The angry man with the arrow was a man who had light green hair and dark green eyes.

He looked a little older than me, around 20 years old, with shoulder-length hair and a fine clock and turban, indicating his high status.

“Um, I shot it, did you perhaps get hit?”

“It suddenly crossed in front of me and went through two trees! Be more aware of your surroundings when you’re hunting!”

“Th, that’s…..I’m sorry.”

I didn’t think I put too much power into it, but it seems that the arrow flew further than I thought it would.

“It didn’t hit me, so that’s okay….. More importantly, you’re remarkable.“

He forgave me surprisingly easily. But the man looked around me.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Elt.”

“I see, so you’re the evil god-slaying hero, it seems your aura is no joke.”

The man’s words startled me.

“What ar—Who are you? I’ve heard that auras can only be seen by elves….”

If you don’t have the charm status, you can’t have an aura and you can’t see it. That’s what Yomi told me when in the elven village.

“You are Prince Leon of Glorizal, are you not?”

I hear Laura’s voice. I wondered if she had the profiles of all the royalty and nobility of all the countries in existence in her head.

“It’s been a while, Laura.”

I thought about it, but it seems like they are just regular acquaintances.

“Yeah, I didn’t think you were participating in the hunting festival, I don’t think I saw your name in the list of participants?”

“The prince should make some effort to get along with the people of the same generation from all over the world, since they are gathered here. That’s why I jumped in and joined.”

“It’s only natural, since we royals always need trading partners to enrich our country.”

“Even if you say that, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go any further.”

A very disgusted look appeared on her face. Prince Leon turns to me.

“As for what I am, Laura has just told you. As for why I can see auras, it’s because I’m a spirit user too.”

I gulped at Prince Leon’s words.

“My country has worshipped the Wind Spirit ‘Queen’ for generations, and there are people in the royal family who have been blessed by the spirits in the past, and occasionally someone is born who can handle it. I’m one of them, I guess.”

“Is that so, Leon-sama….”

“No, wait, you can call me Leon. Do you mind if I call you Elt, too?”

“Yeah, that’s fine with me, Leon.”

“Then, nice to meet you, Elt.”

We call each other by name. He said he wanted to talk to me about spirits, and I was thinking……

“Elt-sama, we need to get back to hunting, we’re running out of time.”

Laura interjected from the side.

“By the way, from the way you’re dressed, are you also in on it?”

When Leon saw Laura with her hair in a bun in the back, he looked surprised that she was participating.

“Yes, at first I thought of supporting Elt-sama, but then I made a bet with Prince Dogeu”

Laura gave a brief description of the bet. Leon’s face twisted into a grimace as he listened.

“He’s still doing that……?”

“Do you know him, Leon?”

“Yeah, we’ve had a history since I was a kid. I don’t know how old he was, but I was at a party and he came over with some of his followers, so I invited him to play darts and embarrassed him.”

In the party hall, there are various board games and other activities to relax, chat and deepen friendships.

It seems that Leon, as a child, humiliated Prince Dogeu there by showing him the overwhelming difference in strength.

“At that time, he was forcibly inviting Sharley, who didn’t want to go with him. As I recall, Alice was approached a few times as well.”

My eyebrows twisted at the information Leon told me.

“That’s why we don’t have much time to waste with Prince Leon here. Elt-sama seems to be unskilled with the bow, so….”

It would be different if I practiced, but at this point, I couldn’t say anything back. Anyway, while I’m thinking…..

“Well, let me join Elt’s team. I was going to let it slide, but it’s a lot more fun this way.”

Leon joined our team.

TL: The author has released vol. 2 of the LN, which takes a different route from the web novel, so updates will probably be more frequent.

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