

They quickly adjusted the satellite image to the front!

They saw that Lu Chen was getting closer and closer to the typhoon!

And in the end, it rushed directly into the typhoon!

This scene!

Let them no longer know what words to use!


Total mess!

"give an order!"

Only Ying Guoxing spoke up: "Move all the satellites of Dragon Kingdom!"

"Explore the picture in this typhoon with all our strength!"

This sentence made many people react instantly.

This is one way!

Moreover, this is the only feasible opportunity.

After all, this typhoon is near Longguo, and Longguo can gather all the satellites in one place!

That is in the typhoon!

The screen starts to change!

And in the center of the typhoon, there is a cyclone unfolding!

Outside, there is a strong wind!

Amidst the strong wind, there is a large amount of sea water!

The sea is constantly churning, and even the wind has color!

At this moment, everyone was watching this scene.

In their hearts, there is not only shock!

In the past, even if there was a typhoon or other natural disasters.

Never looked into it too!

And now, they are also seeing the scene inside for the first time!

They desperately searched for Lu Chen's figure!

But, no matter how they look for it!

Can't even see Lu Chen's figure!

Because of the typhoon, the satellite video has started to blur!

Everyone frowned!

But at the next moment,

They saw (cbef) the figure of a monster in the eyes of the typhoon!

The typhoon and the large amount of seawater covered the opponent's appearance!

He is like a dragon!

Light green skin, neck is elongated!


It was the only thought that everyone had when they saw him!

Even a typhoon can't photograph it, its figure!

They watched this scene, stunned!

"Is this a monster?"

"So huge...not even a satellite can take the full picture...."

They murmured and looked at the screen!

At this moment, their three views began to be shocked and subverted!

In fact, they have investigated many reports about supernatural objects from the Supernatural Investigation Bureau.

However, they actually didn't think highly of those monsters.

So even if it is about the report of the Ability Investigation Bureau, they mainly observe the issue of sacrifice and compensation.

In fact, they were more inclined to think that this was a natural phenomenon when the typhoon arrived at the beginning!

And now, this is the first time they have seen such a monster!

For the first time, I felt the horror of monsters!

"It turns out that we have always been too superficial..."

"Is this a supernatural object? It's really scary..."

"I'm afraid this kind of monster can't be dealt with even with weapons!"

"I feel the same way, how to solve this kind of monster?"

"Isn't there, what kind of storage foundation? Didn't they deal with a lot of storage?"

"I'm even more curious about the Containment Foundation...have they been facing such monsters?"

They looked very strange.

But, more is curiosity and helplessness!

this monster,

Dragon Kingdom's supernatural troops can't handle it at all!

next moment,

They saw the figure of a man!

He stands in the storm!

The wind blows across the sky!

Tiny human beings, stand before monsters!

That feeling is so subtle!

Is it beautiful?

Even 3D movies dare not shoot like this!

Even if it is a special film, there is no such technique!

However, there is still a difference!


Lu Chen didn't do anything!

However, that monster actually started to tremble!

Start trembling!

"It turns out that he is really afraid of Lu Chen!" someone said.

The rest of the people also nodded.

At this moment, they just shoot!

So this is the strength of Lu Chen!


Lu Chen spoke!


This time, the moment Lu Chen spoke, the picture began to blur!

"Did Lu Chen say something?"

"It should be! But it's blurry, and I don't know what I said!"

"But...... Can these monsters really communicate?"

The senior officials of Longguo are discussing non-stop at this moment.

They've been through a lot!

However, this is the first time they have seen such an unbelievable thing!

However, no one answered!

Afterwards, Lu Chen retreated from the typhoon!

Back on board!

He stood there like nothing happened!

And at this moment, the typhoon changed direction!

Lu Chen is right after the typhoon!

Looking at this scene, the expressions of the senior officials of Longguo were distorted.

Lu Chen, it really succeeded...

Country M,

in the conference room,

They don't know the news in the typhoon!

However, they saw Lu Chen enter the typhoon and return!

"This person is really scary... After entering the typhoon, he came back safe and sound!

"It's a pity that our satellites have too little coverage of the Dragon Kingdom, and we can't detect what the other party is doing inside!"

"However, no matter what he did, this person should be from the Dragon Kingdom, and we all need to be wary!"

Their words are full of fear!

A country that can resist disasters is terrible!

"Oh, I just didn't expect that the Dragon Kingdom would survive this natural disaster in this way!"

Someone couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Many people fell silent!

Just when they thought time was coming to an end this time,

They suddenly saw that the typhoon suddenly set off towards another place!

"Well, what does this mean? How did the typhoon change places?"

"Quick! Go and simulate the new route of the typhoon!"

They get tensed up instantly!

And the rest of the people hurriedly got busy, contacted people, and started to investigate!

And the route will be found soon!

Sakura Country!

According to inference, the typhoon's route changed and went to Sakura Country!

Sakura Country,

high-level conference room,

The moment they saw Lu Chen appearing, they were also full of shock!

But, at the same time, they gave almost the same order!

Find out the latest track of typhoons!

Soon, they received the news!

【According to the route, the next landfall of the typhoon is...Sakura Country!】

For a moment, everyone froze in place.

It was a few minutes before they spoke:

"How is it possible? How is this possible?"

"Baga, why, why did you land in Sakura Country?"

"Yeah, isn't this a disaster for the Dragon Kingdom? Why did it come to the Sakura Kingdom?"

They never thought that this level of hazard would go to the Sakura Country!

But, soon they pushed all this on Long Guo!

"It must be Dragon Kingdom, they have the ability to resist harm, so they use disasters to attack us!"

"Aren't these people inhuman? Don't they have shame?"

"That's right! What's the difference between that and adding insult to injury?"

Their faces flushed with anger!

All the swear words that could be thought of were thrown out.

I completely forgot the arrogant face I heard when I heard that Longguo was about to face a typhoon!

But, no matter how they curse!

Now this ending can no longer be changed!

Finally also

Can only accept this bitter fruit!

"Give the order!"

One of the high-level officials had no choice but to issue an order: "Qingyun City is not too far from Sakura Country, but there should be two hours left!"

"But... Our Cherry Blossom Country itself occupies a relatively small area! This typhoon must be a national-level hazard!" Someone replied.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying this!

"Alas, give the order first, we need to deal with this disaster!"

One of the oldest is a high-rise opening.

Now, things have started!

Here, blindly complaining is meaningless!

Instead of this, it is better to find out the reason and solve it quickly!


They stood up at the same time, bowed, and left the meeting room!

Qingyun City, on the sea in the northwest,

Blue boats, swimming in the sea.

Perhaps because of the distance, the wind and waves here have completely stopped!

Smith, on the other hand, looked at the screen of Lu Chen going into the typhoon on the phone with great interest.

Beside him was a young man, waiting quietly.

"He really made a move!" Smith chuckled.

The young man felt a little surprised: "Does Mr. Smith really think that he can solve the phenomenon of natural disaster level?"


Smith nodded affirmatively: "Because he is the backing of the entire Containment Foundation!"

"If he can't solve it, then this containment won't develop to this point!"

Hearing Smith's words, the young man was a little surprised: "The Serpent's Hand, are you also afraid of him?"

"There is no comparison!"

Smith shook her head: "The Serpent's Hand's stuff about containment, in fact, strictly speaking, has the shadow of the Containment Foundation!"

"Even in the Hand of the Serpent, there are some members of the Containment Foundation!"

"It's just that they are not the core, they have only been in contact with containment!"

"Although the Serpent's Hand and the Containment Foundation have always been rivals, the Containment Foundation that the Serpent's Hand has seen is just the tip of the iceberg!"

"Not to mention, this mysterious president!"

Hearing Smith's voice, the young man smiled and said, "Mr. Smith is really humble. The power of the Serpent's Hand spreads all over the world, and there are some countries that support it, so he would be afraid

The Containment Foundation?"

For the Serpent's Hand, it is a kind of belief.

He also knows the power of the Serpent's Hand!

It's just that he doesn't understand why such a person is so afraid of a foundation.

Hearing this, Smith didn't answer, but shook her head.


At this moment, the phone rang!

Smith returned his gaze to the phone.

In the mobile phone, Lu Chen has returned and stood on the boat again.

Seeing this scene, Smith, who had a calm expression, suddenly frowned!

In his heart, suddenly there are some bad ideas!


The next moment, the typhoon changed direction!

Smith woke up suddenly, and hurriedly said to the young man: "Go to the headquarters and ask him to take precautions!"


The young man was full of surprise: "Mr. Smith, you mean that the typhoon will go to the country of cherry blossoms!"

Smith's face was gloomy: "I'm afraid so! This president, it seems, is not purely protecting the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Not to mention, simply want to contain the contents of this time!"

"He still has his own purpose!"

"Alright, hurry up and make arrangements!"

"Let's get ready too, head to the headquarters!"

The young man hurriedly backed away with a 'hmm'.

Smith, on the other hand, looked extremely indifferent, looking at the sky.

After a period of intense discussions, Sakura Country came up with the only countermeasure!

Help Dragon Kingdom!



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