Chapter title: An emotional reunion

「Well then. Please relax in this room. If you need anything else, please call the bell.」

「Ah, thank you.」

After bowing to us, the maid left.

「It’s quite a large room, by the way. I was staying in the barracks a while ago. On the other hand, it’s uncomfortable」

The high ceiling, hung with glittering chandeliers, was covered with paintings.

Spacious sofas and marble tables. Above the fireplace, there are pots, paintings, and swords, and everywhere you look there are expensive objects.

It was probably a special room for inviting state guests.


I was so excited to be in such an unfamiliar place that I asked Alicia for her agreement…


She replies with a downcast look for some reason.


I was puzzled by Alicia’s attitude, which I had never seen before. Normally, she would be much more direct with me. She was the only person in town who treated me that way, and I didn’t mind it.

「Alicia, are you hungry? I have a lot on my plate, how about a light fruit?」

I took out a status-boosting fruit, hoping to create an opportunity for conversation.

This fruit is the most delicious fruit I’ve ever eaten, as well as the fact that it increases your status.

Since I was going out of my way, I wanted Alicia to taste this deliciousness and be impressed as well.

「Come on, Alicia, let’s eat.」

As usual, I handed her the golden fruit from my inventory. And….

Alicia received the fruit, but continued to stare at it.

「Elt. Are you planning to eat it as it is?」

「Ah, that’s what you mean?」

「You’re not very polite. Give me that one, too!」

Alicia took out a fruit knife and began to peel the skin.

「You haven’t changed at all.」

「No, I just thought it would taste better and be faster to bite into it.」

I take advantage of Alicia’s efforts to create a normal atmosphere.

「No, it’s not. It’s definitely easier to eat if you cut it into pieces.」

She cut the fruit into pieces and placed them on the plate.

「As expected of Alicia. Can I eat it?」

「Please do.」

When I confirmed with Alicia, she happily offered me the fruit.

「Un, it’s delicious and easy to eat. Thank you.」

「Elt prepared this fruit for me, I’ll have one too.」

We take a piece of fruit from the same plate and eat it. This mere act filled me with nostalgia.

My head feels light-headed, as if I’m dreaming.

I thought it would be a long time before I could see her again. Alicia, the person I love the most in this world, is sitting right in front of me.

「What is this!? It’s so good!」

「Yeah, it is. It’s a status-enhacing fruit that grew on a tree in the Evil God’s garden.」

「Th, that’s…. It’s rumored that rich people are buying them and using them to improve their status, right? Is it okay for me to eat such a fruit?」

Alicia’s eyes widened and she stared at the fruit in front of her.

「Don’t worry. I’ve got quite a few in my inventory, and I’m sure I can harvest them once again when we get to the Evil God’s castle.」

On the way back to the Evil God’s castle with Marie, I saw that the fruit had grown again, so I harvested it. It was too much for one person to eat, and as long as Alicia was happy, there was no problem.

「Th, the evil god’s castle…. Did Elt really defeat the evil god?」

「I told you. I came back after defeating the evil god.」

Alicia looks at me straight in the eye. I can see that her eyes are moist and that she is holding back tears.

Alicia puts the fruit back on her plate, gets up and sits down to me and started touching my cheek…

「Alicia, I’m ticklish.」

I protested, and Alicia laid her head on my chest.

「….Elt, you idiot.」

「Isn’t that harsh? It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other.」

「No, it’s not. Because Elt doesn’t know….. how much I’ve cried.」

「A, Alicia?」

「I got dizzy when Elt jumped on the magical circle. I was scared that I was going to die, but I was ready for it. I was prepared, because if I was going to die and everyone else was going to be saved, then it made sense. But I couldn’t stop crying when I thought of Elt disappearing right in front of me, and me surviving, having to live my life without Elt on my own.」

Alicia’s shoulders were shaking as she cried. I saw that and understood how much she had suffered.

「I’m sorry, Alicia.」

I hugged Alicia and said.

「But if I could go back in time and find myself in a similar situation, I would choose to take Alicia’s place without hesitation.」

「What do you mean!? I’m so lonely without you! I’d rather die than go through that again! Why doesn’t Elt understand me!?」

Alicia looks up. From a close distance, Alicia was crying, tears spilling from her eyes.

I thought that Alicia was beautiful, even though it was inappropriate.

「The people around me would be happier if Alicia survived than if I did. That’s what I thought, so I took your place.」

「I don’t want that! Elt is more important to me than everyone else in the world!」

Alicia clearly said, agitated.

「Why do you want me so badly?」

Alicia was special to me, because she talked to me and took care of me when no one else would. It was only natural that I didn’t want to lose her. But for Alicia, it was…..

「Do, don’t you understand what I’m saying here?」

Alicia glared at me. Then her cheeks turned red.

「Then I’ll make sure you will never misunderstand me again!」

Alicia’s face loomed in front of me.
「Mm. Mmm….」

I felt a soft touch on my lips. What’s reflected in front of me is Alicia’s face with her eyes closed.

It seems that I’m being kissed by Alicia.

「Nn… Fuu….」

I had lost track of time, I didn’t know how much time had passed.

When Alicia’s face leaves mine, she traces her lips with her finger. She tightens her floaty face and stares at me.

「Now you know!」

She said, as her face turned bright red.

「I love you so much!」

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