I, The President Of The Foundation, Was Exposed By Fatty

Chapter 97 Lu Chen's Message Successfully Deciphered! Country M Has Been Counted!

The contents are terrible!

They've totally figured it out!

However, they don't know how many secrets the Shelter Foundation has!

"For the foundation, it's a small part!

"and also……………"

Mona would like to say a few more words.

But was stopped by Lu Chen: "You don't need to know too much about the rest!"


Meng Na glanced at Lu Chen unexpectedly.

And Lu Chen just shook his head, looked at Ying Guoxing and the others: "As for the Shelter Foundation, I can give you a preliminary understanding!"

"But it will take some time to get a better understanding of the Foundation!"

Lu Chen's voice was very slow.

For the Shelter Foundation,

Lu Chen has his own perception!

He knew better that they didn't know much.

The location of the base, part of the information here, is enough!

"it is good!"

Ying Guoxing nodded: "We know!"


Lu Chen said softly, "There is one more thing!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen handed another USB flash drive to Ying Guoxing from his pocket.

"What is this?!" Ying Guoxing looked at the USB flash drive with some surprise: "Is it about deciphering?!"


Lu Chen shook his head: "This is a record of every shot I make!"

"Including various countries, as well as guest events!"

Hearing this, Ying Guoxing's expression instantly became dignified and curious.

For Lu Chen, it has always been too mysterious.

Even if you know something about the Foundation.

But for Lu Chen, they basically know 0!

The only thing that is known is that he grew up in Longguo, and his wife was in Longguo.

That's all.

"For this USB flash drive, you need to combine the time, and then integrate it through the judgment of the location and the time when I left Dragon Kingdom!"

"Then tell other countries!"

"Send this message to the world!"

Lu Chen said.

"But... why? Isn't this exposing your information?!" Ying Guoxing was a little puzzled.

Lu Chen has always been mysterious.

There is deterrence because something is unknown.

Just like in the international arena, when those people see the contents, they will feel fear.

The unknown is more often used to frighten people.

"Because of trouble!" 247

Lu Chen spread his hands: "The intrigue between countries, even aggression, does not mean much to us!"

"However, there is also a problem with Yinjiao Guoli!"

"Just the deterrence of the contents is not enough!"

Hearing this, Ying Guoxing nodded.

This is indeed a major reason.

"Okay!" Ying Guoxing nodded: "I will find a way to spread this thing to other countries!"

For the rest, they did not continue to communicate.

Walk casually in this world for a while.

Sighing at the hugeness here and the feeling they have never seen before!

Then he left here under the leadership of Lu Chen.

That's it.

Back in the high-level conference room,

Ying Guoxing immediately called an emergency meeting!

This time, it's not just them high-level people!

Instead, some relevant departments have all arrived!

These include the information department, the weather department, and the natural disaster statistics department!

The conference room was instantly full!

Director Win left the room for other reasons.

Sitting there, they couldn't help asking nervously:

"What do you think is the reason Director Win asked us to come?!"

"This... I don't know, the typhoon in Qingyun City has just passed two or three days, is it because of the typhoon!?"

"It's possible...but isn't Qingyun City recovering quite well? What else is there to say about this matter?!"

"That's not clear!"

"You said, could it be that something happened yesterday?"

"Yesterday, horns were sounded all over the country. It is said to be a military exercise! But how could the military exercise make such a big noise!"

"I've also heard about this matter. It is said that mobilizing the latest generation of fighter planes and militarized forces should not require such a big movement in general military exercises!"

They discussed yesterday's events.

After all, for them, they are more responsible for the internal security of the country.

They don't know much about the Containment Foundation.

So, even less is known.

But now at this meeting, they fell into curiosity.

Generally speaking, such a big battle would not be needed at all.


The door is open!

Ying Guoxing walked in.

"Win the chief!"

They said hello (cbci).

Ying Guoxing just nodded to them and returned to his seat.

"I know everyone is very curious about today's meeting!"

"I came here mainly because I want to arrange a task for everyone!"

"This task is very important, and it even concerns the safety of the entire Dragon Kingdom!"

Ying Guoxing's words are very dignified!

Many people looked at each other, even breathing tightly.

"Director Win, what the hell is it?!"

"Yes, Director Win, you might as well tell me what the mission is!"

"Don't worry, as long as we can complete it, it will be a perfect success!"

Their voices are excited.

They are able to reach this position, and they all have their own emotions for Longguo.

Ying Guoxing also put a USB flash drive on the table.

"That's what I'm talking about today!"

"I need you all to hide him through various information!"

"But don't hide him too much!"

Listening to Ying Guoxing's words, everyone asked questions.

hide him!

But don't hide him too much?!

What does it mean?!

Ying Guoxing naturally saw their confusion, and said, "I know your confusion!"

"I can tell you, afterward, other countries will want a message!"

"And I need you to encrypt the information in this USB flash drive and put it in various departments [so that they can get it!"

"This is your task today!"

"By the way, you have investigated at the same time. All the major events that have happened in the world in the past few years, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural phenomena, will be reported to me tomorrow!"

The rest nodded their heads.

Although puzzled, he still agreed.

Just when they wanted to leave,

Ying Guoxing continued: "You don't want to watch the contents of the USB flash drive!"

"Just do what I say!"


They nodded at the same time, and then copied the confidential files in the USB flash drive.

Then left the room.

And Ying Guoxing also showed a smile,

He knew that according to the way other countries do things, they would definitely investigate on this day.

And Lu Chen also said that tomorrow you can combine the events to see the contents of the USB flash drive.

Other countries,

Already very busy.

Mingda's matter made them more anxious to investigate the domestic time.

Of course, there are also the vast majority of people who set their sights on Long Guo!

They found the top hackers in the country, and wanted to find information about Lu Chen without alerting Long Guo.

In the meeting room of State M,

Chuantong and several high-level officials waited quietly.

They were all overwhelmed with tension!

"You said, if we do this, we really won't disturb the Dragon Kingdom?!"

"Probably not, what we are investigating is not the Shelter Foundation, but information about Lu Chen!"

"That's right, the Containment Foundation is top-secret information, but Lu Chen lives in the Dragon Kingdom after all, so there must be some relevant information!"

They comfort themselves.

They are now almost giving up on the investigation of the Containment Foundation!

So, they want to put the investigation on Lu Chen.

Let's see if there is a little new breakthrough.

"Okay, let's wait!" Tong said.

In fact, there were countless tensions in his heart.

It's too risky after all!

Even if it is as strong as M country, they will still fear and fear the existence of Lu Chen!


The rest nodded and agreed.

Time passed little by little.

They just sat in the conference room all night!

And they waited like this all night!

If it was someone else, they might have gotten impatient!

However, Lu Chen is different!

They are willing to wait.

The outside world has regained its light!

Just when everyone feels like giving up,

bang bang bang!

There was a hasty knock on the door outside, which cheered them all up!

"Come in!"

Chuantong yelled.

A person pushed the door open like this, and made progress at a brisk pace.

He was dressed in black, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, but on the contrary, his expression was extremely happy!

"It's done! Mr. Chuantong, we've succeeded!" He danced happily, taking out something like a USB flash drive and shaking it.

"It's just that there are some strange places!"

He spoke.

"What's so strange?" Chuantong hurriedly asked.

This is the only hope after all!

"No...all the files of Lu Chen that you asked me to investigate are actually encrypted!"

"From the ordinary security system, it took a lot of effort to investigate it!"

"What exactly does this Lu Chen do? From daily life to military affairs, and even some disasters, there are his reports!"

"Terry what official?!"

The hacker asked with some doubts.

The curiosity in his heart also multiplied.

A person who can be encrypted by Dragon Country and valued by M Country...

Never before!

Chuantong looked at the other party and said coldly: "You just take care of your tasks, and don't inquire about the rest!"

"Otherwise, you know the price!"

Hearing this, the hacker shivered suddenly.

At that moment, he seemed to feel that Tong would kill himself at any time.

At the same time, he also knew that he was Meng Lang!

Apologize quickly.

"Okay, you go away!" Tong waved his hand.

The hacker didn't dare to stay for long, put the USB flash drive on the table and exited the room.

"Mr. Kawamichi, what are we going to do next?!"

"Just watch this video? Maybe there's something about the Containment Foundation!"

They set their eyes on Chuantong.

Now that they have Lu Chen's information, they are very excited!

Chuantong shook his head and showed a smile: "Go and release the information on this USB flash drive to the high-level hands of other countries!"

"If there is information about dealing with the contained objects, or information about the Containment Foundation, it will be an opportunity!"

"Remember, it must be today!"

Hearing this, the rest of the people looked puzzled: "Why does it have to be today?!"

"Yeah, we can definitely decide after reading it ourselves! Isn't it too anxious to send it now?!"

"Do you want to wait any longer?!"

There was confusion and uncertainty in their voices.

And Chuantong also opened his mouth to explain: "We don't have much time left!"

"Other countries now are afraid of the Dragon Kingdom and the Foundation because of what will happen tomorrow!"

"No one knows when the foundation will connect with these countries!"

"We released this video in order to let them dispel this fear!"

"Even tell them that even with the blessing of the Long State-owned Foundation, they are not invincible!"

"M country can decipher the contents of this USB flash drive!"

say here,

The expressions of the rest showed shock.

Have to say, this is indeed a way.

Just because the Containment Foundation is mysterious doesn't mean there's no way to deal with it!

And with the help of the foundation, the Dragon Kingdom was still cracked by them?!

When the time comes, this video will be sent out, they will be afraid of country M, and they will still get the foundation's method to deal with the contained objects!

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Okay, let's arrange it now!"

Thinking of this, they didn't hesitate to arrange it directly!

A mysterious document from country M, spread to every country!

marked above!

Information about Lu Chen in the Containment Foundation!

All nations, all meet!

Sakura Country,

After days of repairs,

Sakura Country has completed basic countermeasures.

Their high-level meetings have also been spent in the conference room recently.

At this time, a file was sent.


Anping Yunsan frowned and looked at the above information.

"What's wrong? Are some facilities in Sakura Country damaged?!"

"I'm terrified of the sound now!"

"Baga, me too. I've been worried for the past few days, fearing that there might be some new damage that needs to be repaired!"

Every word they said showed the helplessness in their words.

In the past few days, they no longer know how many messages they have received.

And Anping Yunsan shook his head: "It's not from Sakura Country! It's from M Country!"

"From country M?"

"What information can they have?"

They asked aloud.

And Anping Yunsan put the phone on the table.

It shows 【Foundation Lu Chen related documents】.

At the same time, the memories of the rest of the people fell on Lu Chen from Sakura Country some time ago!

"Country M's ability is good, it actually found out his information!"

"This should also be the prestige of country M!"

"That's right!"

The rest sighed.


Anping Yunsan looked at the document in a daze, and sighed: "It's not that simple!"

"Country M should be calculated!".

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