In just eight days, nearly fifty percent of the triangular people were slaughtered by the horned barbarians!!!

The land of the delta was completely destroyed!

Those who get away with it will find a place to stay!

It is only a matter of time before it is slaughtered!

After the Delta used all its weapons and still didn’t work, it completely lost the courage to resist in the face of the murderous horned barbarians!

Everyone in the country is overwhelmed by endless despair!

The whole delta is lifeless.

At this time, the fax machine dedicated to the top decision-maker rang dripping.

At the beginning of the horned barbarian invasion of Blue Star, countries still communicated with each other.

As the people of all countries were killed by the horned barbarians, they broke off contact with each other.

You can’t take care of yourself, who still cares about others?

Budi and others were indifferent to the telegram.

The person who was closest to the telegram also accidentally saw the internal use of the telegram, grabbed the telegram and read it.

“Saved, we are saved!”

The man with the telegram looked like a madman.

Budi and the others thought he was crazy and ignored it.

The person holding the telegram went from despair to hope, unconcealable excitement.

“This telegram was sent by Amirchi, the leader of the Black Iron Nation!

He said in the telegram that six days ago, the Black Iron Country was attacked by the horned barbarians, and he immediately sent a call for help to Huaxia!

Huaxia Shenlong led the Huaxia Expeditionary Force to parachute into the Black Iron Country as an invincible position, and eliminated the horned barbarians in the territory of the Black Iron Country in just a few days, and there was no casualty in Huaxia!

The Huaxia Expeditionary Force is now helping the Black Iron Country rebuild its homeland, and the Huaxia Divine Dragon has also passed on the cultivation techniques to the citizens of the Black Iron Country!

Americ also said that the Chinese Expeditionary Force was already on standby on the border.

As long as we ask Huaxia for help, the Huaxia army will definitely rush to kill the horned barbarians as soon as possible!” ”

The man holding the telegram became more and more excited, and his heart was beating wildly.

“Show me!”

Budi stood up suddenly, grabbed the phone and looked at it, and was stunned!

“The strongest shells can’t hurt these monsters, and the Huaxia people actually destroyed 100,000 such monsters without injury? How is this possible! ”

“I know, the Huaxia people have been training with the help of the divine dragon for the past three years, and they must have learned the divine art to destroy the horned barbarians!”

“Without further ado, we will immediately ask Huaxia for help!”

Budi immediately called Huaxia.


“Lord Shenlong, the Delta Kingdom couldn’t support it, and sent us a call for help.”

As soon as the expeditionary force finished repairing, Mark came to report to Xia Hualong.

“Tell the Delta that we can help them eliminate the horned barbarians, but they have to promise three things.

First, Huaxia is the suzerainty.

From now on, the Delta must obey Huaxia’s orders, especially when fighting against foreign races, must follow Huaxia’s deployment, and cannot act without authorization!

Second, all resources in the territory of the delta belong to Huaxia!

Third, in the future confrontation with foreign races, if a person in the triangular country disobeys the orders of the Chinese or betrays the human race, any Chinese person has the right to execute the rebel or traitor on the spot anytime and anywhere!

Also, tell them that the second wave of horned barbarians will arrive tomorrow, and they only have ten hours to think about it at most!

Expires and does not wait!

Again, tell this phrase to the White Elephant Country! ”

Xia Hualong’s voice was majestic and could not be disobeyed.


Mark withdrew from Panlong Mountain.

Immediately, Xia Hualong’s attitude was sent by telegram to both the White Elephant Country and the Delta Country.


In the past eight days, the horned barbarians have wantonly trampled on the territory of the White Elephant Country and brutally slaughtered the people of the White Elephant Country.

But the country of white elephants has many people, and after so many days, there are still fifty percent of the white elephants with intact buildings and seventy percent of the people.

And the horned barbarians were really killed by chance in the cannon fire of the White Elephant Country.

It is also because the White Elephant Country has more weapons than the Black Iron Country and the Delta Country, which slows down the process of the invasion of the horned barbarians.

“Our population is ten thousand times theirs, we have the strongest weapons in the world, as long as we unite, as long as we persevere to the end, we will definitely be able to kill them!”

Whoever injures these monsters has a prize of 100,000!

The person who kills the monster has a million prize and is made a general! ”

The leader of the White Elephant Country, White Fang, brandished a weapon, stood on the People’s Square in the capital, broadcast live to the people of the whole country, and promised heavy money and high-ranking officials to the people.

In the face of great temptation, some citizens of the White Elephant Country rushed to the horned barbarians like chicken blood.

Courage is commendable, but reality is cruel!

No matter how many people rushed over, they would be trampled by the horned barbarians, and there would be no corpses.

Only under the suppression of fierce artillery fire can the citizens of the White Elephant Country occasionally find and cut off the barbarian tribes.

Immediately, those people will die tragically!

The territory of the White Elephant Country is filled with a stronger smell of blood.

But most citizens are afraid.

Those who fled, hiding at home and not daring to come out, and those who wanted to find an opportunity to escape from the country of white elephants accounted for the majority.

“Boss, these monsters are too powerful, I’m afraid we are not opponents!”

The top trembled.

White Fang is not a fool, naturally knows that those monsters are not human beings can defeat, he just wants to rely on people to buy more time to think of a better way.

Just then, the white elephant received a telegram from Amirchi.

White Fang looked horrified after seeing the contents of the telegram.

“The Huaxia people actually destroyed a hundred thousand horned barbarians without injury? How is this possible! ”

The White Fang didn’t believe it.

“There is a divine dragon in Huaxia, three years ago, the Huaxia divine dragon sword was eight thousand miles longitudinal and destroyed a large scientific research base in the beautiful country, the divine dragon is an invincible existence in mythology, I think the horned barbarians were destroyed by him!”

Let’s ask Huaxia for help! ”

Several high-level officials nodded at the same time.

At this moment, Huaxia’s telegram also arrived.

After reading it, White Fang was extremely angry.

“What Huaxia Shenlong, what Shenlong is invincible, it’s just!

In mythology, the most powerful mythical beast is the white elephant! ”

The white elephant pointed to the camera and said to the people of the whole country: ”

I got the news that just now, that dragon in Huaxia destroyed a hundred thousand horned barbarians!

And the white elephant divine beast of our White Elephant Country is a hundred times stronger than the Huaxia Dragon!

I have asked the strongest mage in our country to go to the White Dragon Temple to ask Lord White Elephant, and Lord White Elephant will soon manifest himself and destroy the horned barbarians!”

Huaxia people are not afraid, and we will not be afraid!

What the Huaxia Divine Dragon can do, we White Elephant Divine Beasts can do better!

Take up your weapons and let people all over the world see that we White Elephant Country Huaxia people are stronger! ”

Under the propaganda of the high-level white elephant country, all the citizens have the illusion that the white elephant is much stronger than Huaxia.

Huaxia is so weak that they are not afraid of the horned barbarians, how can they be afraid of the white elephant country?

The original fear of the people of the White Elephant Country was actually diluted by the comparison with Huaxia.

“We are stronger than Huaxia, we are not afraid of these monsters!”

The people of the White Elephant Country, who had already fled, heroically rushed towards the horned barbarians in their fantasy.

Because of ignorance, so fearless!

The more fierce the shouting, the more tragic the death.

On the high position, White Fang said with a proud expression: “Tell Huaxia that such a strong country as ours does not need the help of a weak country!” ”

“Where did we get the white elephant beast? At such times, stop self-hypnosis.

If you want to survive, you can only ask Huaxia for help, otherwise our country will disappear from the world! ”

A very few high-level officials are still very sane.


The White Fang shot the honest high-level.

With a cold face, he said: “There is no white elephant divine beast in the white elephant country, how can it be called the white elephant country?”

Lord White Elephant is just sleeping, and He will not appear until we are at our most critical.

However, we can defeat the horned barbarians on our own, and we don’t need to trouble Lord White Elephant.

Who will say anything more about asking for help from Huaxia, shake the hearts of the military, and deal with it by military law! ”

Whether others believe it or not, White Fang firmly believes that the White Elephant Country is stronger than Huaxia, and no opposition is allowed.

I believe that what Huaxia can do, the White Elephant Country can do more.

The other high-ranking officials were just as self-righteous as during the day, and paranoid to the extreme.

White Fang personally sent a telegram to Huaxia, disdaining Huaxia, even if Huaxia helped for free, the White Elephant Kingdom would not accept it, let alone three conditions.

In the telegram, the White Fang denigrated the Chinese Shenlong in every way.

After Mark saw the recovery, his angry face turned green!

“Blind arrogance, then you will wait to kill yourselves!”

For this kind of person who gives a face, there is no need to pay attention.

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