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"Hey, kid over there, the exit is on the other side, and children have to be checked too."

A samurai holding a steam gun warned Wuming, but before he could show off for a few seconds, Wuming, who was holding a kendama, showed off his skills.

"Sorry, we have important guests today. You guys will entertain these two. I'll go first."

Seeing the warrior getting angry, Sichuan Fang Jian said something polite, gave his daughter some instructions, and quickly walked over.

"I'm sorry my father is busy today."Acorus said to the two of them embarrassedly.

"It's okay, we don't have anything to do anyway, so we might as well entertain others first."

Asuna breathed a sigh of relief immediately. The Sichuan Fang Jian general was much calmer than Acorus at first glance. She was not sure if she could fool him, so it would be better to ignore them now.


Just as the group was about to leave, a scream of fear attracted everyone's attention, and then a man wearing only the underwear of this era (hereinafter referred to as the underwear man) ran out of the monitoring carriage.

"Kabane, he is Kabane, with wounds on his body."

The supervising samurai shouted, and the steam craftsmen and samurai nearby were shaken and terrified when they heard this.

"No, I'm not Kabane"


"Don't let him run away, catch him."

Seeing that the man still chose to run away under the orders of the warriors, Sichuan Fang Jian decisively issued an order that such a panicked man was even more suspicious and must not be let go.

"Lost my cool!"

"Yes, if he hadn't been running around, in fact, if he was found with a wound in the carriage, the most he would have done was to lock him up and monitor him for three days."Jiuzhi Laiqi agreed.

In the context of Kabane, people are always very nervous about the wounds they find, and no one knows whether it is caused by Kabane.

Therefore, if your injury is not caused by Kabane, you must not lose your composure.

After all, others don't know whether you are injured by Kabane.

If you lose your composure and run away, they will think that you were bitten by Kabane and you don't want to be executed so you run away.

In this way, for the safety of your living place and your own life, you will naturally attack the other party desperately.

Of course, what Wu Xingyun said includes both parties, not only the people who escaped, but also the warriors who were chasing and blocking them were a little crazy, and the calmness in their eyes was constantly decreasing. He started to enjoy himself by relying on the fortress. He is really not qualified as a soldier. What a deformed society!

After all, he ran around in panic. After a while, the man in underwear fell to the ground and was surrounded by the warriors. When he was about to shoot, Ikoma rushed up.

"Stop it, coward."

Oh, you don't know how to judge the situation at all!

The other party (the warrior) was about to lose his temper. If you want to stop something, you should consider the way you speak. If you know that the other party is a coward and still say it, won't it force the other party to explode?

Sure enough, even if he explained the reason, the warriors didn't intend to listen to him at the beginning. They beat him up with a rifle butt.

After losing their cool, they didn't even know which one they wanted!

Looking at the underwear man who started to get up, he thought for a while and went over.

He tripped the other party with one foot and stepped directly on his back to prevent him from running around again.

"Idiots, don't you know which one is more important?"

Seeing this, Sichuan Fang Jian yelled at the samurai who were beating up Ikoma and questioning him why he was collecting Kabane's things.


As the fight was in pain, the warriors turned around and saw Wu Xingyun who had stopped the man in underwear from escaping. They immediately bowed their heads and apologized to Sichuan General Fang Jian,"I'm very sorry, Lord Sichuan Fang."

"Idiot, if it weren't for this warrior guarding them, all of them would have been run away."

When Sichuan Fang Jian had scolded enough, Wu Xingyun put on the teacher's concept and said,"Master Sichuan Fang, please listen to me."

"Please go ahead." Apart from Wu Xingyun's good impression of stopping the man in underwear from escaping, even if this had not happened, Sichuan Fang Jian would have listened to it out of the inexplicable feeling that he should listen.

"Although the steam worker's first sentence was wrong, the samurai who bowed his head immediately felt a sense of favor as soon as he said this. He was a good man. He not only stopped the underwear man who was attacked by Kabane (their perception), but also spoke their mind.

They were only worried about the underwear man who was infected with the Kabane virus, not afraid that the other party would become a coward of Kabane.

There was no reflection at all.

Looking at the unconvinced expression on the face of Ikoma who fell to the ground with his head in his hands, Wu Xingyun shook his head and continued,"Well, with the teacher's concept

"There must be a doctor here. Let him check on this person who has lost his composure. This way we can know if he has been bitten. If not, we can send someone to watch over him for three days."

"If nothing happened, it would show the mercy of Lord Fang from Sichuan. After all, he had escaped, so he deserved to be executed. If something happened, Kabane in prison would not be a match for the fully armed samurai."The whole conversation was very beautiful, and both the generals and the samurai felt comfortable. He also considered all the situations for them, and they were very satisfied.

"Very good, I'll do it according to your method," nodded with satisfaction, Jian Jiang compared himself with his stupid warrior and shouted,"What are you still watching? Tie him up, gag him, and call a doctor."

""Yes." The warrior stood up straight and answered, then quickly found his tools. As they passed by, they all cast grateful glances at Wu Xingyun.

"I didn't say...——!"


He stepped on Ikoma's head to stop him from speaking. Heroine Wu didn't know whether he was brave or reckless. Was he trying to force the warrior to kill him and then die to prove his loyalty?

"As for this person, I'll leave it to Lord Fang from Sichuan. After all, he is under your rule. I think it's better to leave it to you to decide how to deal with him."


" Listen to this, this is how people talk, okay!

General Fang Jian of Sichuan was very satisfied after hearing this, and his murderous intent towards the green-haired idiot who fell to the ground was much less, and he ordered,"Put him in jail (mama hello), he is suspected of being a Kabane.

" After dealing with the green-haired boy, General Fang Jian of Sichuan looked at Wu Xingyun, then at Acorus, and then at Asuna, feeling sorry in his heart, looking at the daughter of the Yuki family, her eyes also showed concern for this person.

She is calm, capable, and very strong in martial arts. If she was not a samurai of the daughter of the Yuki family, it would be great to call her over to be with Acorus, and then there would be no need to worry about the daughter not being able to suppress those old people when she gets old.

Shaking his head regretfully, General Fang Jian of Sichuan said enthusiastically,"I have to talk to Lord Siwen about important matters next, but we will have a good talk afterwards. I am very interested in you"

"It's an honor."

The old man smiled strangely. What did he want to do?

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