Chapter title: S-Rank Certified Monster


Serena and I rushed back to the base to look for Russell-san.

「What is it Elt?」

「I need you to evacuate the area right now!」

I briefly stated my business.

「What? What do you mean, evacuate? We’re supposed to be waiting here right now.」

Russell-san suspiciously looked at me. No wonder.

If I didn’t know what was going on, it would look as if I had changed my mind.

「Elt is right. We don’t have much time to explain. Please believe us.」

「What is it? Are you making a scene again?」

Kuzmigo rushed over to me.

「Listen, there’s a powerful monster coming here right now.」

「What? How could you possibly know that?」

Kuzmigo gave me a look as if he were looking at a smelly person.

「My spirit told me. If you don’t hurry, it will be too late.」

More and more people began to gather around us. Maybe it was the noise we made that attracted their attention.

Russell-san put his hand on his chin and looked at us. He looked as if he was wondering what to do. He seemed to have sensed that this was not a simple matter………….

「Don’t be silly! You don’t even know if such a monster is really coming! In the end, your job is to investigate this lost forest. I’m the one in charge here! Anyone who has a problem with that, step forward!」

The one who has the right to make decisions here is Kuzmigo, the agent of his employer, and the state.

「Hey….. do you understand the current situation? If we couild beat it easy, we would do it…….」


「What is it Elt!?」

I silenced Serena and looked up at the sky. When I got everyone’s attention, I led their gaze and said.

「It’s too late for that.」

In front of me flew a red-eyed arc demon with black skin and flapping wings.

「Th, this is such a…… ridiculous…….」

Kuzmigo is collapsed over. The arc demon emits a powerful miasma that causes anyone who comes into contact with it to collapse in fear.

「Gufufufu, the stupid humans!」

The arch demon’s red eyes shined as it looks over at us. And then………….

「I am Arch Demon, one of the thirteen demons under the direct control of the Demon Lord.」

「Ahhhh, an arc-demon?」

Kuzmigo was distraught and backed away, clicking his teeth.

「Humans. Who is the greatest among you?」

Our eyes went to Kuzmigo.

「Hmm. You? You don’t look very strong, do you?」


Kuzmigo received the Ark Demon’s gaze. His body shook in fear.

「I’m the representative who keeps this unit together.」

Perhaps protecting Kuzmigo, Russell-san answered the arc-demon’s question.

「Oh, is that you?」

Perhaps he wasn’t interested in small things to begin with, but when the Arch Demon saw Russel-san.

「We’ve come to investigate what’s going on in the Lost Forest. Did you do something to it, by any chance?」

Russell-san asked the Arch demon without hesitation.

「How true. I’m the one who caused all this trouble.」

「What the hell did you do that for?」

He was alert and looked around, ready to fight at any moment.

While Russell-san was talking, everyone put on their armor and prepared for battle.

「To get back what was taken from us.」

「And what is this thing that was taken from you?」

「A rainbow carrot. It’s a status-boosting food that doubles the effect of status fruits when eaten at the same time.」

I looked over at Serena. Apparently, Serena hadn’t heard of such an effect.

「I’m sorry, I have no idea.」

「I see.」

「But if I find out what it is and return it to you, will you let us go?」

Russell continued to negotiate with the Arc Demon.

As the one who is responsible for the lives of everyone in this place, he can’t afford to be weak.

In spite of Russell’s feelings, the arc demon came to a conclusion.

「No, I was going to kill him either way. You humans are the enemy of this world. There is no choice but to destroy you!」

「Fuck! I can’t help it, I’ll do it!」

With Russell’s words as a signal, everyone readied their weapons.

「Hiiiii! I have nothing to do with thisーーーー」

In that instant, Kuzmigo raised his body and hurriedly ran off towards the forest.

「That guy! He’s such an asshole!」

Serena said with disdain………….

「Guys, the opponent is an S-rank certified Arch Demon. I’ll buy you some time, and you can call for help.」

With those words, the battle was about to begin.

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