I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 88 Investigate All Information About The Containment Foundation!

Soon, the information from the Vine Pepper Country was connected to those countries that refused to accept the Foundation.

They've just returned from a joint international meeting and are holding an emergency meeting at a high level.

Some of these people showed embarrassment, and some were angry!

At the same time, they were also worried and overwhelmed.

Although, the arrogance they said at the meeting.

But at this time, they still panicked.

At this moment, a phone call from Liguo also came.

And the content of the phone is very simple!

【Investigate what the Containment Foundation has done!】

【Investigate the identity of that young man!】

After simple communication, almost all countries agreed.

Although they are a minority now, they also believe that it is impossible for the current countries to be so united!

Therefore, they are united now, and it is not that there is no way to deal with it.

Afterwards, various countries began to probe the previous events!

And the information about the incident was sent to every police station in the country!

Their purpose is simple, they want to know something about the cause of the incident!

From small to big!

They want to investigate the relevant information of the Containment Foundation from the most basic place.


It can also be said that they can only find relevant information from some small places!

rattan pepper country,

In a police station in a small city,

Several people kept flipping through the information in their hands!

"Really, why did you suddenly turn over the previous unsolved case?!" One of them threw the document in his hand onto the table next to him.

Unsolved case!

As the name suggests, it is a case with no beginning and no end!

No trace, no reason!

This kind of case, generally speaking, no one cares about it at all.

But, who knows, the above is like going crazy, and it must be investigated.

Therefore, they can only sort out all these things.

time passed little by little,

As they flipped through the pages, their laughter became louder and louder:

"Brother, take a look, I'm stupid, xswl, this person choked to death from drinking water. "Family, come and call the police!"

"What are you doing? I have an even more outrageous one. It is said that I stretched my waist, and my heartbeat is about to die! My family said it was poisoned!"

"I also have a 020 who ran into the wild and was killed by pigs!"

Their voices were full of sarcasm.

These cases are completely used by them as a tool for fun.

The rest also joined in.

This kind of case highlights an outrageous point!

Only in the corner, a 1.75m young man with a cropped cut kept flipping through the documents in his hand.

"What's the matter, Gangzi? Did you see something bizarre? Let us have fun by telling it!" Someone came over and put his arms around the young man's shoulders, joking with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, Gangzi glanced at the other party, then nodded: "I did see some strange places!"

"this thing!"

As he spoke, Gangzi waved the document in his hand.

The rest of the people regained their spirits in an instant and surrounded each other.

"Hurry up, hurry up, put it down quickly, and let us have a look!"

"Yeah, let's see what it is!"

"This case looks interesting!"

Although the writing on the document is not large, it is still clearly visible when it is placed on the table.

The above content is very strange!

[In 20** (confidential), we received a report that a child was missing near the coast not far from here!】

【The missing time is very long, and there is no clue. During surveillance, the child fell into the sea!】

【We have been searching for ten days, but there is still no clue, and the child's parents are starting to collapse!】

【Finally, he is back!】

【Surveillance shows that he appeared suddenly, and no one knows the reason!】

【It's just strange that this child was discovered on the small island next door!】

【Everyone is asking about the child's disappearance for ten days, and sent someone to do a special interview!】

[The following is the content of the interview...]

That's the information on the first page!

There are some pictures in it, and it shows a photo of the child.

"Huh? This matter is indeed interesting!"

"A child who disappeared? Ten days? How did he survive?!"

"I can assure you with the eyes of the police for ten years that this incident is definitely not simple.

"You don't need to say it!"

They exchanged complaints.

But I'm really curious about this unknown event!


Gangzi turned the paper to the second page! (cbaa)

Impressive is a photo!

An old man sat across from a child and asked about something.

【The following is the interview information!】

【Dr. Fulton: Hello, child, we want to know, where are you going today?!】

【Child: I have always been on that small island!】

【Doctor Fulton: But, how did you get there? From here to that small island, there is a wide sea in between!】

【Child: At that time, I remember I was playing in a port on the coast, there was a big rock there, do you know about the rock?】

【Doctor Fulton took a sip of tea: I know!】

【Children (some excited): I saw a big whale at that time, I really like whales! Because of the excitement, I took two extra steps!】

【Doctor Fulton: Then you fell into the sea?!】

【Child: Yes! (Some nervous and scared!)】

【Dr. Fulton arranged for snacks and drinks, and the other party's mood recovered!】

【Child: I don't know how to swim, so I just sank down like this! I'm so overwhelmed in a coma!】

【The child danced in a panic: I didn't lie! I really didn't lie!】

【Doctor Fulton frowned: Then how did you survive?!】

[I don’t know, I just remember that I lay in a blanket and slept for a long time, and I saw a whale! When I woke up again, I was on a small island. “And my friend should

【Fulton is a little excited: your friend? What friend?!】

【The child is a little scared: a mermaid, very beautiful! Later we became friends, she taught me a lot of things, such as how to catch fish, how to avoid hunters, although I don't know who those hunters are, I have never seen them!】

We went here and interviewed!

The child was judged to have brain nerve damage and neurological disorders.

The incident also ends here!

"Is it over here?"

"No, you don't think there are really mermaids?!"

"How is it possible, but this is indeed an unsolved case!"

"Gangzi can do it this time, hurry up and report this thing!"

Those people smiled.

To be honest, this case is indeed an unsolved case!

"I always feel that it is not that simple!"

Gangzi shook his head, and continued to turn over a page of the document.

However, the next page is some pictures!

The picture is a bit blurry, it was taken next to the port!

More than a dozen port staff are patrolling nearby.

Although this matter was classified as an unsolved case, because there were no casualties, they did not believe much in the mermaid.

After complaining about it for a while, they started looking through it again.

Some of the more bizarre cases were sorted out.

"I'll report first!"

After Gangzi finished speaking, he directly got through the phone above.

Because it is a written record and a picture record.

Therefore, Gangzi must call to inform first, and then take the file over!

Soon, the communication will be completed!

Gangzi left the office!

rattan pepper country,

high-level conference room,

The documents in front of them are already piled up like a mountain!

They kept flipping through it.

But it's getting bigger and bigger!

They never thought that the content of the work would be so huge!

However, even so, they still haven't found any information about the Containment Foundation!

They have shown impatience.

Only the old man looked calmly and slowly.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door!

"Come in!" the old man shouted.

At this moment, Gangzi opened the door and walked in!

"Sir, this is the information about those events!" Gangzi saluted and put down the file.

The rest didn't even look up.

Looking at the mountain of documents, Gangzi curled his lips and muttered in his heart: "It seems that I am quite tired because of the leadership!"

Seeing no response from several people, Gangzi turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a moment!"

The old man raised his head and stopped him!

Gangzi looked over suspiciously.

The old man asked: "Are there any strange and unexplainable cases here?"

There are more and more cases, and he needs to know all the information about this case!

And this provider, they must have screened.

Instead of looking at them one by one, it is better to ask these screeners directly.

Hearing this sentence, Gangzi also stopped, and said: "Some cases are ordinary incidents!"

"For example, choking to death while drinking water, or falling to death while walking on the road..."

Hearing this, the old man showed some disappointment.

This is not the first time he has seen these cases!

He needs to see information about Containment Foundation.

However, he has seen so many events, but he has not.

Is the previous Containment Foundation really that scary?!

No information at all!?

"However, there is one case that has some problems!" Gangzi said.

The old man narrowed his eyes and asked, "What case?!"

"A case related to a mermaid is just a child's story!" Gangzi said.

And the moment he heard this sentence, the old man became excited: "Where is the case, show me!"

Because, he has already learned from the conference video.

Containment contains many things.

And the mermaid, plus a special case.

Maybe it has something to do with the Containment Foundation!

"Ah...well..." Gangzi hurriedly flipped through the documents in his hand.

Soon, the case was revealed.

He put the case on the table, and the rest of the senior executives all stood up, wanting to see it more clearly.

Time passes by little by little!

They take events very slowly!

For fear of missing any relevant information!


They read the first two pages of information!

"What do you think?" The old man looked at the others.

"I feel...it should be the containment..."

"Not sure, look again! But there is indeed something strange!"

"Yeah, how could it be possible for a child to disappear for ten days unharmed?!"

They all expressed bewilderment.

This case is even more outrageous than the bizarre secret room murders they saw!

old man also order

Nodding: "There are indeed some problems!"


After speaking, the old man turned the screen to the last page!

Above are some blurred photos.

There's the coast, there's the sea!

And those fuzzy staff!


The old man's eyes instantly became serious.

For some reason, he felt that this staff member looked very familiar!

"Open the video of the International Joint Conference!" The old man made arrangements.

The representative of that country, hurry up and make arrangements.

After a while, a video is playing on it!

In the end, he stopped at the moment when those D-class personnel just came out!

Uniforms are almost identical!

Except, no Containment Foundation logo!

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed!

"This... I really didn't expect it, so what they said is true..."

"The Containment Foundation has always been in our various countries..."

"Hey... what else can I do?"

They sat back in their seats.

Helplessness and fear were written all over his face.

Only Gangzi looked at it in a daze, a little puzzled.

He didn't quite understand what they meant by the Containment Foundation.

Also don't understand what the containment is.

Why do the most powerful people in the country show such expressions as if they have lost their backbone.

bang bang bang!

At this moment, the door of the meeting room was knocked again.

However, no one responded.

bang bang bang!

The knock on the door came again.

Gangzi couldn't help reminding: "That... sir... there is a knock on the door outside."

Hearing this sentence, the old man glanced at the ceiling and calmed down: "Come in!"

sound falls,

A man pushed the door and walked in. He walked in with a notebook in his arms, and his face looked very serious!

"What's wrong?" the old man asked.

The person hurriedly said: "Sir... When we were investigating the case, a witness took a video! This video is a bit strange!"


"A video about what?" the old man asked with a frown.

"Looks like it's about a mermaid..."

"It was just taken by locals at night, so I don't know much about it!

The man said uncertainly.

The old man was a little confused, and immediately stood up from his seat: "Hurry up and open it!"

"Ah... yes..."

That person didn't dare to delay,

Quickly connect the computer to the screen,

On the screen, the video of the meeting disappeared!

Instead a blurry picture!

The shooting angle is far away,

But vaguely seemed to see a figure lying there!.

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