I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 95 He Is Defeated! It Should Be The Work Of The Containment Foundation!

"What did you say, all destroyed?!"

Mingda growled.


He still wanted to continue to question, but there was a shrill scream from over there!

"Hey, hey!" Mingda shouted hastily.

But, it doesn't help!

"Your team has been dealt with!" A cold voice came from the other side.

"Who are you?!" Mingda obviously panicked and asked.


"I am a member of the Foundation!"

"As for your nuclear weapons, they have been neutralized!"

The voice over there was indifferent.

After finishing speaking, I hung up the phone!

And Mingda's arms hung down like this, and he sat on his seat a little weakly.

Of course, they are not the only ones with this expression!

The voices of the communicators in their hands echoed non-stop!

"We are in the southern waters of the Dragon Kingdom, and we are attacked by special forces, we ask for support!"

"Hey, sir, we are being attacked by unknown creatures...ask for backup...what the hell is this?!"

"Don't, don't... Help..."

There are countless miserable screams in their communicators!

Their voices are like being tortured in hell.

That feeling, even across the phone, can feel painful.

Listening to the screams from their own country, the representatives of these countries all showed pain.

"Impossible...absolutely impossible.....this is our country's elite, with our country's weapons on it.....

"We just don't want to be destroyed, what's wrong with us?"

"We just want to protect our country...Are we wrong too?"

Their voices were a little more helpless.

Some people just gave up and slumped on the chair without saying a word.

And some people have already covered their faces with their hands, weeping uncontrollably.

Even Mingda gave up: "Okay, your goal has been achieved!"

"Give us a good time!"

Now he has completely given up.

The so-called calculation is a game of risk.

When Lu Chen appeared, it was completely broken!

The calculation that I am proud of is actually so ridiculous.

Ying Guoxing didn't answer, but set his eyes on Lu Chen.

The current Lu Chen is his 21 backbone.

Secondly, he is even more afraid of Lu Chen.

You know, it took just over an hour from the detection to here.

But Lu Chen has already prepared countermeasures.

Lu Chen laughed: "I'm not interested in how to punish you!"

"As for the demise of your country, I'm not interested in interfering either!"

"However, the Foundation will not let go of its contents!"

"So, you may stay here forever!"

"However, your country will not disappear!"

Lu Chen's voice made Ming Da's eyes that had lost color a little more.

He raised his head and looked at the handsome young man in front of him.

He just leaned there, and there was an inexplicable pressure.

He obviously looks cynical and doesn't take everything seriously, but he understands everything clearly!

Fortunately, Lu Chen's words restored his restless heart.

He showed a smile: "Okay, I believe you!"

"The rattan pepper country will not perish, that's fine!"


As he spoke, Ming Yin didn't speak.

And Lu Chen also set his sights on Ying Guoxing: "Everything is settled!"

"You guys arrange the rest!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen stretched and got up from his seat.

Walk towards the door.

When he reached the gate, Lu Chen turned his head and said, "By the way, you seniors should come to the villa tomorrow!"

"Let me tell you about the Containment Foundation, and there are some follow-up things!"

"it is good!"

Ying Guoxing agreed directly.

After saying this, Lu Chen waved his hand and left the room.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Chen stayed for no more than ten minutes.

But, that kind of pressure is unprecedented!


Ying Guoxing let out a long breath.

He is obviously a high-ranking national, but the pressure facing Lu Chen is unprecedented.

It wasn't until after Lu Chen left that he calmed down and looked at Mingda: "Mr. Mingda, this should be the last time I call you like that!"

There was some regret in his voice.

He still knew about Mingda's deeds.

However, he will not let the other party go.

Because Ying Guoxing knows that such people are terrifying!

Once you leave, you will let the tiger go back to the mountain.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mingda suddenly laughed as if relieved: "I have lived my life in style!"

"From a beggar to the supreme leader of the rattan pepper country!"

"It was also brilliant!"

"I've been decadent too!"

"Now, everything is reduced to dust!"

"I don't want you to let me go!"

"I am very grateful to Mr. Lu Chen for giving me a chance to keep my last concern alive!"

"I hope Director Win will give me one last chance and let me be alone for a while!"

Hearing this, Ying Guoxing had a strange expression on his face, and nodded: "I know

"We're right outside the door!"

There is only one door to this room, and it is impossible to leave!

After speaking, Ying Guoxing walked outside.

"Close the team and wait outside!" After saying a word.

Those professionals looked at each other, and all followed behind and exited the room.

In the entire room, only the representatives of those countries remained.

They hang their heads down, and they are like eggplants beaten by frost, without any energy.

"Mr. Mingda...what shall we do now?" 1

"We can't even run now!"

Mr. Mingda, this is different from what we agreed..."

Every word they said was full of panic.

Now they are desperate!

Mingda just shook his head at them: "We have already lost!"

After this sentence fell, the rest of the people stopped talking.

"You guys go out too, I want to be alone!" Ming Da rubbed the space between his brows.

They backed off after a few words.


Mingda was the only one left in the room!

The empty room made Mingda relax.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it slowly.

Smoke rises!

Surrounded by cigarettes, Mingda's mind was rarely calmed down: "When have I not been here so leisurely?"

"Who would have thought that I would end up like this when I climbed to the present point!"

"One misstep will cause eternal hatred!"

Mingda's voice was full of emotion.

He took out his watch and looked at the photos on the watch.

It was a cute little girl, smiling, sitting on a swing, pointing to the sky.

"Granddaughter, I'm sorry... Grandpa is leaving!"

Mingda smiled and touched the watch with his hand, his face full of reminiscence.

Then, he took out a small sterling silver pistol from his pocket.


One shot!

Ringing in the room!

Blood sprays, stains the brown table red!

Blood dripped down the table and fell to the ground.

How much calculation, how much ability.

How many honors and disgraces in life!

Dissipate at this moment.

This is the darkness of reality!

No Madonna!

Some are just fighting, calculating!


At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Ying Guoxing walked in.

Looking at the corpse for a long time.

Finally said: "Okay, let's make arrangements!"

"Send Mr. Mingda back to the Vine Pepper Country! Bury him well!"

"Tell his family that Mr. Mingda passed away accidentally while performing his duties.


Someone responded and stepped forward to deal with it.

The representatives of the rest of the countries also lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Ying Guoxing glanced at them, and finally shook his head: "If it's normal, I shouldn't let you go!"

"Mr. Mingda, you have already paid the price with your life!"

"I want you to stop with Containment Foundation!"

Winning Guoxing's words instantly made everyone hopeful:

"Don't worry, we...we will definitely not..."

"We are willing to regard the Dragon Kingdom as the backbone, and in the future, our country will say the same!

"So do we, we're here just to survive!"

Their voices trembled and excited.

They know that this is their only hope of survival.

As for the Shelter Foundation, even if they are given courage in the future, they will not dare to continue.

And the most fundamental things have also been resolved.

The Containment Foundation won't just sit idly by!

And this matter is solved!

Of course the matter didn't end there.

Some countries have long been staring at the documents!

Although they don't know what happened to Mingda inside.

But Minda is dead!

It has been proven, yes!

moonset and sunrise,

A new day begins!

The news of Mingda's death spread all over the world!

This night, the sky is turned upside down!

Country M,

high-level conference room,

Everyone looks at the screen,

Above is the picture of Vine Pepper Country, and Mingda is lying there, dying with a smile.

"I really didn't expect that the Vine Pepper Country would lose so thoroughly!"

"Mr. Mingda is dead, and no information has been received from other countries. It seems that they should have surrendered!"

"Xie Te, our country M is the strongest [How could Dragon Country face so many countries alone!"

Their voices are full of anger and unwillingness!

In recent years, Country M's style of doing things has been very arrogant.

Therefore, they are also watching Longguo's response this time.

In their feeling, Long Guo will definitely compromise!

Even if there is no compromise, the price for the Dragon Kingdom is huge!

At that time, they will have the opportunity to face the Dragon Kingdom.

In the end, Long Guo solved the matter by himself!

"This matter is a bit strange!" Chuantong said.

"Strange? What's weird?!"

Someone is asking.

Dragon Kingdom wins, Ming Da dies!

What else is strange?!

"It's not that simple!"

Chuantong looked at the picture on the screen: "Looking at Mingda's expression, it is obvious that he is convinced of defeat!"

"You know, tomorrow is to prepare in advance!"

"I received the news that they set off an hour early!"

"It is said that nuclear weapons were still used!"

"It stands to reason that even if the Dragon Kingdom responds, it shouldn't be like this!"

"If you really want to say it, there is only one reason!"

When he said hit here, he paused!

The expressions of the rest of the people were also pensive,

In the end, his eyes widened: "Mr. Chuantong is talking about this matter, did the Foundation take action?"

"That's right, if the Foundation made the move, then everything would be much more reasonable!"

"The Foundation has advanced technology! And the special forces that can handle the contents!"

"That's right, I also feel that it might be something from the storage!"

Their 487 sounds one after the other!

However, they focused all their attention on the Containment Foundation.

After all, Mingda can be convinced.

And none of the other countries took any action.

It is most likely a problem with the Containment Foundation!

But, at the same time, they also worried:

"If so, what are we going to do with this foundation?!"

"Yeah, they are so powerful, we must find a way!"

"Otherwise, how about we place orders directly?"

"No! If that's the case, we won't be able to deal with the contents!"

They feel worried and afraid about the emergence of the Shelter Foundation.

A special team is enough to scare them.

"This matter is yet to be discussed!" Chuantong shook his head: "At least we can't make a move now!"

"The Containment Foundation killed Mingda, I am afraid that other countries have already regarded the Dragon Kingdom as the head of the dragon!"

"To put it bluntly, I want to stand up!"

"As for the follow-up, we are watching!"

"During this period of time, investigate the affairs of the Foundation. As long as there is an opportunity, we will find a way to bring the Containment Foundation under our command!"

Chuantong's words caused many people to nod.

This is indeed a solution.

After all, they are doing something about the Containment Foundation now.

But the other party has already reached the stage, which is proof that there is a chance to find out about the Containment Foundation!

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, Chuantong's phone rang!

"Who?!" Chuantong asked!

"Mr. Chuantong, hello, I am the leader of the Serpent's Hand, Smith!"

"I have information about the Containment Foundation, do you have time to talk about it?"

The voice of Mies came from the other side of the phone!

Information from the Containment Foundation?!

Chuantong hesitated for a moment and agreed: "Okay!"

After all, his mobile phone number belongs to the official private account!

To be able to communicate with himself, this person must have his own ability!

Their meeting is over!

And the content of the meeting in other countries is probably the same!

The fear they have of the Containment Foundation!

Some are afraid!

However, each country is definitely not reconciled to putting a mysterious organization outside.

So they each have their own ideas!

Dragon Kingdom,

Yunhai City,

The whistle of the military exercise keeps echoing!

"How many times has this happened?!" Someone on the street complained speechlessly.

In the past few days, there have been military exercises at every turn.

They were really speechless.

However, there was no situation, so they didn't think much about it.

outside the villa,

Ying Guoxing tidied up his clothes nervously, and muttered to himself: "Finally, I'm going to see something about the Containment Foundation!"

He opened his mouth softly, his eyes full of anticipation!.

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