"If it was Izuku Midoriya, he would have stopped it!"

It is certain that he would have chosen"U.E." in high school, but that does not mean that his philosophy is the same as his.

「"Human traffickers" and"rapists" are the two types of criminals he hates the most, and they are also the ones he believes there is no need to forgive, even if the crime is attempted. So even if he guessed what Toga was going to do, he didn't stop him.

He doesn't have the idea of not killing heroes. Of course, heroes can't consider holding back in battle, but their fighting style is generally much gentler than that of the enemy.

About 2 minutes later, footsteps were heard in the alley.

As he expected, Toga came out of the alley with a bloody knife in his hand, looking straight at him, with a bright red on his lips.

""Let's go."

Without asking her anything, Wu Xingyun said directly.

He had no obligation to save that rubbish. It would be better if he died. Besides, although he had knocked the man unconscious by surprise, he could not guarantee that the man would remember his voice. If other people knew about it, it would be very troublesome.

"Is that your reaction?"

Watari was so shocked that her knife dropped to the ground. She didn't think the other party couldn't guess it, but she didn't expect that this guy who called himself a"reserve hero" didn't care at all. Now she was a little suspicious about who was the bad guy.

"Although I want to be a hero, I don't think that everyone should be protected or that trash should be swept into the trash."

"Then I…" Du opened his mouth as if to ask him what he thought of his abnormality (blood sucking), whether being different from society meant that he would not be understood or liked by others.

""Let's go!"

Looking up, he said with a smile under the bright lights outside the alley, and the palm he stretched out was a palm that understood and didn't care about abnormalities, and recognized her hobbies.

Her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and at this moment she felt very-happy.

Licking the red at the corner of her mouth, Duwo leaped and grabbed his hand, as if she was afraid that the person in front of her would disappear, and took the other's whole hand in her arms.

"You are so interesting, totally different from others."

"What's interesting about this? It's just my own opinion."

"You said you would support me, right?"

"You got it wrong. I'm saying I'm giving you a place to live! You have to pay the rent."

"What a pity~ I could do that... oh!"

He walked in front of Heroine Wu and stopped. He touched his lips with his finger and followed the gravity to move his finger downwards. The curves of his body were faintly visible under his slender fingertips. He turned a blind eye to the temptation of blushing and heartbeating for boys. Compared with the previous film materials, the joke was nothing. He was not a pure boy. He didn't even blush.

"I'm looking forward to it"


After getting the money and having a meal with Duwo, Heroine Wu went straight home, while Duwo left to get his luggage.

"I'm back."

Wu Xingyun said this habitually. He washed up, bandaged his arm, and took out his notebook. As the saying goes: a good memory is not as good as a bad pen, and on paper, he can better plan the various training courses before the exam.

His physical fitness is still good now. He had some physical exercise in his previous life. He estimated that his physical strength at this time was about the same as that of Midoriya's three or four months of training in October.

「The class starts at 8:40 in the morning, so

Wu Xingyun picked up the mechanical pencil and wrote down the time of 6:00 on the first line of the blank page.

「I get up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and except for eating and resting, I use the time until class to do basic physical exercises."

Quirkhood is a part of the body. If the body is strong, the personality will also become strong. It is no exaggeration to say that the body is the cornerstone of personality.

Just like the eighth-generation"OneForAll" inheritor All Might, Heroine Wu believes that his strong body is a big reason for his strong body. In the plot, All Might is still strong without his Quirk. He suspects that his continuous weakening is not due to the loss of his Quirk, but physical injuries.

If the body can recover, even if the Quirk is passed on to Midoriya, All Might can become strong again.


Today is the end of the second semester in Japan, and tomorrow is the beginning of winter vacation. You can use the two weeks to exercise, but you have to choose the right place.

In my previous life, when I was watching anime, I found the rule that you cannot use your Quirks outside except for heroes, otherwise it is illegal, very annoying. This not only reduces the frequency of the public's use of Quirks and increases the cost of crime, but also makes it very troublesome for some people to exercise.

Originally, it would be best to exercise in the school gymnasium, playground, etc., but the annoying thing is that the rule prohibits the use of Quirks in all schools, except for some high schools with hero departments, and no junior high school has a hero department, which makes it impossible to practice Quirks in school.

This rule makes it impossible for people like him to exercise at home. School is not allowed, and public places such as gymnasiums are not allowed. If you want to exercise your Quirk, you can only find some remote and sparsely populated places... He couldn't help but say"fuck"」

「The seaside park in the plot is a bit far from where I live, so I have to find another place... I got it, there is a small hill near the sea 5 kilometers away, there are not many people nearby, it is perfect for exercise." After choosing the location, the next step is to think about ways to exercise your personality.

Regarding this, Wu Xingyun, whose imagination is far better than that of this world, has no worries. There are many ways, the important thing is which one is the most efficient.

「In addition to the control that all personalities need to exercise, the"strengthening" personality also needs to train concentration. In his opinion, another important point is concentration.

Regarding concentration, unlike Tongxing Baiwan's personality, he needs to predict and then let a certain part of his body penetrate the enemy's attack. Wu Xingyun needs to concentrate quickly to quickly strengthen the part he needs.

For example, two identical guns are stabbing at the arms of Wu Xingyun and Tongxing Baiwan. Tongxing Baiwan's personality allows him to invalidate the attack on the arm with just a thought. After all, his personality is difficult to use because he needs to judge whether the part of his body needs to be penetrated, not because it is difficult to activate.

Wu Xingyun is different. When the gun stabs his arm, he needs to activate his personality to perfectly block the attack (without dodging), so he needs to strengthen the inside and outside of his arm. More importantly, he needs to use strong concentration to activate the personality safely and effectively.

Of course, this does not mean that he does not need the ability to predict, but the focus is different. Control, concentration, reaction ability, predictive ability, etc. are all needed by everyone who wants to become a strong person.

「The training of concentration is classified as spiritual. I don't know martial arts, magic, scientific methods, etc. in this area, but the use of soul ability can be a good way to train all aspects of the spirit. If you can develop branch abilities such as spatial perception from it, your prediction can also soar in an instant. After all, what else do you know when you turn on the map cheat?」

「The control of the quirk can be achieved with a low amount, like Midoriya's later 100% mode. If the strengthening is not in place, such a small amount will not cause any harm to the body. The only thing to note is that when you first start training with this method, you must be careful not to accidentally increase the amount of strengthening.」

「After the initial period of time, you can switch from strengthening the surface to strengthening the lines, points, etc.…」

「I also need to read the various books on human anatomy that my predecessor bought. Knowledge has a great impact on my personality."

Thinking about the problem of ability, Wu Xingyun kept recording, and soon he had filled several pages with content.

PS:「There is no detailed classification of the strength of the"My Heroes" world, so I will use student level, professional level, national level, and world level to calculate.

10,000-word update, please support

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