Toga helped Li Ri go to her room to sleep, while Wu Xingyun went to the basement. This place was dug out by him when he was developing his quirk. It was 100 meters long, 20 meters high, and had a total volume of 200,000 cubic meters.

It might not be enough for a fight, after all, it was still a little small, but it was no problem to use it to test quirks.

He mentioned earlier that he felt his quirk was not simple.

Now he may have found the reason.

Wu Xingyun came to the center of the basement and activated his quirk.

His arm was quickly covered with light patterns until it became an arm that emitted golden light from the inside out, like a golden translucent crystal. Wu Xingyun swung his palm hard.

The air seemed to ripple, and the next moment the ripples accumulated violently, and then began to fan out from the place where he swung. It did not stop even when it hit the wall, but whistled in all directions.

In the basement, which was quiet for a while, the howling wind whistled wantonly, and ordinary people could not stand steadily here.

In the dim basement, Wu Xingyun's entire body, including his clothes, was emitting light patterns. He closed his eyes and seemed to be fixed on the ground, completely unmoved by the strong wind.

「It's really not an illusion. My personality has indeed increased for no reason!"

Wu Xingyun said with certainty after opening his eyes. With the same strength, the same method, and the same full use of personality, the noise a few days ago was definitely smaller than it is now.

(Strengthening personality means multiple strengthening of various body data. The protagonist did not use full strength when waving his hands here, and it was fan-shaped, so it would not damage the basement.)

His personality is perceived by the body as water-like energy. The amount of water flow is the amount of personality that can be strengthened. I tried it today, and sure enough, it is indeed a lot more than a few days ago. Specifically, it is about 0.5 times more strengthened energy.

Originally, the body could be strengthened 20 times, but now it is 20.5 times.

「During this period of time, I have done things related to my Quirk, except for the practical test and today's Quirk test by Mr. Aizawa."

The truth is that the 0.5-fold enhancement was divided into two times. After the first practical test, the increase was too slight, so he just thought it was an illusion.

But what do these two things have to do with the growth of Quirks? He did use his Quirks, but didn't he use them more and longer during training? Why didn't the increase be so fast?

If he could figure out the reason for the 0.5-fold increase, he could become stronger quickly. Now he is still some distance away from All Might.

「There are two points that can be said to be different from training in the two events of increasing energy:」

「The first point is that in both cases, the main character or supporting character of the story was nearby and witnessed me using the personality, the causal points of the plot characters or some other mysterious energy to increase my abilities.」

「The second point is that I used my personality to be noticed by many people, and things like amazement, shock or attention increased my ability.」

「"That's right!"

Wu Xingyun suddenly remembered the awakening of his personality before his memory awakened.

He had a hard time controlling his abilities and was easily injured. When he was a child, his arm was seriously injured. The painful memory was buried deep in his memory by his original self. If he didn't think about it carefully, he wouldn't be able to recall it from the depths of his memory.

He remembered that his personality awakened very slowly at that time. After the others in the kindergarten had awakened one after another, he was the only one who hadn't awakened.

During a meeting of the whole kindergarten, he was maliciously asked this question in front of everyone by a kid who usually liked to bully others. He rushed up and grabbed the kid's clothes and threw him out like a wrestler on TV.

After that, he (the kid) thought he had awakened his personality, and happily announced in front of everyone that he had strong power. Then his hand lit up with light patterns, and then cracked open and kept bleeding. After that, he (as a child) simply fainted when he saw the blood. Afterwards, his head automatically buried this memory deep in his head and didn't think about it at all.

「Just because I think I can awaken my quirk? May your wish come true!"

After thinking for a while, Heroine Wu muttered,"Awaken a quirk like the Crystal Palace ability for me, or a quirk like the one in the anime world I created, or even the spiritual world."

After muttering for ten minutes, Heroine Wu realized that he was just being silly and stopped. He stroked his chin and thought.

「It seems that it is not going as planned, so what is the specific reason?」

「Condition: Being seen by others or characters? Something in mind? Emergency?"

It felt like she had more information, but the answer was still a little vague. After thinking for more than an hour, she still couldn't figure it out, so she gave up thinking.

「If you meet the requirements, there are still a few more times to come. If Mr. Aizawa's personality test counts, then All Might's hero basics tomorrow should also count. Let's see then.」


The next morning, whether it was when eating or going to school, Li Ri kept away from Touga. She would rather get close to Xingyun than to Touga. It seemed that she was frightened by her boldness.

The two of them kept circling around Xingyun, one chasing and the other hiding, until they arrived at school and Li Ri was caught by Touga.

After being caught, Li Ri was alert for a while, and only felt relieved when she found that the other party had restrained himself a lot outside.

Compared to yesterday, it would be more accurate to say that today is the official school day for Xiongying. Yesterday was just a test of the students' use of their personalities and that was it.

The morning was an ordinary class beyond the students' expectations. Brycent Mac's English class was disappointingly ordinary.

"U.A. also has regular courses!"

"It's so boring."

Mike's English-style inspiring speech was just like the one at the beginning of the school year. It completely failed to arouse the students' interest and the morning was spent in boredom.

By the way, Heroine Wu's strong spirit had already completed the high school courses in junior high school, and now he was studying hard on a book on human anatomy.

At noon, Heroine Wu, Toga, Li Ri, and Baymillion who came along for some reason, ate a first-class lunch prepared by the cooking hero together.

Although the other party (Bai Million) looked as if he wanted to ask her the reason for coming, Heroine Wu buried her head in her meal. Not to mention that guessing a girl's thoughts was a very troublesome thing.

Now he had more important things to think about. The hero basics class in the afternoon was... When verifying his guess last night, he had to find out what was different and keep his spirits up. At this time, he didn't have the mind to play with Bawanbai.

Yes! That's right, for Bawanbai, it was a play. As a young lady, she was very knowledgeable. Except for medical knowledge of the human body, she was better than him (his written test score was second and hers was first), but she was too simple.

She was well-educated and had never learned or been exposed to some side knowledge. She couldn't say dirty words. Facing her was like Du I facing Li Ri. Three words, I was defeated.

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