I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 85 The Destruction Of A City, It Can Eat People!

Er Fatty was stunned.

He stared blankly at himself.

He struggled desperately, trying to get up.

But he couldn't do anything other than being conscious.

It was as if the whole body was paralyzed.

"How is this going...."

He kept shouting in his heart, but he could only make a sound of ah ah ah.

It can't even be covered by words.

Finally, vines appeared in front of him.

Slowly cover him all over!

Er Pang just disappeared into the world.

"My grass, is this a plant that eats people?"

"The story Er Fatty just told is actually true?!"

"I have a bad feeling!"

Those people watched Er Fatty being eaten, and the people off-screen instantly became nervous.

This is not the first time they have seen people die.

But it's weird compared to before.

Or the horror of human nature.

This kind of watching oneself die is even more frightening.

Moreover, they always feel that the video played this time must not be that simple.

Just when they were wondering,

screen changes,

It was fixed on the people in those teams.

The crowd walking in front, after walking for a while, looked back worriedly:

"Huh? Why hasn't Er Fatty followed?"

"No, let's laugh and run away!"

"It shouldn't be so, he has a thick skin!"

They spoke with a smile.

"Forget it, let's wait for a while, so that he won't get lost!" the leading captain said.

As for Er Fatty, he still took good care of him.

Time passed little by little.

Until ten minutes.

Many people frowned:

"What's going on, logically speaking, even if he loses his temper, he should follow up and remember!"

"That's right, is there something wrong? Someone go back and take care of it?"

"This kid is really, he lost the chain at a critical moment!"

They complain about the general opening.

The captain frowned, and nodded to someone: "Hu Shang, go and meet him!"

"When the time comes, after the response is complete, speed up and catch up!"


A sturdy young man who looked to be 1.9 meters came out.

He is also the person with the best relationship among Er Fatty!

After agreeing,

He stepped away from the crowd.

"Okay, let's move on, the speed can be slowed down!" the captain said.

And the team moved on.

"Er Fatty, Er Fatty!" Hu Shang walked, while you pushed aside the leaves that blocked your eyes.

Soon, he returned to the place where he had just rested.

However, no matter how he shouted, there was no answer.

"It's weird, even if he lost his temper, he probably wouldn't leave here!" Hu Shang muttered with a strange expression.


Suddenly, there was a sound in the bushes behind him.


Hu Shang turned his head and looked between the bushes with some vigilance.

"Er Fatty?" He called out.

Pulled away the bushes in front of him.

But there, there was only Erpang's uniform hanging among the branches.

And next to the uniform, there are some green Xia!

It doesn't look any different!


Hu Shang was a little puzzled, and shouted again: "Stop making trouble, Er Fatty

"Come out now!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Shang stepped forward to pick up Er Pang's clothes.

However, the next moment, he stopped there suddenly.

He saw the vine move!

Slowly approaching him step by step!

"Damn... ah ah ah..."

After he said a word, he froze in place and wanted to continue speaking, but he couldn't say a word.

How is this going?

He shouted in his heart, and was about to retreat.

But, he has no ability at all!

His whole body didn't move at all!

He stared, watching those vines slowly spread all over his body.

In the end only one eye remained, and then dissipated.

"Another death..."

"Yeah, I always feel like this is just the beginning!"

"Do you feel that the vine seems to be getting bigger?!"

"Really! Really!"

The audience in front of the screen suddenly reacted and couldn't help but make a sound.

You know, this vine was only a small part at the beginning, at most it was a small tree about ten years old.

But now it has grown to a terrifying level.

The most important thing is that these vines seem to grow out of thin air, without even seeing the roots.

But, at the next moment, the vines were slowly moving and began to spread!

Among the troops, they walked for half an hour, and they were only a short distance away from the forest.

"Let me just say, what the hell is there, God! This Er Fatty really listens to the wind and the rain!"

"However, what happened to Er Fatty and Hu Shang? Why haven't they come back yet!"

"Yeah, Hu Shang has been looking for him for a long time, and he hasn't come back yet!"

"Did these two run away?!"

"Impossible, it's hard to tell Er Fatty, but Hu Shang can't!"

They chatted chatteringly.

Obviously there has been a little more distrust.

"I will report this matter, let's complete the task quickly!" The captain finally couldn't help it, and yelled.

The first thing they have to do now is to complete the task. ,

rather than suspicious of each other.

"Okay, everyone, rest for the last ten minutes!" The captain said softly.

The rest curled their lips, and anyone could see the captain's displeasure.

This rest was the most peaceful one.

From the beginning to the end, they just ate their own food, quietly waiting for the time to pass through their fingers!

Finally, the time has come!

They too are getting up.

However, just as one of them got up, he fell straight to the ground.

The sudden scene shocked many people.

They just wanted to get up and help, and wanted to ask.

But they found that they had no strength to move at all.


Could it be a biochemical weapon? Their eyes widened.

However, this idea was soon shattered!

They saw the vines entangle themselves, and then slowly submerged, watching themselves die a little bit.

But the scary thing is, they can't even!

The picture on the screen went black.

"Is it over?"

"What the hell is that vine? Why is it so scary?!"

"Are plants also containers?"

"Telephone booths are containment objects, and it's normal for plants to be containment objects."

"I'm a little scared, Si!"

They said a word, with panic in their hearts.

Although, they've looked at the containment a few times.

But every time there is a new shock.

And there will be new fears.

This feeling is very scary!

And the sense of unknown is gradually increasing!

Does it mean that if you go out by yourself, you will suddenly be killed by the contents?

"What's the matter, it's just a vine and just burn it!"

"Yes, you are just too nervous!"

"We humans are the masters, humans are the top of the food chain!"

"What are you afraid of? A blasting weapon can solve everything!"

Of course, those who opposed the cooperation with the Containment Foundation also spoke at this moment.

One is to soothe my inner fear.

The second is to tell yourself not to be afraid.

The rest shook their heads.

However, the picture within the picture has changed again!

is a city!

"Huh? Why isn't it the information about the contents?" Someone asked in confusion.

When they saw this place before, they all began to display relevant information about the contents.

Today, however, the picture is not like that.

it was a city,

The city is not considered prosperous, but has some rural flavor.

The building next to it has only three floors at its highest.

The grey-yellow buildings, together with the plainly dressed people, make people feel relaxed and happy.

Pedestrians on the road greeted each other and complained about the dissatisfaction they experienced recently, looking very harmonious.

But, right in the middle of a house, in a very inconspicuous alley, green vines emerged from the soil!

**(a kind of plant), because Mo is those vines that eat people!",

"My God, how did those man-eating vines get here?"

"Yeah, aren't they in the mountains, why did they come here?"

The face of the person in front of the screen changed drastically the moment they saw the vines.

They had seen the horrors of the vines.

So the moment the vines appeared, they became excited.

Unfortunately, the screen is only a reflection of the past!

They heard the cries of those men.

In the picture, a little boy pushes a round iron ring into the alley.


The iron ring fell to the ground.

And the child hurried to help the hoop up.

The next moment, he stopped the movement of his hands and slowly lay down on his stomach.

He found the little vine, swaying in the wind.

"What is this?" He asked in a childish voice, and stretched out his hand to stroke the vine.

Seeing this scene, those people outside began to get excited.

Printing doesn't help!

The child touched the vine, and the picture turned to the sky!

The originally clear sky has darkened.

The evening glow dyed the entire sky red.

"Newt, where are you?"

A woman's cry came from the street.

She was wearing a cooking dress, her hair was tied behind her...

However, no one responded!

She asked people nearby, and those people just shook their heads.

Perhaps because of the mother's feelings for the child, she is always restless.

Finally, she came near the alley and saw the circle.

"Huh? Isn't this Newt's?" The woman walked towards the alley.

I also saw vines that were already more than one meter high not far away.

The yellow-green rhizomes and purple leaves look pretty!

"Since when are there vines here?" the woman murmured, picking up the iron ring on the ground.

"Newt, what are you doing here?" the woman called out again.

However, there was still no response.

she went on,

When I came to the vines, I saw some torn children's clothes on the vines.

She knew very well that this belonged to her child!

"Newt!" She quickened her pace, trying to take off her clothes, Xia looked for Newt's figure.

However, the moment she approached the vine, she froze in place.

Her eyes widened and she wanted to back away, but she had no strength at all!

Not even able to call for help!

The vines spread step by step, approaching!

Finally cover her slowly!

And the vines began to change too!

Slowly grow bigger!

Finally cover the alley wall completely!


For a moment, the hearts of everyone in front of the screen rose to their throats, and tension surrounded everyone's hearts.

"It's over, it's over...."

"This vine can expand after eating people... What should I do?"

"Yes, this woman and child is probably just the beginning....

Their voices trembled a little more.

But, they can't do anything!

The feeling of depression surrounds everyone's heart!

Screen changes!

From night to day!

The original vines have spread to a certain extent!

The walls are covered in vines!

There is no previous bustling scene on the street!

All that's left is emptiness!


The wind blows through the city,

Blowing the leaves of the vines, blowing the clothes hanging on the street.

"This city is over..."

"I have a bold idea... Do you think this cabbage country was destroyed like this?!"

"Don't tell me it's really possible!"

In front of the screen, the expressions of the representatives of various countries changed.

There are more and more guesses in their hearts.

Even more fearful!

However, those who originally opposed it changed even more at this moment.

"No, no, after that country finds out, it will definitely burn this vine!"

"That's right, it's just that the country didn't respond, and it just sacrificed a city!"

"If it were our country, we would definitely be able to react immediately and burn all these vines to death!"

They could only comfort themselves in their hearts.

But, no matter how comforting they are, they can't conceal the fear in their hearts!

They know it doesn't stop there!

I set my sights on the 5.8 screen and wait for the follow-up!

However, the facts were similar to their expectations.

The picture on the screen was fixed on the outskirts of the city.

People in the official uniforms of the Cabbage Kingdom appeared there!

This time the staff is huge!

At least thousands of people!

The leader stood at the front of the crowd and said coldly: "This time, we must complete the task and burn all the vines in the entire city!"

"This is about the security of our country!"

"So, only success is not allowed!"

His voice caused many people to respond in unison, and made an official salute of the Cabbage Kingdom: "Promise to complete the task!"

"Okay, let's start!" the leader said.

And the rest go away!

Holding a high-pressure flamethrower, a safe distance is guaranteed!


The high-pressure torch sprays out a large amount of high-temperature flames!

Set the vines on fire!

The fire is spreading!

Those people are approaching little by little!

The vines are also disappearing little by little!

The original city has been completely destroyed!

All that's left is scorched earth!

But the good news is that those vines seem to fear the flames.

In the fire, to be ignited, and finally to be devoured!

Although the video has accelerated, it went from the scorching sun to the moon rising into the sky.

They knew that it took a full day to clean up this time!

The flames cover up all the breath of life in this city!

In the screen, all those people regrouped and reported the mission!

It seems that this man-eating vine just disappeared!

this injury,

is a city!

and thousands of deaths!

But, is this vine thing really over?

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