I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 75 Class-D Personnel Handbook, Deciphered Containment-Gourmet Table!

Their idea is simple,

That is to want to understand the foundation in depth, so as to understand the new world in depth.

This world, this time, seemed to be unfolding before their eyes for the first time.


It is easy to cause people's fear.

But, at the same time, it also makes people want to explore.

Know the new world, understand the new world.

What a shock that would be!

"Let's go!"

Ying Guoxing looked at the USB flash drive for a long time before putting it in his pocket.

In fact, relatively speaking, he is the most complicated person.

The overall situation of the country is to protect the security of the whole country.

The answer I got this time was not very good.

Shelter Foundation,

Although they are not enemies, they are not friends either.

And those contained objects are the real world blocks.

But, at least for now, you don't have to worry about the Containment Foundation.

The contained objects, unknown monsters, are the enemies they must guard against!

everyone get up,

Ying Guoxing bowed slightly to Lu Chen: "I'm looking forward to seeing you next time!"

"Afterwards, whether the foundation needs money or resources, as long as you ask, we will definitely find a way!"

"We're leaving first!"


Lu Chen clapped his hands.

After a while, the young man walked out with He Haorui.

"Okay, now you can leave!" Lu Chen waved his hand.

Then he continued to taste the coffee in his hand, as if nothing would cause his mood swings.

After Ying Guoxing looked at Lu Chen for a while, he retreated from here.

The rest followed in this way.

Exit the cafe and go back to where they got off the plane.

Until the end, they had no words.


"This person is really scary, just chatting with him can feel an inexplicable pressure "107"!"

"Yes, he is too mysterious!"

"This time the international joint meeting is the key!"

They breathe a sigh of relief!

The oppression brought by Lu Chen cannot be dissipated until now.

And He Haorui also said: "Sorry, Director Win..."

"It's okay!" Ying Guoxing sighed: "What have you experienced during this time?"

Hearing this, He Haorui's whole body trembled.

That is a fear.

"I was led into a room!"

"In the room, there are all the needs for daily life, a TV, and a manual!"

He Haorui tried his best to think about what happened to him when he was arrested.

Listening to He Haorui's words, Ying Guoxing frowned: "What did you see?"

"About the typhoon!"

He Haorui said: "It seems that the typhoon in Qingyun City is broadcast on TV..."

"Moreover, I also saw a monster...a huge monster...thousands of meters...."

He spoke faster and faster, even breathing quickly.

It seems that it will collapse at any time.

"Okay!" Ying Guoxing roared angrily.

At this moment, He Haorui came back to his senses from the fear just now.


At that moment, he almost died directly because of the fear in his heart.

This is the unknown!

Even though He Haorui's heart is strong, he almost collapsed.

"This matter is over!" Ying Guoxing looked at He Haorui.

In fact, he also knew that fear.

Or in other words,

When they saw the monster in the typhoon, they were also stunned.

But now, in this situation, they cannot fear.

"Hmm..." He Haorui nodded with lingering fear, panting heavily.

"Other than that?" Ying Guoxing continued.

He Haorui thought for a moment, and said, "There is another manual!"


Ying Guoxing dragged his chin: "What's inside?"

"That looks like a 'D-Class' manual!"

He Haorui suppressed the fear just now, and continued to speak: "The records in the manual are very strange!"

"I didn't look all the way through!"

"D-class personnel, if you are here, you have already proved that you have committed a crime!"

"Your life is the responsibility of the Foundation! You are only responsible for carrying out the orders."

"You will get the number given by the foundation to complete the task."

"After the task is completed, the foundation will re-judgment you, so that your guilt will be re-judged, and you may even be acquitted!"

"Contact, liberation, or failure, sacrifice, the foundation will record you!"

"And you, have to become a machine without emotion!"

Having said this, He Jierui's voice stopped.

"Is that all?" Ying Guoxing asked.

He Haorui shook his head: "The rest are some things I can't understand!"

"There's something like that number!"

"There are still some records about special!"

"The rest, I don't know!"

Hearing this, Ying Guoxing nodded: "I see! Let's go back!"

"The remaining things are beyond our comprehension!"

With that said, Ying Guoxing and the others boarded the plane!

Accompanied by the buzzing sound of the plane, they left Qingyun City!

Dragon Kingdom,

General Bureau of Ability Investigation,

General Administration of Shen led the people back here.

"Thank you!" General Manager Shen said with a smile: "This time, we came back alive!"

The rest of the people nodded one after another, with joy in their eyes.

"Okay, let's continue with the task!"

"Chen Yi, come with me!"

General Manager Shen gave an order, and then set his sights on Chen Yi.

"Good!" Chen nodded.

Followed General Manager Shen to the upstairs and sat on a chair.

As soon as he was seated, General Manager Shen opened the drawer and took out the tea: "Drink Longjing?"

"Thank you!" Chen Yi thanked.

The General Administration of Shen also began to get busy.

Boil water!


The two of them didn't say a word from beginning to end.


Chen Yi sobbed, and the tears fell on the table uncontrollably.

"I survived...I survived..." Chen Yi murmured, his voice choked up.

When he started, he even gave up.

Already holding the heart of death, to deal with the typhoon Yunduo.

Not only him, even other people probably have the same idea.

But, fortunately, he is back!

"Aren't you back now?" General Manager Shen chuckled, but his eyes were a little more moved.

He didn't think so.

However, when he saw Chen Yi crying, his heart was also shaken.

He patted Chen Yi on the shoulder: "I'm getting old too, and I'll retire in a few years!"

"General Electricity Bureau.....you...."

"I tell you this, not to complain!"

As soon as Chen Yigang opened his mouth, he was interrupted by General Shen: "If I want to complain, I can complain to Ying Guoxing and the others!"

"And this time, I'm telling you this to tell you that after I retire, the Ability Investigation Bureau needs more professional talents!"

"There needs to be a clearer judgment on all this!"

"With dedication, without fear!"

"But more, calmly, requires analysis!"

"So, I hope you, after I retire, can reopen the Ability Investigation Bureau!"

Speaking of this, General Manager Shen finally fell silent, and handed a cup of tea to Chen Yi: "Your boy is blessed, last time when he came to win Guoxing, I was not willing to give him a drink!

Chen Yi was stunned, staring blankly at the cup with water mist floating in front of him.

There was no words for a long time.

"Think about it carefully!" General Manager Shen said with a smile.

Just fell silent.


At this moment, the phone of the General Administration of Shen rang!

He picked up the phone, glanced at the contact, was a little surprised, and then pressed the connect button: "Hello?"

"Over there, you got a document earlier! Is it about the Shelter Foundation?" Ying Guoxing's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this, the General Administration of Shen was a little surprised: "That's right! It's just that this file has been encrypted, and even now we have only deciphered the key information twice!"

The other side of the phone fell silent, and there was a sigh: "Sure enough, there are two!"

"I've already had someone send you a USB flash drive. In the USB flash drive, there is a method of deciphering it!"

"After you complete the deciphering, there will be a clear method on the USB flash drive, and you will send us a message according to the instructions on the USB flash drive!

After speaking, the other side hung up the phone.

Listening to the words over there, the General Directorate of Painting froze.

He looked at the phone in disbelief.

About the method of deciphering?!

how is this possible?

It took them five years to decipher the deciphered document before they managed to decipher two key messages.

Now, actually, there is a deciphering method?

At this moment, his first reaction was to not believe it!

However, he soon thought of a key message!

"Lu Chen is back!" he murmured.

Lu Chen represents the president of the Shelter Foundation!

And if this deciphered document was brought by Lu Chen, then it is possible!

bang bang bang!

Just as he was thinking, a knock on the door interrupted him.

"Come in!" Director General Shen shouted.

A person came in from outside.

It's just that the other party's clothes don't belong to the Ability Investigation Bureau!

Rather, it is a national uniform.

"Governor Shen, hello, this is the deciphered document!" After the man put down an envelope, he left the room.

Looking at the envelope in front of him, General Manager Shen's lips began to tremble at this moment.

Chen Yi couldn't help but asked: "Shen General Administration...is this?"

General Administration Shen closed his eyes and breathed: "If my guess is correct, this should be the real world!"

With that said, General Manager Shen sorted out his mood and stood up from his seat: "Do you want to go and see together? This so-called real world?"

Without any hesitation!

Chen Yi nodded directly!

"Okay, let's go and have a look!"

As he said that, the General Administration of Shen made a call: "Get ready, about our previous SS-level secret, the special document of the Containment Foundation, and now there is progress in deciphering it!

"You guys suspend the work at hand, I will go over now!"

deciphering room,

hang up...

The man also repeated the words of the General Administration of Shen.

The rest of the people cast doubtful eyes and chatted:

"Paused again? In the past few days, it seems that there have been a lot of pauses!"

"The State Administration of Electricity said that there is progress in deciphering. Could it be that it has obtained the relevant deciphering documents?"

"It's no use guessing, you'll find out later!"

They have been deciphering this document for a long time, so they are naturally very curious about this document.

time passed little by little,

Ten minutes later, General Administration Shen opened the door and left

Come in.

As soon as he came in, the rest of the people quickly gathered around and asked questions.

The General Administration of Shen did not give a clear answer, but just handed them the envelope!

And they just opened the envelope and saw the USB flash drive inside.

Is this the key to deciphering it?

The person holding the USB flash drive licked his dry lips, and then went into the computer.

After plugging it in, a window pops up suddenly on the computer.

【You have been monitored, do you want to enter?】


The person clicked.

At this moment, the picture in the brain began to change!

The Containment Foundation logo appeared!

Then there was a lot of coding!

But there is no explanation whatsoever!

"what is this?"

"I don't know, such a large number of file encodings, this is the first time I've seen it!"

"Is this..... Could it be about the deciphered code of our previous document?"

This sentence made many people react instantly.

At first, they all just sighed, but later they realized that all this was related to that document!

They hurried back to their seats and started working.


The sound of typing on the keyboard keeps coming back!

Such a huge number of codes made their foreheads break out in cold sweat.

But the movement in the hand didn't stop at all!

A dozen computers start working at the same time!

And the excitement in their hearts really couldn't be concealed!

Over the past few years, they have worked day and night just to decipher the contents of this document!

Some people have even become demons!

Don't even think you can fully decipher it until you die!

And now, there is such an opportunity!

After half an hour like this,

"It worked! It really worked!"

Someone exclaimed!

Everyone quickly looked over.

And the other party quickly debugged.

Above is a video!

In the 5.7 video, it is a very luxurious looking room!

And in the very center of the room, is a table!

The table is about one meter long,

Topped with food and wine!

"Huh? What's this? Food and wine?"

"This...isn't reasonable? Why is it analyzed to be such a picture?"

"Could it be the evil taste of the owner of this file?"

They looked at each other blankly.

They deciphered the file according to the USB flash drive, and encountered no obstacles during the process!

Therefore, we can be sure that this deciphered file is 100% true!


Why, after deciphering it, is a picture that looks very beautiful?

They don't understand!

The progress of the video is still moving!

Just then, a young man walked in slowly.

His face was yellow and thin, and the moment he saw the food, his eyes were full of desire.

The saliva kept dripping on the ground!

He desperately ran to the table and stuffed the food on it into his mouth desperately.

Pick up the fine wine on the table and pour it into your mouth desperately!

"It's so good, it's awesome.....this is heaven!" the young man smirked and leaned against the table!

The food on the table kept decreasing.

next moment,

A big black hole-like mouth suddenly appeared in the center of the table, biting him directly!

Drag the youth directly into the black hole!

"Don't.....Damn.....What is this?"

"I won't eat..... let me go..... let me go..."

The young man watched this scene in horror, and kept crawling forward.

at last,

In the screams, he was swallowed up!

The original quietness was restored in the room!

The food that was originally eaten on the table appeared out of thin air again!.

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