「That's even more detailed than I thought..."

His face was frozen for a while, All Might laughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, and quickly started a new draw,"This time the two teams competing are Group I and Group H."

"Group I is the hero, Group H is the enemy"

"Let's give everyone a big surprise!" Patting Xincao's shoulder, Wu Xingyun gave a thumbs up.

"No problem," Shinso said confidently as he walked outside,"Leave it to me."

The second battle between Shinso + Kirishima Eijiro vs Ashido Sankai + Shojimezo, contrary to most people's expectations, ended quickly.

"What happened?

Seeing Xincao winning by touching the model and bypassing the blind H team, Shangming Denki was completely confused and had no choice but to ask others.

How could others know this? They all looked at Wu Xingyun who knew the answer.

"Wouldn't it be better to wait for him to come back and explain it to you?" Wu Xingyun smiled and replied mysteriously.

Eight Million, who was waiting for the answer, didn't expect to get this answer. He bit his nails in anger,"Mysterious bastard."

About a few minutes later——

"I was careless. I didn't expect this kind of personality."

"Shinso, I didn't expect you to have such a strong personality. I told you my personality. Damn, you treated me to dinner tonight."

"Yes, it's too abominable. I lost before I could react. Please treat me."

"No problem, I'll treat you to dinner."

Before they even entered the room, the others heard this conversation and couldn't help but become more curious about Shinso's personality.


When Xin Cao came in, the curious classmates pulled him aside to ask questions, and then they were greatly shocked.

"Damn, you have such a strong personality. How can I win against you?"

「It's great to be in the hero department. The attitudes of the people there are completely different from those in junior high school. Even a brainwashed person can be a hero.」

"Okay, let's leave the discussion about Shinso's personality for next time, and move on to the next competition."

The third competition was between Group A and Group C. Just like the second competition, there was nothing much to say. Todoroki Shoto went out alone and froze the entire building. Kaminari and Mitsuki were killed before they even started, and Aoyama Yuya watched the whole thing.

The fourth competition still didn't involve Hero Wu, so Group J faced Group E. This time, both sides fought back and forth, but unfortunately the enemy group was defeated by the hero group's Uraraka. What

Frogfuki Meiyu and Kakudori Bonnie didn't expect was that the person they had fought with in turn was the same person.

"Finally here."

Watching the four people leave, especially Wu Xingyun, everyone stared at the screen. From the previous personality test, they could find that the other party was impeccable in all aspects. Now was the time to collect his information.

Who among those who passed the hero course didn't want to win first place? How could they be willing to lose to the other party all the time? With this thought in mind, even Midoriya, who had just finished his treatment at the recovery girl's place, gritted his teeth and rushed over.

"The opponent's strength, speed, physique, etc. are all exceptionally good, and his personality has been developed in every aspect. Although we are very unwilling, we can't beat him. The most important thing now is to delay time."

Yamo Momo, who created the iron bars to block the door, reinforced the defense while telling Sero Nobuta his opinion,"After listening to my analysis of the first group, the opponent should not use a large-scale attack. After all, there is a"nuclear bomb" here."

"You are right, what we need to do now is defense, right!" He nodded, and naturally trusted the analysis of the academic master,"Then what should I do?"

"Take advantage of this time before the game starts and use your tape quirk to seal the window. It is possible that the opponent's jumping power can enter through the window. The quirk I created does not allow enough time to seal it."

Monitoring room -

Izuku Midoriya, who has just returned from treatment, is also constantly analyzing,"What Mr. Yamiyomi said makes sense. The most important thing now is to narrow the gap between the two sides as much as possible during this time before the game starts."

"So what will the other party do in this situation?"

While everyone was waiting for Wu Xingyun to attack, he stood at the door with his eyes closed, with no intention of going in.

"It is indeed increasing slowly, but what is going on?"

Originally I thought I could find the reason by paying close attention, but after feeling it for a while I found that some things were still unclear.

One of the only conditions to determine the activation of the true personality is to be noticed by others or by important people, either in quantity or quality.

But in this case, the actual test is a little uncertain. It seems that All Might was also an examiner at that time, so why was the increase in energy not as much as in the later personality tests?


A name flashed through my mind and instantly answered my doubts.

All Might was probably only paying attention to Midoriya at that time.

After all, his actual test performance before the last moment was not an ordinary dish.

It makes sense after the conditions are met, but thinking about it this way, you can find that All Might's weight is really terrible.

During the practical test, I believe that the teachers and students who paid attention to him in his area were not as important as All Might in judging by their hidden personalities.

He is indeed worthy of being the"Symbol of Peace" of a country, and the name is not for nothing.

"Wu! Have you considered the method?"

Wu Xingyun's ears quietly climbed up the light pattern and listened for a while. He opened his eyes and nodded to Wei Bai, indicating that he had already considered it. Then he took the lead and walked in without revealing the fact that he was distracted.

"Are we going to break through from the front?"

"Walking slowly is really leisurely!"

Midoriya and Bakugo's words are as polarized as ever, but no one cares about them, they just stare at the screen

"Ah! We have reached the next floor."

I originally thought that the enemy entered from the front of the door, but I didn't expect that Wu Xingyun and the others only walked to the next floor of the enemy group.

"Did you make a wrong judgment?" Shangming Electric asked curiously.

"Neither of them has the right personality for investigation," Erlang Xiangxiang rolled up the earphone wire with his fingers and thought,"It's possible that they made a wrong judgment."

"No," Bakugo, who was leaning against the corner, widened his eyes,"Look carefully at the route he took."

With his arms folded, Todoroki analyzed,"The other party didn't stop at all, and went directly to the 4th floor (the nuclear bomb is on the 5th floor). It's obvious that he has a purpose."

As if thinking of something, Midoriya took out the backup plan of the building in the monitoring room,"Found it, the place where Wu-kun is going is right below the nuclear bomb"

"Are we going to attack from below? But if we remove the training concept, this will be very dangerous for nuclear bombs."

"Wu Jun should have considered this."Luo Gu could only say this, but he didn't know the specific method.


"Where is this place?"

Coming to the empty room, Tail White Monkey asked in confusion.

"Right below the nuclear bomb."

After answering, Wu Xingyun moved his ears, made his hands into a palm-knife shape, and jumped up. The next moment, his hands, which were shining with golden light, waved quickly at the cement on the ceiling of the room.

"What are you doing..."

Before the White Ape Man could ask a question while looking at Wu Xingyun falling to the ground, two stones with a bottom area of 1 square meter fell down, followed by two screams from a man and a woman.

"My lovely lady, I won."

Before she could figure out the situation, the lady of the Eight Million Family, who was held in a princess hug after weightlessness, subconsciously wanted to say thank you, but she heard such an annoying voice.

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