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"Ah - let go, let go."

The middle-aged man had no time to answer Wu Xingyun's words. He just felt as if his wrist was clamped by a pair of pliers, and he burst into tears in pain.

"Rubbish, get out of here."

Looking at this disgusting appearance, Wu Xingyun showed a trace of disgust on his face, grabbed the other person's wrist tightly, and threw it against the side wall.

""Pah—Wow, ah..."

In order to prevent the two girls behind him from seeing the ugly scene, Wu Xingyun controlled his strength a little bit, and just let him stick to the stone wall with a"Pah" sound, and fainted instantly. Of course, he couldn't guarantee whether he had a concussion or not.

"Are you okay, Asuna?"After dealing with the large piece of garbage, Wu Xingyun quickly turned around and grabbed Asuna's shoulders, asking worriedly.

"Xingyun, um……"

Seeing Xingyun appear in front of her in time, Yasina, who had hardly seen such a situation, felt relieved. Then she threw herself into Wu Xingyun's arms and sobbed softly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Holding the crying person, Wu Xingyun gently stroked her back and said in a soft voice to comfort her.

"That's great, Asuna-chan."

Looking at the intimate scene between the two, Acorus bit her lips and said with envy. She also wished that in times of crisis, Heroine Wu would come out to protect her like this.


After a short pause, the scarf men immediately shouted with ferocious faces,"You little brat, do you know what you have done? What are you looking at, warriors? Go!"

In response, all the warriors just watched quietly, and had no intention of listening to them. Under the decisive rule of Jianjiang, all the warriors of the power class of Xianjinyi were directly subordinate to and loyal to the Fang family in Sichuan.

As officials of the territory, the family elders (scarf men) had some command power, but after despising their young master (Acorus), they still wanted them to obey them. Dream on.

"What did you do? Shouldn't I blame you? Lord Jian had just left for a while, and you started to resist Lord Acorus and attack Lord Acorus's friends. Do you want to die?"

Jiuzhi Laiqi, who came a step later, picked up the steam gun and directly pointed it at one of the elders, and asked fiercely


The samurai, who had long been dissatisfied with the family elders who kept making things difficult for Lord Ayame, immediately raised their steam guns and turned on the steam guns to aim at them.

"I…,"Being pointed at by several guns, their bodies froze and they fell to the ground in fear. Then they immediately tried desperately to explain,"No, I'm not, that's right... It was all instigated by that guy. It has nothing to do with us."

The elders who were almost scared to death tried their best to explain, but they found that the samurai's guns were still pointed at them. One of them suddenly had an idea and pointed at the unconscious middle-aged man and started to shirk responsibility.

"Yes, yes, it was him. He was the one who instigated us."

"That's right, we did this because we listened to him."

"Lord Acorus, you have to believe us!"

Several other elders immediately came forward and threw all kinds of dirty water on him. Anyway, he had fainted and would not refute, so it was perfect for him to get out of this situation.

"Lord Acorus, please give the order."

Jiuzhi Laiqi didn't care what they said and asked Acorus. It was estimated that as long as she gave the order, it would be no problem to beat all the elders to death.


Chang Pu had never faced such a life-or-death situation before. In panic, she subconsciously looked at Wu Xingyun beside her.

Noticing Chang Pu's gaze, and hating that scumbag very much, Wu Xingyun thought for a moment, reached out and touched Chang Pu's head, and said softly:

"The journey ahead will not be easy. You must establish your authority and not let anyone dare to challenge you."

It is good to directly tell her your method, but giving her some suggestions and letting her think for herself will be better for Chang Pu's growth.

Of course, if Chang Pu is soft-hearted and lets the mastermind go, Wu Xingyun will use other methods to make the other party accidentally lose his life.

"Ah, okay."

When Wu Xingyun touched her head, Chang Pu lowered her head in joy and replied with a hint of shyness.

When Wu Xingyun withdrew his hand, Chang Pu showed a trace of regret on her face, and then said seriously



"Execute the clan elder who was the mastermind, and the other clan elders will be stripped of their clan elder status and demoted to civilians for being complicit, and will be placed under surveillance for a period of time. If they do anything unbecoming of civilians, they will be killed without mercy."

Clenching her fists, Acorus reluctantly turned her head away. Although she felt a little soft-hearted, she was still determined to act. Her actions gave her the best advice. If she still couldn't satisfy the other party, there would be some cracks in their relationship in the future........

Recalling the head-patting just now, Ayame definitely didn't want this to become the most intimate behavior between the two. Although the other party already had Asuna, if he tried hard, it shouldn't be a problem to add her.

After all, the situation in Hinomoto is very critical, and a good man needs more wives.


Kurisu was a little sad to see Lord Ayame's feelings for Lord Mu, but fortunately he had always been guarding his identity as a samurai, and in his heart he regarded Ayame as a sister at most.

Following such a powerful person as Lord Mu, Lord Ayame will surely be very safe and happy in the future, and this is enough for him as a subordinate samurai.

Especially in such a short period of time, Lord Ayame has grown up. As a samurai/brother, what else is there to be dissatisfied with? He stood up and replied solemnly.

The middle-aged man who was seeking death was dragged to a corner by the samurai while he was unconscious. The ending seemed to be doomed, and the elders were also deprived of the purple scarves that symbolized their identity and rushed back to the civilian group.

"What should we do next?"After hugging for a while, Asuna regained her composure and left Wu Xingyun's arms with a red face, and asked.

Ayame, Kurusu and the samurai also subconsciously looked at Wu Xingyun. Not to mention Ayame who had developed feelings for him, and Kurusu who admired him, the samurai also regarded him as the future master of Sichuan Fang Family because of the underwear man and what happened just now.

"Yes, if we don't make a decision quickly, more and more people will gather in Ka4.2."

Ayame was both happy and shy at the samurai's ambiguous gaze, and could only ask with a blushing face

"It's very simple. There are not even half a hundred Kabane, so it's easy to deal with them."

Pulling out the sword from his waist, Wu Xingyun looked at Wuming who had changed into combat uniform and invited him,"Wuming, do you want to compete to see who can kill more Kabane?"

"Oh, sure, I also want to see who is better between the two of us."

Picking up the steam short cylinder, Wuming also became interested.

"Then, 3, 2, 1... the game begins."

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