Chapter title: Base Camp

Alicia: 「Serena, can you fill the pot with water and turn on the fire?」

Serena: 「Okay.」

When Alicia said that, Serena prepared a pot in the Kamado and ordered the spirits to pour water into it and light it. Alicia is shaving dried meat with a knife next to her. 1

I watched as Serena and Alicia cooked side by side.

It had been a few hours since we had defeated the bandits, but due to the loss of time, we were only halfway through the journey.

Unlike the previous time when Serena and I had headed for the city from the Lost Forest, this time we were taking a carriage along the city road.

On the way to the city, there was a base camp where adventurers and merchants were setting up their camping facilities.

The more people there are, the harder it is for monsters and bandits to get their hands on you. It’s all part of the wisdom of traveling safely.

It was too late to go to the next base camp, but the distance was not enough for a one-day trip. I wondered if I should force my way to the next base camp.

Unlike ordinary carriages, these magical creatures are powered by magic. They should be able to endure a bit of overwhelming progress.

As I was thinking about this, Alicia said, “Then I’ll make you a meal. Then we won’t waste any time, okay?”

Thinking about it, it had been a long time since Alicia had cooked for me. The last time I ate her cooking was long before Alicia was chosen as the sacrifice of the evil god.

At that time, I never imagined that I would be able to taste it again like this.

Serena: 「Hey! What are you doing?」

As I was feeling deeply moved, I heard Serena’s shouting voice.

Alice: 「Eh? I’m cutting vegetables?」

I looked over and saw Alice throwing vegetables into the air and slashing them into pieces.

Alicia: 「Alice. No, you can’t cut them like that, you have to make them the same size as possible, otherwise they will be cooked differently. Also, there are some vegetables mixed in that have poisonous buds, so we need to remove those as well…….」

Alicia pointed out softly with a troubled look on her face…..

Alice: 「The next time, I should cut it more finely, right?」

I’m not sure if she took it as a challenge or not, but she said it confidently.

Serena: 「I don’t know why you’re trying to do this with a sword! I told you to use a knife!」

Serena shouts to Alice like a child who is not listening. It was rare for her to express her emotions this much.

Alice: 「Eh, I’m more used to this…」

Alice, her cheeks puffed out, seemed to be enjoying that kind of interaction with Serena.

Serena: 「That’s enough! Alice, please wait for it to be done with Elt!」

After a while, Alice, who had been relieved of her duties, came walking towards me.

Alice: 「What? Even though I wanted to learn how to cook.」

Then she sat down across from me and put her elbows on the table.

Elt: 「Anyone using a sword in the kitchen would be thrown out……」

I looked at Alice with a blank stare and gave her a good argument.

In the base camp, there is a cooking area, but it is a shared space, with a furnace and a cooking table.

If there were people with swords in such a place, people would not be able to cook in peace.

Alice: 「I’m just a woman who’s only useful in battle anyway.」

I left Alice completely distracted and moved my gaze.

Serena was using her spirit magic to serve water to the others.

In a place like this, it is natural for people to help each other, so those who can use magic take the initiative in making fire and water.

Serena was not a fan of the human race in the beginning, but now she seems to have gotten used to them. Maybe it’s thanks to Russell and the good people she’s met?

I watched the back of Alicia and Serena while the food was being prepared.

Alicia: 「Hey, Elt. Enjoy」

Then she offers me a bowl of steamy water. As I took the bowl from Alicia, a nostalgic smell drifted into the air.

It’s Alicia‘s special stew of dried meat and vegetables, cooked and seasoned to perfection.

I unconsciously reach for the spoon and take a mouthful of stew. It tasted nostalgic. I looked up and saw Alicia looking at me with anxious eyes.

Elt: 「Un, it’s good.」

Alicia: 「I’m glad. There are seconds, so eat your fill.」

Alicia looked relieved. When I said that, she seemed relieved and started eating the stew herself.

Serena: 「Hee, adding dried meat changes the taste.」

Serena, who had been assisting with the cooking this time, commented on Alicia’s cooking.

Alicia: 「The meat becomes tender when it’s mixed for a long time, and the seasonings can make a big difference.」

Alicia was also very particular when it came to cooking, and was talking to Serena about tips. At first Serena nodded her head yes, but when she saw the wand next to her, she tilted her head.

Elt: 「What’s wrong, Serena?」

I couldn’t help but speak to Serena when I saw her.

Serena: 「Oh, um…..」

Serena looked at Alicia‘s wand with a subtle expression on her face, perhaps uncomfortable that she was being watched.

Alicia: 「This? I got it from Elt earlier.」

Alicia, explained, as if she had noticed Serena’s gaze. She hugged her wand and looked really happy.

Serena: 「……I see」

Her voice somehow became weak. I tilted my head when I saw Serena like that.

Alice: 「H, hey, Elt-kun, isn’t it bad?」

Alice speaks to me in a flustered manner.

Elt: 「Nn. What?」

Alice: 「You gave Alicia a gift, but you didn’t give Serena anything, did you? Serena is depressed about it.」

I look at Serena. She certainly looks depressed. Unlike before, the way she eats the stew has no energy.

It seems that Alice is correct.

Elt: 「Ah, Serena. Do you have a minute?」

I slowly spoke to Serena.

Serena: 「Eh? What?」

Serena looked up and stared at me.

I took the ring out of my pocket and….

Elt: 「From now on, we’re going to a place with strong monsters, that’s why I gave Alicia a wand for self-defense, and I want you to wear this one.」

What I gave her was the Gospel Ring. It seems to increase the hit rate of attacks, and is probably a good match for Serena’s bow.

Serena: 「Th, thank you, Elt. I’ll treasure it.」

She takes the ring and holds it to her chest. I can’t help but feel a thrill when I look into her straightforward eyes.

Alice: 「That’s great, Elt. I had no idea you had a ring hidden.」

Alice praised me. I felt grateful to her.

Elt: 「Sorry, but you saved me.」

If it hadn’t been for Alice‘s words, I might have made Serena feel sad.

Alice: 「Don’t worry about it.」

She chuckled softly and looked at Serena and Alicia.

She smiled at them as if they were her two older sisters.

TL: Sorry for not posting chapters, should be back to posting chapters daily.

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