"Is Xingyun okay?"

""Okay, I'll be right there."

After putting on his school uniform, Wu Xingyun picked up his backpack and hurried out. Du had been waiting for him for quite some time.

It had been ten months since the last stinky mud man incident, and today was the time for the entrance exam to U.E. Time really flew by.

The two took the train to U.E. High School. Before they arrived, they could see the building of U.E. High School through the glass window of the train. After all, it occupied a lot of space, and there were almost no other buildings around.

After getting off the train and walking towards U.E., there were many people of the same age walking in the same direction around them. They seemed to be candidates for U.E.

"Wu Jun, this way."

A familiar voice attracted the attention of the two. Turning around, they saw that it was indeed Shincao's messenger. Neither of them was surprised, after all, he also wanted to apply for U.A.

By the way, after the duel that day, Wu Xingyun and Shincao became friends, and since they occasionally trained together, Duya got to know each other.

Coming to Wu Xingyun's side where no one was, Shincao leaned over and said hello,"Hello, Duya."


Xin Cao didn't care about Touga's slightly cold greeting. In his opinion, he was like this to everyone except Wu Xingyun.

After the two met, they walked side by side to the examination room.

There were no accidents along the way, and the three of them arrived at the venue smoothly. Maybe it was because of the different time, Wu Xingyun didn't notice Midoriya, so he didn't know whether he would fall in the first step of his life.

"Ugh! Damn it."

Duwo looked at the seat number with some frustration, and could only walk to the other side helplessly.

Because of the different schools, the seats were not adjacent, so Duwo had to separate from Wu Xingyun. In the huge semicircular venue, the students who took the exam sat down in an orderly manner. It might be because of the reputation of the top school, the situation on the scene was very quiet.

I just don't know if it was out of self-awareness or too nervous.

As for why he said that, you will know when you see Xincao, who was tense beside him.

"Calm down. No matter how nervous your personality is (whether it can be used or not), a bad attitude will only make the situation worse."

Intimate comfort. There is no other way. Even if there is, it will not be used on boys. You can only use facts to calm the other party down.

"Sorry, I was too nervous."

Maybe he calmed down, and his breathing gradually calmed down.

Soon, Mr. Xiongying, the"Voice Hero" Bresent Mike, came to the podium.

"Dear test takers, welcome to my live broadcast today - EverybodysayHey!"

It starts with a line and action that looks cool but is actually not that great. Of course, no student answered him.

What followed was the familiar explanation of the test rules. The content was no different from what Wu Xingyun remembered. Even Iida's questions and his reprimand to Midoriya were exactly the same.

After a simple explanation of the rules, the students came to their respective practice venues. Wu Xingyun's venue was D, Shinso's was C, and Toga's was B.

""Wealthy and powerful!"

I was a little surprised in the animation, but I felt even more deeply when I saw it in reality. The simulated streets surrounded by walls were at least several thousand meters long on each side, not to mention that there were 7 such venues.

"The only familiar people are Chang An Ta Yin, Shang Ming Denki and the horn cannon girl in Class B."

Retracting his amazed gaze, he looked at the crowd and found that there were only three original characters he could recognize, the two in Class A and the blonde foreign girl next to him who only appeared a few times in the anime.

""Has it started?"

Watching the door of the venue open unconsciously, Wu Xingyun prepared his hands and feet to activate his quirk. He knew that the exam would start now, which was the first show of strength from Xiong Ying.

""Eh!?" Bonnie, who happened to hear what Wu Xingyun said, cast a puzzled look at him.

Ignoring the puzzled girl, Wu Xingyun slightly bent his legs, then suddenly stood up and jumped through the air, passing through the candidates in front of him, and disappeared in the air under everyone's strange gaze.

"Why did he leave first!"

"The teacher hasn't announced the start of the exam yet!"

All the candidates around her were asking the same question, but she quickly remembered what Heroine Wu was talking to herself before, and her eyes suddenly widened.

「Could it be that he meant that the game had already started?"

The girl, who was a bit naive but definitely not stupid, quickly understood. After thinking about it, Kakutori Bonnie gritted his teeth and ran away from the crowd.

「Even if I made a mistake, at most I would have to start over again, and I would most likely not be expelled. And if I made the right judgment, my test score would be stable."

With this thought in mind, Kakutsu Bonnie ignored the exclamations of the people behind him and ran into the exercise venue unwaveringly.

There were many smart people, but they lacked intelligence or the ability to push back their hesitations, and coupled with the herd mentality, they were somewhat hesitant.

"What are you still doing? The exam has begun. There is no countdown for actual combat. The competition starts the moment the door opens. Run!!!"

The voice coming from the radio made the students wail, and then they immediately ran as fast as they could.

"The bet was right."

He clenched his fists secretly, and while rejoicing, he could not help but look for Wu Xingyun. Unfortunately, Wu Xingyun had already run away.

Wu Xingyun, who was jumping forward on the top of Daxia, had no time to care about other people's thoughts. He had already found his target.

"Found it."

Although he was able to get more points in the first half of the mechanical section, due to the wide separation of positions, he would inevitably be snatched away by the students who came later, which would be very troublesome. It would be better to get rid of them at the beginning and go to the area where the candidates could only come later, and get the score to the first level in one go.

Looking at the mechanical enemies with two or three points constantly wandering around in this area, Wu Xingyun smiled and chose a crossroads, and then jumped down from the roof.

"I won't be polite to the first place."

Falling from a height of more than ten meters, Wu Xingyun stepped on the cement floor to create a meter-wide circular depression. Amid the scattered dust, Wu Xingyun's confident voice rang out.


"Too slow."

Before the mechanical enemy could finish his words, Wu Xingyun stepped hard with his toes, crossed a distance of more than 20 meters in a few steps, and kicked out, breaking its neck.

"Target locked - kill."

Wu Xingyun's fierce attack could not scare the emotionless machines. The mechanical enemies quickly surrounded them from all four directions of the street.

"The robot's joints are really loose. Heroes has relaxed the level. There is no challenge at all."

After the attack, Wu Xingyun shook his head helplessly. With his current ability, it is not difficult to break the neck of the mechanical enemy, but it feels too easy to kick.

He doesn't believe that a complete robot is so fragile. It's okay that the muzzle of the arm didn't fire a bullet, but he didn't expect the joints to be loose.

Looking at the two or three-point mechanical enemies surrounding him, Wu Xingyun lost his mood. Now he can only hope that the 0-point enemy will appear.

"It's really boring. I'll finish you off in 30 seconds."

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