I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 93 Threat! Just Take A Look At Long Guo's Attitude!

The sound is aggressive!

Even carries a threat.

Ying Guoxing's face was extremely gloomy, and he didn't answer right away: "Are you sure, your rattan pepper country can withstand such a war?!"

For Ying Guoxing, he is not afraid of war!

Don't be afraid to back down!

However, this time the opponent was clearly prepared.

Convene professional teams from nearly 20 countries and come directly to Longguo.

Not to mention that Long Guo is not prepared enough now.

Even if the preparations are sufficient, a country still faces a lot of pressure in the face of so many countries!

"Wing Guoxing, don't tell me, we are afraid of these things now!"

"Do we have a choice now?!"

"Who wants to start a war if you can, we're just trying to survive!"

Mingda's voice was extremely cold.

Now they have been cornered.

How to retreat!?

this moment,

The senior officials of Longguo also heard the meaning, and their faces were full of solemnity.

They know that if this matter is not handled properly!

Then, the dragon country will face a huge disaster.


Ying Guoxing's voice was a little more disdainful: "Mingda, I think you all know the content of the meeting!"

"It's you who rejected the asylum of the Containment Foundation!"

"It is you who want to resist now!"

"Mingda, do you really think that no one knows what you are thinking?"

"Control the Containment Foundation, control those so-called containment objects in your own hands

"Extremely ridiculous!"

Everything is revealed!

Mingda didn't intend to hide anymore, and sneered: "So what!

"Didn't Longguo also want to put the contents in his own hands now?!"

"Since Dragon Kingdom doesn't want to discuss it, let's wait for this war to break out!"


After finishing speaking, the other side directly hung up the phone.


"Damn it!" Ying Guoxing ruthlessly placed his left hand on the table!

The loud noise startled everyone!

"Director Win, what should we do now?!"

Someone couldn't help asking.

And Ying Guoxing dragged his chin and fell into deep thought!

What he needs to worry about is the whole country!

If it was someone else, he might really want to hand it over.

But, Lu Chen is different!

The mystery of the Containment Foundation has not been revealed at all.

Even more so with the terrifying abilities of those contained objects!

"Arrange it, call the team!"

"Lu Chen can't be handed over!"

Ying Guoxing spoke coldly.

The rest of the people nodded and retreated.

They know how big this thing is.

this day!

The whole country of Dragon Kingdom is on alert!

Boom boom boom!

In the sky, there was the hovering sound of combat machines, which continued!

while on the ground,


Sirens keep ringing!

All the cities are actually honking police cars and honking their horns!

Even the frontier training places are already guarded by tanks!

All ports are closed, and all seaside merchants are prohibited from entering the sea!

After that, the battleships all arrived!

At this moment, the entire Dragon Kingdom team is ready to deal with it!

Such a huge battle instantly caused a sensation among many people!

All major platforms have exploded!

【Brothers, have you seen the police cars on the street!?】

【Damn it, can you not see it? I heard the sound of the whistle in the toilet!】

【My brother works in the police station, it is said that all the staff of the police station are on alert!】

【There are still fighter jets flying in the sky, what does this mean?! Team drills? Why didn’t you hear the official information?!】

【I don’t know, is it a criminal?】

【Are you crazy, the criminals dispatched such a big battle?】

【This is true, why is that?】

They began to discuss.

The heat keeps rising.

While shocking the country's capabilities, it also began to be curious.

They don't understand what's going on in the country.

And the main person involved in this matter, Lu Chen.

At this moment, he was sitting on the balcony, looking at the sky, so peaceful.

It seems that I don't care at all,

"Husband?" Fatty opened the door and came over: "Do you have any clothes to wash?!"

"No more!" Lu Chen said with a smile.

And Fatty also noticed the roar in the sky: "What happened?! Even the planes are dispatched!"

"Some small things, just to see the attitude of the country!"

Lu Chen shook his head.

"Attitude? What attitude?" Fatty asked with a blink of an eye.

Although she knew that Lu Chen was the president of the Shelter Foundation, she didn't know about the international conference organized by Lu Chen.

At this moment, he couldn't help asking.

"It's not a big deal!" Lu Chen rubbed Fatty's forehead.

"Okay, I'm going to cook first!"

After speaking, Fatty kissed Lu Chen on the cheek, and ran away.

Lu Chen also smiled and shook his head, looking at the sky again.

Jingle Bell!

Just then, the phone rang!

It's Ying Guoxing's phone number!

After connecting, Ying Guoxing's voice came from over there: "Mr. Lu Chen, the Tengjiao Kingdom has united with other countries to persecute the Dragon Kingdom, let us hand you over!"

"We want to ask if we need to send out power to protect you?!"

Listening to Ying Guoxing's nervous voice, Lu Chen didn't pay much attention: "No need

"You can handle the rest!"

"it is good!"

Ying Guoxing agreed: "We will not back down on this matter, please rest assured!"

"I know!"

After saying this, Lu Chen stopped talking.

The phone is hung up!

The dragon crosses the outer sea,

Added a few more Vine Peppers and other official ships!

while on the ship,

When people get close together, there is a huge cake in front of them!

Mingda sat on the main seat, waiting quietly.

"Mr. Mingda, can Longguo agree to come down?!"

"We're on each other's turf and if they fight...we'll be very passive!"

"No one knows what is going on in our country now!"

Their voices revealed helplessness.

If so, they don't want to start a war.

After all, the damage is still too great!

Mingda shook his head, cut the cake in front of him,

"Do you think they will agree?!" Mingda's movements did not stop, but he was very careful.

As if afraid of ruining the cake.

The rest looked at each other, but dared not speak.

And Mingda finally finished cutting that piece of cake, and drew a larger piece in front of him.

"Ying Guoxing is not a fool!"

"Even now, these people are not safe!"

"Everyone is waiting for a piece of cake from the Containment Foundation!"

"Plus, other countries are watching [their best option is to hand over the Containment Foundation!"

"Otherwise, even if they win the war this time, they will shed a layer of skin!"

"And, I also gave the other party a retreat!"

"If Lu Chen is a very important person to the Containment Foundation, then it will not be difficult for them to hand over all the information about the Containment Foundation!"

"So, I don't think Ying Guoxing will fight us guys!"

Hearing this, many people nodded.

This sentence is true!

At least, if it is they will choose this way!

But, everything is in case!

Of course they can think of that too!

"What if they don't agree?!"

Someone couldn't help asking.

"I don't agree, I don't think he will disagree!!" He smiled confidently tomorrow.

In his eyes, he already thinks that he will win Guoxing to death!

The rest of the people looked at each other without saying a word.


The highest person in charge of the rattan pepper country!

outstanding ability,

Ten years in office, the rattan pepper country has been transformed from a medium-sized country into a country that is only one step away from being a powerful country!

His ideas are unique!

Many countries admire Mingda.

This is also the reason why they are willing to believe in the old country!

"I believe Mr. Mingda, Longguo himself doesn't have the guts!"

"That's right, they definitely don't have the ability to start a war with us!"

"Dragon Kingdom has a huge population. If they don't want to, we will report all the things contained in it!"

After they figured it out, their words became a little more powerful.

Even started to get a little excited.

"Okay, everyone, let's share the cake!" Mingda said, not wanting to continue this topic.

While the rest began to share the food.

They know what this cake means!

After the cake is eaten,

Mingda called out!

beep beep beep!!

"Hello!" Ying Guoxing's voice came from the phone.

"How is it, what is Long Guo thinking about?!" Mingda's voice was full of sarcasm and questioning.

There was a moment of silence on the phone!

Then he said: "I have no way to make a decision on this matter!"

"However, there are many high-level national officials there!"

"That's right!" Mingda said coldly.

...asking for flowers...

"I can tell you clearly that we will not hand over Mr. Lu Chen!"

"However, this matter is not without discussion!"

"You can come to Longguo, I will notify Mr. Lu Chen and give a reasonable solution!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people frowned.

They looked at each other with fear and anxiety in their eyes.

"Long Guo actually refused..."

"What does this mean? Let's go to Dragon Country?"

"I've been in China for a while, should this be the Hongmen Banquet?"

"Shall we go?!"

"I feel like I shouldn't go!"

"Yeah, I don't think it's best not to go!"

They said a word, but no one wanted to go to Longguo.

After all, their country is not considered powerful. If they go to Dragon Country, they are likely to be forced to stay by the other party.

Therefore, most of them chose not to go.

However, Mingda agreed straight away: "Okay! I'll see what kind of explanation the Dragon Kingdom will give us!"


Mingda hung up the phone directly and threw the phone on the table.

"Mr. Mingda...why did you agree to come down..."

"This... is obviously a trick, let's drill it!"

"That's right, we can simply refuse!"

They never thought that they would agree to come down tomorrow.

But Mingda kept banging on the table, his previous self-confidence was no longer on his face.

Then he let out a breath and said:


"Do you think we have a choice in this matter?!"

"This time, we must go!"


Ying Guoxing also understands that our countries have no way out!"

"If we fight, we and Long Kingdom will be in trouble!"

"And Ying Guoxing agreed to communicate this time, which is actually a step backward!"

"So, we have to go!"

"As for the safety issue, even if we don't go, we will not be safe!"

"If the country really perishes because of the contents, no one can afford this responsibility!"

"Going, is also a no-compromise solution!"

Mingda analyzed.

Even analyzed the thoughts of Ying Guoxing and Long Guo.

And it is well-founded, basically analyzing everything.

Soon, most people agreed.

And those few can only obey.

At this point, they have no way to retreat!


Come quietly.

In the dark night, the full moon hangs high in the sky.

But the alarm in the Dragon Kingdom has not stopped!

In the port city of Ayam province,

Everyone here is fully armed, and everyone is waiting with bated breath.

And Ying Guoxing and other high-level officials have arrived!

Here is where they greeted Mingda.

"People are coming!"

On the lighthouse, someone shouted!

The lights instantly gather on the distant coastline,

There is a luxurious and huge ship, slowly approaching!

And on the deck, there are nearly thirty people!

And beside the coast where the ship was docked, Ying Guoxing and others also held their breaths.

"Director Win, shall we lay the red carpet?" Someone approached and asked.

Laying the red carpet is the etiquette used by Longguo to receive foreign high-level VIPs.

"Need not!"

Ying Guoxing waved his hand: "They are not friends, this negotiation is also a negotiation of rupture!"

After saying this, the man stopped talking and walked away silently.

"And this time, who is planning who?!" Ying Guoxing sneered.

He knew that the other party's approaching with great momentum was just because they thought that the negotiation of Longguo was a compromise.

And only Ying Guoxing knows.

This time, there is no holding back!

Time passes by little by little!


Ships approach.

The nearly thirty high-level people also got off the ship.

The one at the front is Mingda!

"Long time no see, Director Win!" Ming Da approached, showing a smile.

"haven't seen you for a long time!!"

Ying Guoxing pretended to be surprised: "Mr. Mingda, it is really extraordinary to come to Dragon Kingdom with such a great power!"

"For safety!" Mingda said with a smile: "You know, we always travel like this!"

"Yes, yes!" Ying Guoxing also smiled.

Obviously both of them are smiling.

But the smell of gunpowder in the air kept rising.

Mingda didn't want to continue talking, so he directly showed his cards: "Okay, let's not talk about this, if we win the bureau chief, let's go to a place where we can talk!

"Talk about the Containment Foundation!".

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