I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 7 The Last Message Before The Group Is Destroyed, It Can Imitate Other People's Voices!

Of course, not only the audience, but even Fatty blushed slightly: "Don't worry, everyone, it shouldn't happen..."

She probably guessed that this should be Lu Chen's live broadcast for herself.

Those scenes should never happen!


Just when the couple was preparing for the next step,

The complicated leaves and heavy fog filled the entire forest!

The picture that was still clear just now, because of the thick fog, is like being covered with white gauze.

The Thousand Throat Beast slowly disappeared from the screen!

Only that pair of lovers, the angle of view has been on them, which is quite clear.

next moment,

The man protected the woman behind him and took a few steps forward, but when he turned around again, he found that the woman had disappeared.

He tried to shout a few times, but there was no trace!

In desperation, he could only continue to move forward!

And in front of him was a monster with blood-red skin—the Beast of Thousand Throats!

At this moment, the woman also realized that something was wrong, and began to shout desperately, and soon began to cry: "Husband, stop making trouble, I'm afraid!"

After a brief silence, a man's voice came: "Xiaoling, I'm here!"

The woman seemed to have caught some life-saving straw in an instant, and ran desperately towards the source of the sound.

Just a simple video!

The inexplicable depression filled everyone's heart.

Even if that monster looks a little unrealistic!

However, this couple looks so real!

【No, don't go! 】

[Grass, there is a monster ahead, run away! 】

The barrage scrolled these words crazily!

They can understand that in front of women, it is not their boyfriend.

But a monster!

The monster with a bloody mouth, with blood dripping down the ground along its fangs, added a bit of gloom.

However, a spectator is a spectator after all!

They can't decide how things work out!

"what is this……"

In a scream,

The screen is completely covered by thick fog!

The 'Foundation' pattern reappeared on the screen!

At this moment, everyone stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at this scene.

[This...will it be too real...I'm a little scared...]

【That monster... really spoke out, and it was that man's voice...】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

[Grass, look at your timid looks, I think it might be the invited actors! 】

This video really scared them.

The performance of the couple,

that sense of atmosphere,

Even the current Dragon Kingdom movies can't do it.

They never thought that the anchor could make such a short video just to make a living!

[Mixue Ice City is sweet, sending a super rocket. Message: This short video is awesome, brothers, I paid my tuition! 】

[I'm really not a rich man, I'll send you a super rocket. Message: Does the anchor have any other work to come up with? 】

[User so-and-so, sent... a message:...]

The gift appears again.

Looking at the picture on the screen, Fatty was obviously taken aback.

It took a long time before he regained his composure and thanked him for the gift.

However, at the same time, she was a little more curious in her heart, and murmured:

"Husband... what do you do? Is this place really where you work?"

Speaking of it, it seems that I really don't know my husband.

I didn't ask too much about work.


at the same time,

dragon country,

In a northern building,

More than a dozen people gathered in the office!

They are staring at the big screen of the projector in the office!


It was the figure of Yunshan!

Panting heavily, he yelled hysterically: "The YTF troop requests support... The level of the monster is unknown... The level judgment is wrong, the team may be wiped out..."


Suddenly there was a sound of grass loosening in the voice!

prick prick prick...

The screen began to distort as if disturbed, and finally went black, only the voice came:

"Captain Yun... why don't you join us too..."

"Captain Yun, we have completed the task, look at him here..."

"Captain Yun, come here quickly..."

"Captain Yun..."

This is the voice of those members of the army!

"Damn it, what is this...it can imitate other people's voice!" Yun Shan's voice was much higher!

bang bang bang!

There is no scene in the picture, only the voice of Yunshan and the gunshots coming from non-stop!

"This is the last sight and sound from YTF!" The middle-aged man sitting in the center said.

this moment,

The atmosphere in the meeting room plummeted, and everyone looked at each other.

They don't know what happened in the video.

But this emergency meeting and this video, they know...

YTF troop...

has remained in the forest forever.

"What kind of monster is this? Doesn't it even have a picture?"

"The YTF team, even in the B-level team, is considered an elite, I didn't expect to leave like this!"

"Yeah, it looks like this time is really tricky!"

A dozen people talk to each other and talk to each other.

But no one complained because it was their responsibility too.

And the middle-aged man continued to play the second video!

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