Chapter Title: Status Upgrading Fruit

「Whoa, it’s cold in here……」

I opened the wooden door and stepped inside, where it was dimly lit and cool.

「What’s that wine smell?」

I walked in and found a large amount of wine.

「Hmm, the labels are……『Diablo』『Bahamut』 and『Leviathan』I’ve never heard of these wines?」

Originally, wine was only drank at festivals. Even then, it was only third-rate stuff brought in barrels. The wine here is carefully laid out in lightproof bottles, laid out one by one. I’m sure they’re luxury items…

「I’ll have to wait until I’m out of here to get drunk.」

I stocked up on wine one after another.

・Diablo wine ×500(super high quality wine)

・Bahamut wine ×500(super high quality wine)

・Leviathan wine ×500(super premium wine)

「Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s move on.」

I look at the inventory screen and it’s full of all the different things I’ve collected so far.

It seems that when I leveled up, my inventory quota increased to 775, but I’ve already used half of it.

「It’s tough to have all this and not one bit of food, but……」

I thought about stocking up on food when I find some.

「Whoa? What’s that?」

After descending a few stairs, I arrived at a large floor.

The ceiling was decorated with chandeliers and the floor was covered with a red carpet.

It looked like a floor that would be used for a ball. At the end of the floor, there was a larger door then before.

「Could this be…..?」

I pushed the door, hoping for the best.

「Finally…. I’m outside.」

The sun shone brightly on me. I hadn’t seen the sun in a few days.

I went outside and looked back after a short distance. And there it was….

「I see, it’s a big castle. So this was the home of the evil god.」

The castle is much bigger than the one in the Kingdom of Irkutu, and it’s so high that it seems to reach the heavens.

The building has windows, but since I couldn’t find a room with a window before I got out, it must have led to a room I couldn’t get to because it was locked.

「No wonder it took so long to get out.」

The room on the top floor of the building standing tall in the center was propably the place where the evil god had been living. From that place, there were passageways leading to other buildings, and I seemed to have escaped from one of them.

I took my eyes off the castle and looked around. There were high walls around the castle, asserting their presence as to keep out intruders.

I tried to head over there, with the intention of escaping.

「That thing over there, the one on the tree, that’s….」

Trees lined both sides of the road behind the iron fence. And it looks like something is growing there.

「Could it be food?」

I stopped walking towards the fence and approached the trees.

「Is this…. a fruit?」 1

There were fruits of all colors: gold, silver, rainbow, red, blue, yellow and green.

「Let’s just try some.」

I climbed up the tree, plucked one of the golden fruits and bit into it.

「Oh, it’s so good. I’ve never tasted such a delicious fruit in my life before.」

The sweetness of the fruit fills my mouth as I bite into it. The freshness of the fruit moistened my throat, which I hadn’t eaten or drunk before.

Even though it had been a long time since I had eaten, this fruit was delicious.

「Yes, let’s stock up.」

I was curious about what this was, so I stocked up on it and looked at the description.

・Golden fruit ×1(increases all stats by 10 when eaten.)2

「Let’s check out the others….」

I climbed another tree and picked up more fruits.

・Silver fruit ×1(increases magic power by 10 when eaten)

・Red fruit ×1(increases constitution by 10 when eaten)

・Blue fruit ×1(increases agility by 10 when eaten)

・Yellow fruit ×1(increases strength by 10 when eaten)

・Green fruit ×1(increases defense by 10 when eaten)

「Maybe they’re status-enhancing fruits?」 3

It seems that on rare occasions, fruits are dropped from monsters or treasure chests in dungeons. If you eat them, your status will slightly increase.

I’ve never seen it before, but this description seems to confirm that it’s a rare thing to find around these parts.

「They give a lot of stats.」

Rumor has it that the status-boosting fruit increases your stats by about 3 at most. This one says it increases it by 10. It’s obviously crazy.

「Let’s just take what we can get.」

You can never have enough food. There were quite a few trees, I should probably pick them.

「Speaking of which, I haven’t had the rainbow fruit yet?」

I stocked up on the only remaining rainbow fruits.

・Rainbow fruit ×1(increases charm by 100 when eaten) 4

「Charm? I’ve never seen that status before. Let’s just try it.」

I tried it and it was even better than the golden fruit.

「Well, what happened?」

I opened the status creen


Name: Elt

Title: Citizen, God Killer


Constituion (HP):1561




Defense: 1561

Charm: 110 (New)

Skill: Agriculture Lv.2

Unique Skill: Inventory(444/775)


・Evil Beam ×9998

・Perfect Heal ×99999


「It’s really increasing」

I’ve never head of Charm as a status. But I guess it’s not something that needs to be increased. 5

I dismissed the idea and went to collect each fruit.

「Well, I guess that’s it for now.」

It took me quite a while to climb up each the tree and pick them. But I guess it paid off.

・Golden fruit ×789(increases all stats by 10 when eaten.)

・Silver fruit ×1104(increases magic power by 10 when eaten)

・Red fruit ×2400(increases constitution by 10 when eaten)

・Blue fruit ×2397(increases agility by 10 when eaten)

・Yellow fruit ×2405(increases strength by 10 when eaten)

・Green fruit ×3002(increases defense by 10 when eaten)

・Rainbow fruit ×108(increases charm by 100 when eaten)

After securing something to eat, I decided to leave.

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