I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 79 Containment - 648! Terrible Human Nature!

His throat has been scratched!

Blood dripping from your throat all the way to the floor!

However, the sprayed blood and the pain from his body couldn't make him stop his movements.

Joey approached Mo Ni step by step, smiled lightly, and murmured incessantly: "It's all your fault......it's all your fault..."

This scene,

Even those high-level officials didn't take a deep breath when they saw it.

This feeling is incremental little by little!

If the previous table is sudden, give the person death after happiness!

And this is a little bit of torture!

"This man has gone mad.....he is hopeless...."

"That Monny is still sleeping, it's over...

"What kind of broken place is this place? Why can't I get out?"

At this moment, they have no previous complaints.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have come to such a ghostly place at all!"

"In this case, you still have to steal food..."

"I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you..."

His voice was like the roar of a beast.

But there is still a little struggle in the eyes!

However, this struggle was quickly covered up by madness.

He stepped forward slowly.

Maybe it's because of the heavy breathing, or the coercion before death!

Mo Ni opened her eyes and looked at Joey in front of her!

She looked at Joey with some fear, and kept backing away:

"Joey... what's wrong with you..."

"Don't... come here..."

Her voice trembled a little more.

Looking at the slowly approaching man in front of him.

"You stole the food... didn't you?" Joey's voice was hoarse, and he tore at the wound on his neck because of his madness.

The spout of blood made him even more crazy!

"I didn't...I didn't...I didn't eat..." she cried.

Because she felt the breath before death.

She's scared!

"No? Then why? Why is there one piece of bread missing?" Joey stepped forward slowly and grabbed Money by the throat!

And Mo Ni's face became paler and paler, and the tightness of her throat made it difficult for her to even breathe.

She struggled desperately!

The next moment, he inserted his fingers into the wound on Joey's neck and kept pulling.

The potential of a person before death is enormous!


Just like that, Joey fell straight on top of her.

Money pushed Joey away with great effort, coughing non-stop, panting heavily!

She killed the bastard before her own death!

The moment Joey fell, a piece of bread fell out of his pocket!

This is what he put in his pocket before.

But because of the huge mental pressure, he fell into doubt!

Let him collapse directly!

"I really didn't expect that it was the man who went crazy first!"

"That's right, this man behaved quite normally at first!"

"This is human nature, a little bit of doubt can only lead to death!"

"Do you think this woman will survive?"

"I don't know, I think it's possible, after all, that's how it's played in movies!"

"Just what is this maze? What does it have to do with the Containment Foundation?"

They lamented that the man in the picture died just like that!

However, they began to wonder what all this had to do with the Containment Foundation.

After saying a few words, they turned their gazes to the screen again.

Looking forward to a miracle happening!

They want to see if Mooney will survive!

"Is this the leftover food?" She crawled to the previous schoolbag and checked it carefully.

She didn't know how long she would stay here.

She wants to live!

But, oddly enough, she didn't move on!

"Huh? Why didn't she move on?" Someone couldn't help asking.

The rest of the people glanced at each other, then looked away, and nodded at what Mo Ni did.

In their eyes, what Mo Ni did was correct!

In this situation, they have been gone for an unknown amount of time.

Still can't see the end!

In this case, minimizing the hot zone consumption is the most critical!

And Mo Ni lay down and slept directly on the spot!

In this case, the only way to last more time!

She only hoped that someone outside would see her disappearance!

Then someone can come here and save yourself!

Time passes by little by little!

Food is getting less and less!

Continue like this,

Everyone sighed helplessly.

They seem to have seen Monny's death!

The food was also eaten!

All that's left is water!

Now Mo Ni is also crazy!

"What day is it?" She looked at the sun, trying to tell the time.

The scorching sun made her unable to open her eyes.

However, the sun cannot tell time at all.

time passed little by little,


Even the water source is running low!

"I want to live...I want to live..." Mo Ni murmured, her eyes fell on Joey's body, she took out her mobile phone, and dropped it heavily on the ground.

The time display is still: 2:07 minutes, this room is from the beginning to the end!



Even so, she still did not survive.

Finally died in the maze!


The sound of someone swallowing saliva is especially obvious!

They were obviously taken aback!

In this situation, even they feel a kind of inexplicable helplessness and fear.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, anyone could see the shock in their eyes.

"Where is this place..." someone asked.

No one answered.

But many people set their sights on the representative of Country M.

After all, Joey and Monny are obviously from country M!

And he also understood that by going to the toilet, he left his seat.

After leaving his seat, he made a phone call: "Help me investigate a place, check this place, is there anyone there now!"

However, no one cares about this episode!

They keep their eyes on the screen,

However, that didn't stop there!

The second team is here!

This time there were significantly more people!

There were four people in total!

In this way, the four of them entered the maze talking and laughing!

As always, from bewildered to terrified!

They began to walk in order to live.

But the more people there are, the more terrifying the human nature is!

They saw that the four of them went from talking nonsense, to being wary of each other, and finally killing each other!

Finally fell into this maze!

Human nature, at this moment, is fully displayed!

Just like that, two more groups came!

The ending is still the same!

The atmosphere in the venue is extremely depressing!

Everyone is in no mood to continue watching!



The entire video is filled with this kind of information!

The so-called friendship and love are so fragile in the face of death!

at this time,

The perspective switches again!

At the door, some special personnel came this time!

They wear special costumes, black hats, and black uniforms!

However, there are some differences. On their chests is the logo of the Containment Foundation!

"Here is the Containment Foundation, D-class personnel number D-6443, preparing to enter the containment-maze! Exploration is in progress!"

After submitting the information,

The young man tied a rope to his body and walked in!

And the rest are waiting outside!

Hearing the young man's message, the rest of the people instantly became refreshed!

"Is this the Containment Foundation coming?"

"They're going in too? What does that mean?"

"Is it for testing?"

"I don't quite understand, this place is Tenjinpai!"

"Hmph, I want to see what the Containment Foundation is capable of!"

They chatted, and some became interested.

And some are with indifferent expressions.

time passed little by little,

Suddenly, the rope suddenly came loose!

When they pulled the rope back, it was cut neatly!

I want to get in touch but I can't get in touch!

"D-class personnel report that after D-6443 entered the maze, there was no further contact!"

"Doubt, the maze belongs to a separate space! Ask for support!"

The other person, looking at the fault on the rope, didn't change his expression.

He just reported his work mechanically.

Then, they left here!

Looking at the screen, the representatives of several countries did not understand.

Why, when the Containment Foundation came, it ended so easily?

"What the hell does this foundation do?"

"I don't know, if this labyrinth is a containment, why didn't they deal with it?"

"Yeah, aren't they capable of containing monsters?"

"Besides, they are capable, why didn't they come here earlier and sacrifice so many people!"

"No humanity, no humanitarianism!"

They couldn't help but speak.

Even push the number of deaths to the Containment Foundation!

And An San next to him also knew that it would be a while, so he hurriedly said: "This is not easy, I'm afraid this maze is not, the other party arranged here, you must know that this place is M

"This thing is likely to be deliberately arranged here just like the typhoon!"

Anping Yunsan's words instantly made everyone vigilant!

Because of this sentence, it is not impossible!

They looked at Ying Guoxing with hostility!

However, the content on the screen does not end there!

Soon, the second batch of people arrived!

This time, they carried instruments on their backs, and there were obviously more weapons on their uniforms!

...asking for flowers......

He also pressed the button like the previous D-class personnel!

"Here it is, agent (cracking sound), at the entrance of the labyrinth, making the next entry!"

"At present, the equipment is ready, and the space in the maze is expected to be independent, so use special equipment to complete the communication and record!"

After speaking, he took off his backpack.

Opened an item similar to a mobile phone.

Then enter the entrance!

Switch perspective!

They also followed into the maze!

However, this time the difference is that

The mobile phone in this agent's hand can still transmit voices!

"Keep in touch, the connection is not interrupted!"

Look at the voice on the phone.

The country representatives who watched the content on the screen were all stunned:

"This... what is it, doesn't it mean that there is no signal after entering?"

"In an independent space, can you still connect with the outside world?"

"Is this Containment Foundation technology?"

"Is there a possibility...why could they

Can you see what's inside?"

"Even if it's something installed by the D-class personnel, it should be after the observation, right?!"

They suddenly reacted,

In this video, it is not difficult to see from the details that there is a separate space inside!

But, even in this case, the Containment Foundation still has relevant information!

You can even communicate inside!

Does it prove that the technology of the Containment Foundation is at a top level?

Moreover, there are still too many mysteries in this incident!

"Look, is that D-6443?" Someone yelled.


They quickly looked over.

But he found that not far away, D-6443 in black uniform was not far away.

However, he looked haggard and sallow.

After seeing the agent, he was shocked at first, and then yelled: "You are not real...you are not real..."

Then he kept backing away and ran towards the inside.

Nobody knows what they're up against!

The agent frowned, watching the back of the other party going away.

He knew that D-6443 would never come back!

After he put his things in place,

"This is the agent (noise), report the information about the maze!"

"This is a special space. After entering the space, there is no way to return!"

"And there is no change at the entrance!"

"Request to close the entrance!"

After the report, the agent breathed a sigh of relief.

Been waiting for information over there!


【The containment information about the maze is being recorded!】

【The record is complete!】

【Shelter Foundation, thank you!】

【D-6443, the criminal record has been cleared, and his family has been exonerated!】

【Agent (noise), thank you for your sacrifice!】

After speaking, the voice over there fell silent.

And the agent also smiled, looking back at the way he came!

He knew that this was his last time.

In a different world space.

"That's good too!" the agent murmured, "At least I'm a hero too!"

He smiles.

However, that feeling is a bit sad.

He sits on the ground.

The screen is black!

Nobody knows what happened to this agent!

The video is over!

The screen turned black!

Then, the Containment Foundation logo began to scroll!

【Containment record completed!】

[Number: Containment-648!]

【Name: Maze (Hedge Maze!)】

【Level: Euclid!】

[Ability: After the lost person enters, he will be guided to the space of another world, which has the stability of the body and cannot be broken! After entering, time will stop losing time! And isolate

Call image (a cross-space special converter has been arranged for real-time monitoring)! The scene layout will change in time as you walk!]

【This labyrinth has been in a state of scorching sun (evening), very strange!】

[Special Containment Procedures: Because Containment-648 cannot be moved, there are no special containment procedures! The Foundation has arranged personnel to supervise, and disguised as plainclothes official personnel,

24 hours on duty!】

[If you encounter relevant personnel who want to enter, you will be discouraged and warned! 】

[Remarks: Forcible intruders will not be blocked!]

[Follow-up victims will decrease, but because the level is lowered, the foundation files will be hidden!]

Information about the contents is displayed at this moment.

Everyone looked at all this with a frown.

They don't know how to speak.

And at this moment, the mobile phone of the representative of country M who had just returned suddenly rang!

The representative of Country M hesitated for a moment, and pressed the phone to connect.

"We locate the location of the video through satellite!"

"But if other suspected official personnel are detected, will they enter the eight?".

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