When he saw Midnight leave the referee's position to avoid the aftermath, Principal Mouse gave an order to the teacher next to him:

"Everyone, please stand around the ring. It looks like the aftermath of the two students will be getting bigger and bigger, and may threaten the audience from behind. I need you to stand in front of the audience and block all kinds of aftermath from 360 degrees."


After hearing this order, the classroom, which had originally felt that the battle scene was a bit big, immediately responded

"And All Might, you should go too, as the last defense.

After thinking for a while, Principal Mouse said to All Might

"Okay, Mr. Principal."


""Hey, what do the teachers of Yuei want to do?"

Although most people were attracted by the fight between the students on the field, there were some more careful people in the audience. They looked at the classroom from the underground entrance curiously, and stood under the wall in front of the seats to form a circle around the arena.

Shojimezo was such a person. He asked curiously,"What do the teachers want to do?"

"What?" The students nearby were also attracted by his words and looked over.

"Hey! Really? Even All Might is here!"Grape said in surprise

"It was their exaggerated fight, I just felt a small piece of ice hit my shoe, if the fight was more exaggerated, would it affect the audience?"

Holding his chin, Wujian thought for a while, suddenly turned his head and looked at the ring and said

"No way! The closest one to the ring is fifty meters away!" After comparing the distance, Tiezhe said in disbelief, and some people nodded in agreement.


Pointing at the ring that had split into four pieces, Wu Jian said nothing more. This kind of battle would be even more exaggerated. It would be impossible for it to affect the audience.


Looking at the cracked arena during the fight, those who doubted it were speechless. It seemed that the situation was likely to affect the audience.


"Boom! This is my last and strongest attack. If you can take it, you will win."

The shadow's body was rippled and the arms swung back gathered together. The right claw was visible to the naked eye, and it was getting bigger and bigger. If the arm was ten meters long and three or four meters wide at the largest point before, it was now twice as big as before.

Even if the black giant claw was lying on the ring, it was a huge impact for Boom who was watching from a close distance. He knew that if he used the freezing strength he had used to deal with Chang An before, he would definitely lose here.

"Ha…ha…I’m on it.

" He was already using his Quirk at full power, and now with the addition of the mutation, his stamina was being consumed even more.

But Chang An didn’t care.

This was the final blow, and if he couldn’t beat the opponent, it didn’t matter whether he had saved his stamina or not.

The huge claws just lifted up, and a wave of air was rolled up.

When he raised it high and swung it down with force, the air around him was quickly pushed away, making the referee nearby unable to open his eyes.

""Great Chang An, I'm also going all out."

Looking at the giant claws that were like meteorites falling from the sky, Hong sighed, and the flames dissipated from his body, but he did not stop using them. Instead, he used them on his right side to eliminate the side effects of using his Ice Personality at full power. His right half of the body was almost covered in frost, and then Hong swung his hand upwards towards the falling giant claws.

It was like a super-fast ice tower being pushed hard from the ground, breaking through the air and the frozen earth and soaring into the sky.


"Everyone, pay attention, a huge aftermath is coming." Principal Mouse, who was looking down from the teacher's seat, had his pupils shrank, and a hurried voice rang through the earphones in the ears of all the teachers who were preparing for the aftermath.

"Yes. Everyone said solemnly



It was like the collision of heaven and earth. From the center of the collision, a circular storm spread out.

Claws, ice towers, and arenas were all pushed aside by the storm, and even people were swept away.

""Guard against it."

The teachers, who were always on the lookout, jumped up one after another and activated their quirks to block the huge ice and rocks that were flying towards them.


After being startled by the possible aftermath, all the audience quickly looked towards the field. Although the aftermath was terrible, it was not affected. It was very sad that the center of this superhuman society was not big.

"The arena was filled with smoke and frost, and it was hard to see clearly. It was doubtful whether the arena was still there. The situation was starting to become clear. The winner was... Hey, a round piece of ice. The situation on the field was a bit confusing. The arena had broken into pieces, and the only piece of the arena that was still standing was covered by a semicircular piece of ice, so it was hard to see what was inside.


Just as everyone was puzzled, cracks began to appear on the surface of the ice, and then a huge object appeared from inside, pushing the ice away.

"There is only Hong in the ring, then——!"

At the beginning, they were attracted by the ring and subconsciously ignored the positions off the ring. Now that there is one person on the ring, it is not difficult to imagine that the other person is blown by the wind.

"Oh, I see. The place where Chang An was blown away was actually where All Might was, and he fainted directly. It seems that he has no ability to fight. So the winner is Todoroki Shoto."


"It seems that the wind has blown it, and the ring is broken, so it can't use claws to slow down like it did when it defeated Kirishima. What a pity."

Looking at Chang An's various operations, Shang Ming, who thought he could counterattack one of the top students in the class, said with some regret.

"Idiot face, don't you understand? Even if there is a ring to slow down the opponent, he will definitely lose."Bakugo held his chin up and taunted Kaminari.

"Eh! Is that so!?"Looking at Bakugo, Kaminari said in surprise. As for the other party's ridicule, he didn't care about it after hearing it so many times. Anyway, it's good to know that he is not an idiot (confident face)


Seeing that Bakugo had no intention of explaining, Midoriya continued,"From the situation of the two, Todoroki-kun still has a lot of physical strength, while Tomo-kun fainted directly. It can be seen that the other party cannot win even if they are still in the ring."

"But wasn't Chang An knocked unconscious by the wind?"Pointing at Chang An who was carried away by the ambulance robot, Shang Ming said unconvincedly

"Chang An-kun did not hit the wall. All Might did not pick him up when he hit the wall and fainted. Instead, he picked up Chang An-kun who fainted in the air."

"So that's how it is." Shangming pounded his fist and suddenly realized.

""You should have realized it earlier, idiot. How could All Might not catch someone flying towards him?"

Bakugou cursed in a low voice as he looked at All Might's back.

「Another European fan!"

Wu Xingyun glanced at him and looked towards the ring with a smile.

Without hearing Bakugo's whispered words, Kamimura asked curiously,"Bakugo and Wu, aren't you two going to the next game? Don't you have to go to the center of the field?""


Bakugo was too lazy to answer this question.

"Hey, why are you scolding me again? The next match is indeed between you two!" Kamimura was really angry. He would be unhappy if he was scolded for no reason.

Quietly taking off Kamimura's clothes, Midoriya pointed at the broken ring and whispered,"Kaminari-kun's ring is gone, so of course the match will be suspended for a while."

"……"Kaminari stood up and waved his hands, but suddenly his body froze, and he didn't know where to look.

"Idiot face."

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