"Is the length of the minefield about 150 meters?"

He visually judged the length of the third difficulty and did a little calculation. An idea came to his mind. Under the watchful eyes of all the spectators, Wu Xingyun, who was about to reach the third difficulty area, not only did not slow down, but sped up instead.

"What is he going to do?"

Then, in the midst of all the doubts, Wu Xingyun jumped up again, and the distance of 30 meters passed in a flash.

It was a long jump, but it was far from enough. If he landed at this distance, the huge shock would trigger a chain reaction!

Just as they were thinking this, they saw Wu Xingyun's different actions.

「That's right, if I land directly, the chain explosion will be very embarrassing, but who said I'm going to land."

He straightened his body and flipped in the air. When he was about 2 meters above the ground, he used his arm to strengthen 10 times and punched a little bit below his body.

"I borrowed the mines to use."

The huge fist wind detonated all the mines about 5 meters away from where his fist was aimed. The force of the fist wind and the blast pushed Wu Xingyun to the exit of the third level, about 20 to 30 meters away.

After repeating this action, Wu Xingyun easily passed the third level, still relaxed and cool.


The audience cheered again

"Cleared the level, passed it easily. Hero Wu once again proved that no difficulty could stop him. Although he had not yet arrived at the venue, he would definitely be the first place."

Hearing Teacher Mike's constant exclamations, all the students who were still on the track felt their hearts sink. The gap between them and the first place was so huge!


Hong, who had just reached the third level, piled up the ice and looked down from above, but could only see a fleeting figure at the entrance of the stadium in the distance.

"The difference in mobility is so huge!"With a powerful swing at the entrance, he built a huge wall of ice, sighed, and rushed through the third level directly on the ice road. Although this may cause convenience to others, it is more important than the second place.

After hearing that the first place was almost confirmed, Bakugou's expression sank.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong? You look like you're going to give up?"Mukan, who had been following Bakugo all the way, felt his heart sink when he heard this. After all, he changed his strategy to win first place. But even though he felt uncomfortable, he couldn't help but mock others because he liked to mock others.

"You weird bastard, you have been using my personality for so long, you should have discovered that it is because of the time you have used it…" After using it for so long, Wu Jian certainly understood,"Yes, your personality is very good. As your physical strength is depleted and your hands sweat more, your personality will perform better than at the beginning.""

"Now that I understand the situation, I've spent a lot of time with you. Goodbye, bastard."

Sparks flashed in his hands, and as soon as he finished speaking, a huge explosion occurred in Bakugou's hands, quickly pulling the distance between the two of them.


Wu Jian, whose face was covered with the blast, tried to catch up, but was surprised to find that he could not catch up at all.

"It’s because of the previous reason!"

Suddenly, Wu Jian remembered what he saw when he copied the opponent’s personality before the game started,"Warm-up then was to prepare for now!" It was no use to figure out the reason. Wu Jian could only try his best to catch up but watched it go farther and farther away. He gritted his teeth helplessly.

The rankings did not change much afterwards. Although the third level was blocked by Todoroki’s ice wall, he was in a hurry to leave and did not make it thick enough. He was kicked by Midoriya who had to walk on the ground among the top few.

After that, the entire third level had Todoroki’s ice road again, and the bombs that covered the field had no effect at all.

The rankings from the front to the back are: Wu Xingyun, Todoroki, Bakugo, Wu Jian, Uraraka, Wataru, Midoriya, Shiozaki Ibara, Yamiyomi, Iida, etc.

Except for the top ten who are almost all members of Class A, the rankings after that are... Class A also has the advantage, and Kamina and Shinso are worth mentioning.

Let's talk about Kamina first. He had a good chance of being in the top ten, but unfortunately he was careless at the beginning and suffered a minor injury to his foot. He fell from the front to more than 30 places at the back, and his result was even worse than the original plot.

The other one is Shinso, whose personality has no bonus to mobility, and he came in 15th place. The reason is that he simply chickened out at the entrance to the second difficult level.

Because of the pinched throat, even some people in Class A were unexpectedly controlled. Relying on this operation, he has widened the gap with others. Now the discussion heat is no less than that of the top ten.


Everyone who returned to the competition field looked at Wu Xingyun, who had already been standing in the field, with complicated eyes. Now they all understood the opponent's ability and why he was so confident when he made the statement.

If he didn't defeat the opponent in this sports festival, there would be no hope for the first place. Just like he said, he was the one standing at the top and being challenged.

"Well, the first match is over, now let's take a look at the rankings."From the rankings on the virtual screen, it can be seen that 40 out of the 42 who passed the first match are from the Hero Department. This is normal, after all, the Hero Department has physical fitness, personality, combat and other training every day.

Although they can't fight each other in the first match, the Hero Department has the upper hand just based on physical strength.

The other two are Fa Muming from the Support Department and a lucky member of the Ordinary Department. This is what Wu Xingyun, who has been standing in the stadium for a long time, saw through the screen.

"Congratulations to the 42 selected students on the screen. Now it’s time to enter the finals. The media will also go crazy for your performance. Now, the second project."

"Although I already knew it," Midnight kept stirring up the students' nervousness as the options were refreshed frantically,"but I still want to keep it a secret, what exactly is it?"

"As soon as the voice fell, it was it."Put on the glasses on the head, waved his hand, and said,"City Chase Battle"

「It's different from before!"

Of course, this was just the surprise of seeing a different development, and it was far from making him panic. After all, his ability was real, and changing the plot would not make him lose his advantage.

"In a city, everyone has a score corresponding to their ranking in the first game, and your goal is to take away the opponent's badge with the score without destroying the city."

After the competition items were announced, Midnight began to explain the rules of the game,"It doesn't count as a loss if the badge is taken away. As long as you rank in the top 16 in the total score within the two-hour competition time, you can continue to participate in the third game."

"You can run away or fight, you can play alone or in a team, you can decide the distribution method freely, and you can also attack from behind, but remember that you will be disqualified if you deliberately use heavy hands, and the degree of damage to the city will be deducted from the score you get."

"It's a free-for-all brawl between forty-two people. Even if forty-one people attack one person together, it won't be a problem."

This extremely inspiring sentence made the forty-one people subconsciously look at Wu Xingyun.

"I'm looking forward to it!"

In response, Heroine Wu still had a slight smile on her face, which did not change despite midnight's incitement and the gazes of all the contestants.

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